Block Vision - DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival GitHub Wiki
A block vision is a modifier with a duration which marks the specified blocks. The following display types currently exist:
: Draws an outline around the block and is visible through other blocksparticles
: Creates particles around the block
- Duration Instance Base
- Block: A block, list of blocks or a block tag
- Level Based Value
- Text Color: Either known Minecraft colors or colors specified in hex-code
"base": [Duration Instance Base] // [Mandatory] || Base data for the duration instance.
"blocks": [Block] // [Mandatory] || The block(s) to search for.
"range": [Level Based Value] // [Mandatory] || How far the block vision searches for valid blocks.
"display_type": [Display Type] // [Mandatory] || Determines how the mark is displayed.
"colors": [Text Color] // [Mandatory] || The color(s) of the outline. More colors means that it will shift between the list of defined colors.