5. Dragon Features - DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival GitHub Wiki

Dragon Survival is not as simple as it seems! Dragons have a huge number of big and small features that make gameplay for them unique! In our mod, you don't just change the player model, you get something more!

● Dragon Inventory

Dragon Inventory - improved version of the vanilla inventory. It is on by default. Differences from the vanilla inventory:

  • 3x3 craft;
  • expanded window where your whole dragon fits;
  • tabs with magic, skins, and so on;
  • claw panel;
  • button to sort items;
  • button with in-game config settings.

● Dragon Riding

■ Did you know that players can ride each other? Yes, yes. You're not wrong! You can really do it!

Important conditions for the player-passenger:

  • You are a human or a newborn dragon;
  • You right-click with an empty hand;
  • Turn on hitbox display (F3+B) if you can't find hitbox to click;
  • The rider does NOT need a sneak.

Important conditions for the dragon:

  • Adult age (20 hearts);
  • Sneak (shift or ctrl).

■ In 1.21.1, just look at the dragon info tab. It will tell you exactly what to do.

■ If you are an adult dragon, you have the ability to ride human players and newborn dragons on your back. Gif here and here.

● Claws

Claws and Teeth - special slot to improve bite and harvest level. This menu can be accessed by clicking on the button next to the dragon icon in the inventory. Created primarily to free the hotbar from tools and make dragon roleplay more realistic.

  • Can be placed: sword, axe, shovel, pickaxe. You can put an axe in the weapon slot.
  • The sword improves the attack in close combat, and the tools improve the extraction of the corresponding blocks;
  • All vanilla enchantments work with claws and teeth. There may be problems with mods enchantments if they use alternative ways of coding;
  • All placed tools lose their strength and drop out when player die. There may be problems with graves mods;
  • What does the rendering of claws and teeth depend on? The forest - axe, cave - pickaxe, sea - shovel. Render can be disabled with the checkbox at the bottom;
  • If you keep another tool in the hotbar, claws and teeth do not count toward mining;
  • When changing species or becoming a human, all items return;
  • Many mods can conflict with this mechanics.

● Growth

■ The dragon gradually grows over time. When a dragon is older, it grows more slowly:

  • Newborn - ~3 hours;
  • Young - ~1 day;
  • Adult - ~3 days;
  • Adult+ or Ancient - ~months/years;

■ You can use these items to speed up growth. More expensive items give more growth.

  • Newborn - Dragon Heart Shard, Weak Dragon Heart, Elder Dragon Heart;
  • Young - Weak Dragon Heart, Elder Dragon Heart;
  • Adult - Elder Dragon Heart;

■ A Star Bone will shrink the dragon, and a Star Heart will completely stop gradually growth. In older versions, you can find these items at the Prince's or in Chests. In the new versions for star bones you need to look for structures with dragon bones and star heart via craft.

■ You can see a growth hint at the top left of the dragon's inventory. Times are in real seconds, hours and minutes!


  • HP: 14-19
  • Size: 1 block
  • Bite damage: 1
  • Harvest level: wooded


  • HP: 20-29
  • Size: 2 block
  • Bite damage: 2
  • Harvest level: wooden + stone for species block


  • HP: 30-40
  • Size: 3 block
  • Bite damage: 3
  • Harvest level: wooden + stone for species block

● Flight and Wings

■ Wings are additional limbs that allow you to properly harness the magical power of flight. Dragons cannot use elytras. Check your control settings and see which key is responsible for opening the wings (default - G). Without this, the flight will not work.

  • Slow Flight - resembles a creative flight, but you gradually fall down and spend an increased amount of hunger.
  • Fast Flight - mode that allows you to dive, quickly take off and soar. It is required to press the acceleration button (shift or ctrl) + forward (W).

Flight Spin - is speed boost in the air, water or lava. Significantly speeds up the dragon.

  • To apply just click correct button (check control settings).
  • Dealing massive melee damage to all enemies in your path.
  • Has cooldown.
  • Depending on the enchantment of your Claws and Teeth, Flight Spin will have different particles.
  • BEFORE 1.21.1 Go to The End and talk to the Ender Dragon. You have the choice of killing her or letting her live. The Ender Dragon will ask a question. Write any answer in the chat. AFTER 1.21.1 look for structures in the end biomes.
  • Also you can turn this skill on or off with the Flight Spin item, but this item cannot be obtained by default (feature for modpacks BEFORE 1.21.1).
  • BEFORE 1.21.1 If you are in creative mode, you can get Flight Spin with /dragon sea 1 true
  • When you are in creative mode, turn off vanilla flight mode (double jump). Doing so will ensure physics will not interfere with your enjoyment of the flight animation.


● Emotions

Emotions are an important part of player-roleplay. BEFORE 1.21.1 You can see emotions when you open chat (default is T). AFTER 1.21.1 there's a separate tab for that in inventory. Your character will be stationary during the animation, but can eat, jump and fly. You can create your own emotes.


● Magic and Skills

■ Magic - dragon skills, which are displayed in a separate tab in the dragon inventory. BEFORE 1.21.1 There is a total of 36 dragon skills and each dragon species has 4 active skills, 4 passive skills, and 4 innate skills. Inside the game there are many hints on how to use the skills. AFTER 1.21.1 all skills have become datapac generated and can be completely different combinations.

● How active skills work?

  • The more experience a dragon has, the more mana he has and the stronger his active skills. But if you lose your levels (death or enchantment of items), your active skills will become weak again. Dragons very much value the accumulated experience and will do a variety of things for the sake of it.
  • The range of breathing depends on the age of the dragon. An adult dragon has about 10 blocks of breath. In flight the range increases significantly for all.
  • To use active skills, you need to select them in the panel on the right (check inside the game control settings).
  • You can swap out the active skills.
  • The active skill bar at the top shows how many levels you need to get certain skill bonuses.

● How passive skills work?

  • Passive skills are pumped by a different scheme. You have to invest experience points manually. After death it is not lost and is saved.

  • In addition to the usual passive skills in the center, there are innate passive skills in the right. They are purely informational in nature.

● How mana work?

  • Mana is used to cast spells. You can see the max amount of mana at the bottom right above the skills. Or in the Magic skill description.
  • You can restore mana passively just by waiting for a while. If you are in a favorable place for the dragon, you will get faster mana recovery. The list of favorable places for dragons (configs caveDragonManaBlocks, forestDragonManaBlocks, seaDragonManaBlocks).
  • With a dragon treat (different for each species), you can restore all mana points. Gives the effect of infinite mana for a short period of time.
  • If there is not enough mana to cast a spell, the player's experience will be used instead. This can be disabled in the config.
  • The effect of infinite mana can be obtained by using a source of magic, but about this in a separate chapter.

● Source of Magic

■ For end game there are special blocks that give the effect of infinite mana for different periods of time in exchange for parts of elder dragon.

  • The source of magic can be filled with parts of Elder dragon. A charged source looks different.
  • When you right click on the block, it shows a unique gui.
  • Crouch + right click to use. It is better to use in the third person. Your dragon will sit and meditate. After 10 seconds it will get infinite mana effect for a certain period of time, which depends on what you threw into the source.
  • Dust and hearts can also be thrown on a block rather than placed with a gui.
  • Each dragon species has its own source of magic. You cannot use someone else's. Deals damage to inappropriate dragon types.
  • They can be placed underwater. Cave Source creates bubbles under water.

■ Spends 1 item every 10 seconds:

  • +10 sec - Elder Dragon Dust
  • +50 sec - Elder Dragon Bone
  • +100 sec - Dragon Heart Shard
  • +300 sec - Weak Dragon Heart
  • +1000 sec - Elder Dragon Heart

■ To get a quicker lasting effect - use hearts, but if you are just in long afk - better to use the dust.

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