4. Dragon Species - DragonSurvivalTeam/DragonSurvival GitHub Wiki
β Dragons are creatures that can have a wide variety of appearance, behaviour, and intellectual abilities. They can engage in any kind of activity due to their adaptability, which has given them a significant advantage over other magical species. With levitation, dragons can create complex blueprints right in their inventory. Players can be one of three species of these magnificent creatures, but they will need to work hard in order to become one, and even harder to become fully grown. They differ in skills, diet, and appearance.
β πΊWhat is written in the lore section may not match actual gameplay and is written simply for atmosphere.
β General Information
β All dragons have some features in common. Everything listed here can be changed via configs.
- Each dragon has its own diet. If you eat the wrong food at the beginning you will get "Hunger" effect , and then "Poisoning" effect. Unlike omnivorous humans, dragons cannot consume anything without risking themselves;
- Have the effect of speed 2 on some blocks at a young age and speed 3 as an adult;
- A special dragon inventory with many functions;
- Any peaceful creatures will try to flee from the dragon. You can solve this problem with Dragon Beacons. Alternative: command block to eliminate this effect on the territory -
/execute positioned ~ ~ ~ run effect give @e[type=!player,distance=..56] minecraft:slowness 1 20 true
; - Default Dragons are born with the levitation skill, unless this has been disabled in the config. Visual presence of wings does not indicate the presence of levitation;
- Default Dragons extract elder dragon dust from ore more efficiently than humans;
- Default Dragons cannot use elytra, shields, tridents, bows and crossbows;
- Default Dragons cannot ride other creatures;
- Depending on their stage, all dragons have different biting power and harvest level;
- Adult dragons have more health, higher jump and stronger bites than humans;
- Dragon's collision box relative to blocks changes depending on stage. Newborns are able to get through holes the size of 1 block, while adults can only go through 3 blocks;
- When a dragon kills a villagers, he has a chance to get a random item from his trade list and a lot of experience;
- All dragons are the spawn of magic, bearing little resemblance to biological creatures. They all have their own lore written for them and much of the gameplay is built around the individual characteristics of each dragon species.
- Dragons can be of different body types, but it won't affect gameplay much.
β Forest Dragon
β Lore
- Elements: skeleton - diamonds, the rest - water, poisons, vegetation;
- Habitat: sunny forest, mountains, valleys, savannas, jungle;
- Common colors: green, yellow, red, orange, brown, black;
- Egg: Looks like a spiny brown fruit with diamond spines;
β The skin of the forest dragon is made up of various species of predatory plants that grow homogeneously on his wooden scales. This lightweight wooden frame is resistant to falls and quickly regenerates from injuries. The vibrant, smooth crests on his head are like autumn leaves and only grow on adult dragons. They are used to communicate and draw attention to them. The plants form a large number of spikes on the top, protecting them from most enemies. Being used to constant interaction with their own spiky skin, they do not feel any discomfort from interacting with other thorny plants. At the same time, they are able to fold their spines down to avoid injuring others around them. The yellow areas on the abdomen are softer and feel like young grass. It is there that venom is produced, which is used by the dragon in the hunt.
β Most of these plants require sunlight to live, but even artificial light sources can be sufficient. If the light becomes too weak, the plants begin to drain the energy of the dragon itself. For this reason, dark dungeons evoke extremely painful associations. Forest dragons try to avoid them or to stock up on light sources.
β They do not have the habitual organs of animals. The entire inside of a dragon is made up of thin magical threads, tanks for poisons, roots, and water. A diamond magical skeleton controls every plant cell in the dragon's body and attentively ensures that everything looks natural on the outside. Because of their color and texture, forest dragons are able to camouflage themselves in grass and hunt efficiently. The meat that the dragon eats is dissolved in venom and used as plant fodder. The forest dragon element was born among poison lakes and they are very resistant to them, but this resistance is not possessed by the plants the forest dragon is covered with. For this reason, they can happily enjoy eating poisoned food, but external exposure to poison will hurt them badly.
β Due to their element-based magical nature, any dragons can change their body types. Their appearance is an adaptation to different natural conditions. Initially, all dragons are born with the body types of their parents and in the course of adapting to their surroundings, can change them. Such transformations require a huge amount of energy and do not happen at the snap of a finger. The most common body types are Central. Forest dragons use this for a balanced life amongst taiga, forests and grasslands. Powerful paws with developed wings make them good at both ploughing the ground and stalking prey.
β Northern type of forest dragon is a resident of swamps and tropical rivers filled with sunlight and moisture. Because of their constant contact with water, their plant species composition is quite different from that of their terrestrial counterparts. For example, algae and coastal grasses are common. Northern ones are much more likely to come into contact with sea dragons and form pairs with them, but prefer not to leave their fresh waters due to salt intolerance. They like to hover in the morning and evening over their territories before the sun gets too searing. For hunting, they use the same tactics as crocodiles. Completely clumsy on the ground, which sometimes makes people around them laugh. Exhausted and wounded forest dragons of this type can cause significant habitat degradation due to the unstable state of poisons in their bodies.
β Southern forest is a natural predator, lurking among lush plains and hills. Its enormous jump height allows it to leap out of ambush like a prehistoric raptor, and its extra speed will keep even the fastest prey from escaping. The front paws are raised off the ground, allowing them to be used for transporting objects and more precise movements. They're still a long way from the dexterity of human hands, but it's close! Caring for plants with these paws is much more convenient. Some of the southern ones have retained small wings, but they are of little use to their owner, as their levitation skill is much less developed and therefore large wings are not needed either. Some colonies prefer to live under the scorching desert sun and are famous for their increased prickliness. Such forest dragons rarely hunt and are more focused on gardening.
_β Eastern forest dragon are found in many places, but most often in very dense forests, which are hard to get through when you have huge, clumsy wings behind you. Lacking them, they have become much more compact, stronger, and have even managed to excel in the water element! Often come into contact with the northern type due to the proximity of habitats. The eastern ones are also much bolder in caves and move faster. Having lost their wings, they have diverted the element to more in-depth study of magic and excel at it, but this has affected the quality of flight. They love to hunt for mushrooms and will climb into the deepest forests to get them. They may have lost their wings because of this.
β Western forest dragons are the most majestic and look down on everyone. They can afford to live in the highest mountains and soar for long periods of time. They are the best fliers and stay in the air for long periods of time without food as they are fuelled by mountain plants. They do not like to walk on the ground and rarely socialise with other members of their species, preferring the company of other flyers like themselves. Because of their closed nature, they are often the subject of rumours and jokes among other forest dragons.
β Game Info
- Diet: Chorus, Poisons, Raw meat, Mushrooms, some berries (not all);
- Skills: Poisoning, Spike Shooting, Invisibility, Haste Buff for all, Slow Falling;
- Weakness: Pure darkness imposes a debilitating hunger;
- Claws: Axe;
β When exposed to the crippling darkness for too long, the Forest Dragon gets the Stress debuff, which causes the player's hunger to drain rapidly. Use the Forest Magic effect from beacon and the Light in the Dark passive skill to make your life easier. Use the glow ointment to get same protection.
β Forest Dragon can obtain the Speed effect by standing on wood (all kinds of wood), leaves (all kinds of leaves), planks (all kinds of planks) and soils (Dirt, Grass, Podzol, Coarse Dirt, Mycelium). Requires you to learn the passive skill "Forest Athletics".
β Forest dragons are born with Axe claws. They also take less damage from falling and can't be hurt by berry bushes/cacti. This dragons wield poisoning magic breath! If this gas gets on the plants it will grow faster. For other skills information is better to read inside the game.
β Diet
- Sweet Sour Rabbit - 10:6, removes all effects like milk.
- Luminous Ointment - 5:3, Glow effect (5:00), protects from forest debuff for 5 minutes.
- Diamond Breath of Chorus - Absorption (5:00) , Regeneration II (0:10), removes poisoning and wither effect.
- Smelly Meat Porridge - 6:10, just food.
- Meat Wild Berries - 12:10, just food.
- Meat Chorus Mix - 12:8, Regeneration I (0:05).
- Forest Dragon Treat - 4:8, give effect of infinite magic and full mana recovery.
"forge:raw_meats:5:4", "minecraft:sweet_berries:1:2", "minecraft:rotten_flesh:2:3", "minecraft:spider_eye:7:8", "minecraft:rabbit:7:8", "minecraft:poisonous_potato:7:8", "minecraft:chorus_fruit:9:8", "minecraft:honey_bottle:1:2"
and other.
β Cave Dragon
β Lore
- Elements: skeleton - Netherite, the rest - stones, lava, fire;
- Habitat: hot lakes of the Nether, dry deserts, deep caves with lava;
- Common colors: gray, brown, black, red, orange, yellow;
- Egg: Coated with brown scales of netherite scrap;
β Of all the dragons, cave dragons are the least connected to the organic world. They are not tied to nature and its balance. Even if everything around them is destroyed, cave dragons stay alive. Their entire body is impregnated with netherite. It is because of its fire-resistant properties that the lava bubbling in their chest does not burn all the other elements and objects in contact with the dragon. The main thing is the fuel to keep the fire going. The upper world is not their natural habitat. Too low temperatures and too much precipitation create tangible problems. Because the lava hardens and the fire fades, they can't move and will crack. This tears them from the inside out and even the strongest netherite cannot take such stresses. For this reason, all cave dragons tend to live in the hottest depths, where it never rains and all water evaporates instantly.
β Despite their seeming detachment from nature, they are no stranger to companionship. On the contrary, cave dragons are known for their large families, living in one place for a long time. For obvious reasons, they can only breed with other lava dragon species and this has kept them together for centuries. The eggs covered with netherite scrap were carefully placed in magma nests and cautiously warmed by the whole family in the hottest fire.
β Newborns of this species are more vulnerable to cold than adults. Their first armor is solidified and cracked lava, which retains heat inside the body. It is warmth that is the basis of their life. They use charcoal to light a fire in their chest, which melts some of the netherite and thus heals wounds. Gradually, they replace their children's armor with stronger and more stable ones. It is decorated and shaped according to family traditions or personal preference.
β At first glance it might seem that these dragons should have night vision, but they do not. Instead, they have developed a special sensitivity to the vibrations of lava, allowing them to "see" through it. Their whole life is centred around very bright and luminous lava caves, where there is no need to have light-sensitive eyes. On the contrary, it would only harm them. When cave dragons need to move in dark dungeons, they use their breath to create sources of fire. This also solves the problem of cold.
β Western are not often found among cave dragons, as this species rarely has enough spaces to fly. In open spaces, the risk of getting caught in a wet cloud or rain is high. In the fire dimension, however, things are different and flying between islands makes this body type more attractive to cave dragons who have chosen to carry cargo as their role in the family. Others help to conveniently pack everything for transport and co-operate well with each other. In addition, they are often appointed as caretakers of the maternal nest, protecting the young with their wings from the cold of the outside world.
β It would seem that where could cave dragons adapted to life in water live? Northern would easily answer this question: in vast lava rivers! Though lava in another world is liquid rock by nature, it is no hindrance to any cave dragon in their dimension. They rarely leave their fiery biotope and excel at mining the fossils that are hidden at the bottom. The other dragons in the family love to tend to them. After all, who better than another dragon to give your back a good scratching when you have no paws?
β Eastern are very successful among narrow cliffs and winding caves where other dragons cannot spread their wings. Their speed and ability with magic have made them ideal hunters, and their powerful forelegs give them an advantage when digging tunnels for other family members. Perhaps over time they will become very similar to moles. There are rumours among others that they have a fear of open spaces, but this is all nonsense.
β Southern cave dragon is a scout who, due to their speed, agility and leaps, are able to travel safely through wet and nasty biomes on the surface. They risk their fiery hide to extract the rarest resources for the common good. They are also the ones who most often trade on behalf of the family with other dragon species. Their freed front paws are handy for sorting items and dressing themselves without outside help. They are often seen laden with backpacks and other luggage. These paws can also be used to hold an umbrella to protect them from heavy rain.
β Game Info
- Diet: charred food with redstone, coal;
- Skills: Sturdy Skin, Fire Breath, Ball, Reinforced Claws, Burns, Armor;
- Weakness: cold and water;
- Claws: Pickaxe;
β Because of their fiery nature, cave dragons take damage from water, rain and snow. For this reason, the best place to live would be a desert, the Nether and a caves. Use the Cave Fire effect from Cave Beacon and the Contrast Shower skill to make your life easier. If you eat the charged soup you will also get the effect that protects against water.
β Cave Dragon can obtain Speed effect by standing on the nether base blocks (Netherrack, Basalt, Blackstone), the overworld base blocks (Stone, Granite, Diorite, Andesite), stone bricks (Stone Bricks, Chiseled Stone Bricks, Mossy Stone Bricks, Cracked Stone Bricks), mineral blocks (Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Redstone Ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore, Emerald Ore, Diamond Ore, Nether Quartz Ore, Ancient Debris), Sandstones (Sandstone, Chiseled andstone, Cut Sandstone, Smooth Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Cut Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone) and Cobblestones (Cobblestone, Infested Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone). Requires you to learn the passive skill "Cave Athletics".
β Cave dragons are fireproof, can see through lava, and have special claws that they use as pickaxes. Also they have fire magic! For other skills information is better to read inside the game.
β Diet
- Hot Dragon Rod - 4:15, protects cave dragons from water for 1 minute.
- Explosive Copper - 6:4, explosion particles with 1 damage.
- Quartz Explosive Copper - 12:18, Absorption (5:00) , Regeneration II (0:10), removes poisoning and wither effect.
- Double Quartz - 8:6, Regeneration I (0:05).
- Charged charcoal - 6:1, clears all effects as milk.
- Charred Meat - 8:10, just food.
- Charred Seafood - 7:11, just food.
- Charred Vegetable - 8:9, just food.
- Charred Mushroom - 9:9, just food.
- Charged Soup - 15:15, protects against the harmful effects of water.
- Cave Dragon Treat - 4:8, give effect of infinite magic and full mana recovery.
"minecraft:coals:1:1", "minecraft:charcoal:1:2"
and other.
β Sea Dragon
β Lore
- Elements: the skeleton - gold, the rest is water, organic matter;
- Habitat: oceans, rivers, ice lakes, snow-covered forests and mountain slopes, jungles, tundras, swamps;
- Common colors: blue, black, white, red, gray, green, purple;
- Egg: a huge iridescent pearl;
β Sea dragons are closest to animals in terms of anatomy and are composed of a large amount of organic matter. Depending on the diet, they may have smooth or scaly skin. Those who ate fish swim fast, and those who eat shellfish can more effectively avoid strikes. The water component and the particularities of the skin do not allow them to freely explore all dimensions. Instead, sea dragons focus on and protect their own dimension. They are rarely aggressors and most often lead a peaceful life in the blue depths. It is there that sea dragons find numerous treasures that no one else can reach. In this they are helped by night vision, which is possessed by special eyes. One eye helps to see in the dark, while the other allows them not to go blind in the bright sun. For this reason they are different colors.
β Much of the living world is water, just like sea dragons. They know how to use it to heal the deepest wounds and are able to improve other people's well-being, which is good for their abilities. The golden elementals endowed them with increased sensitivity to other creatures emotions. In case of danger, they turn their emotions into lightning and destroy the offenders, but more often they prefer to use this power to help others. These dragons are amazing architects who have built entire underwater cities. They could even grow trees at depth. Some speculate that the ruins of these amazing cities can still be found.
β Northern sea dragons are the mightiest and best in their habitat. Their swimming speed can be matched by none. They have completely abandoned their land life and settled in the ocean depths. They can sometimes be found resting on sandy beaches when it rains, but they are too vulnerable. In case of danger, northern dragons take off quickly and deftly attack the offender with lightning bolts. Some prefer to retain their large wings to travel great distances over the sea. A special pleasure for them is to fly among charged clouds during a storm.
β ** Western are very fond of flying in fjords and nesting among waterfalls. They come into contact with other species more often than others and exchange treasure. Like any sea dragon, they love rainy weather. On such days, they travel particularly long distances by air and relocate to new areas. Young dragons of this body type can lure fish by creating shadows on the water. After that, the only thing left to do is to stun it with a small charge of electricity.
β Eastern dragons are secretive and unfriendly inhabitants of cave lakes and rivers. They have lost their wings and have been able to crawl like snakes into the most secret corners of the sea floor. Rarely socialise with other dragons and prefer the company of glowing sprouts. Their eyes are weaned from bright sunlight and they tend to avoid it, hiding in the shadows at night.
β Southern type is least common among sea dragons due to their clumsiness in the water, but wet marshes, open beaches, and rainforests can harbour these finicky creatures. This body type is most often chosen by curious collectors and travellers who do not want to limit themselves to aquatic habitats.
β Game Info
- Diet: a variety of seafood;
- Skills: Electric Breath, Experience Increase, Night Vision, Ignoring Armor;
- Weakness: lack of water and dryness;
- Claws: Shovel;
β The main difficulty of playing as a sea dragon is drying out on land. Biome temperature, weather and time of day affect the rate of drying. You will feel comfortable only in water, but there are ways to get temporary protection from the debuff: wet blocks (like snow), bottles of water, frozen fish. A good goal would be to get the Sea Beacon of Peace. Also upgrade the skill "Water".
β Sea Dragon can obtain Speed effect by standing on ice (Frosted Ice, Blue Ice, Packed Ice, Ice), Glass, Sand (Sand, Red Sand), Coral block (Horn Coral Block, Fire Coral Block, Tube Coral Block, Brain Coral Block, Bubble Coral Block) and water. Requires you to learn the passive skill "Sea Athletics".
β Sea Dragons have many advantages: endless underwater breathing, magic electricity and special claws for digging loose blocks. For other skills information is better to read inside the game.
β Diet
- Seasoned Fish - 12:10, just food.
- Golden Coral Pufferfish - 12:14, Regeneration I (0:05).
- Frozen Raw Fish - 2:1, restores water and removes all effects like milk.
- Golden Turtle Egg - 15:12, Absorption (5:00) , Regeneration II (0:10), removes poisoning and wither effect.
- Sea Dragon Treat - 4:8, give effect of infinite magic and full mana recovery.
"forge:raw_fishes:6:4", "minecraft:kelp:2:3", "minecraft:pufferfish:8:8"
and other.
β General Lore
β Dragon Survival Lore - it is story invented and developed by Black Aures over the course of several years. The first articles appeared in 2019, but they were not adapted for Minecraft. In 2021 a new text was written, which you see below. It is not inspired by anything and came up on its own. All images are also drawn by the author. The original in Russian is in google doc.
β Developer warning: not everything written here may coincide with DS gameplay.
β The name "Dragon" in mythology had many representations and this has greatly influenced the way they looked. But their appearance and seeming anatomy does not change their main essence: their magical origin. There is a great deal of magic in this world, but we will consider only the one that relates to our dragons. To do so, we would have to dig very deeply into the history of the world of Dragons Survival.
β Any vivid emotion and memory can have a physical embodiment - an experience orb created by sentient beings. A large number of interconnected orbs are called the soul. After death, most of the memories dissipate, but the most vivid ones tend to connect with any intelligent creature. The magical energy of such lost souls is invested in enchantments and spells. In very rare cases, a strong soul, when it comes into contact with natural pure elements (for example, gold), can revive them. This takes decades and a fortunate combination of circumstances. Otherwise, these orbs will simply dissipate in the soil. The simplest representatives of such magic are elementals. They are able to accumulate experience orbs and constantly change their appearance in a chaotic way, but they have no self-awareness and cannot create experience orbs on their own.
β Each elemental is unique in its own way. They are conventionally divided into liquid (water, blood, oil, lava, acid, etc.), solid (metal, stone, sand, etc.) and gaseous depending on the material the soul has given life to. The purer an elemental is from impurities, the more experience spheres it can contain and the more effectively it can use them. Any sphere of experience is a huge amount of unrelated knowledge and emotions that directly affect the properties of an elemental. It's like a library with a dozen books that have jumbled and missing pages. Because of that you won't read the whole story, but only roughly guess it. On such pages are written emotions, memories, and information often recalled. When someone enchants something, they burn those pages and harden the objects in that fire.
β The whole personality of the elemental is made up only of the memories of others. Their main desire is to find the missing pages of knowledge and vivid emotions that they cannot create on their own. They suffer from missing memories, as if they can't remember something very important. In a fit of anger, they often burn memories they don't understand, turning them into lightning, fire, rain, and other magical manifestations. If you come across an elemental it will probably be some sort of living metal heap, wanting to take the experience orbs from you with very crude methods. From such monsters, valuable artifacts are created, giving for a time the ability that the elemental possessed. Not all elementals are aggressive. If the experience orbs contained fond memories, these elementals will protect those with whom their loving thoughts are associated. There are whole rituals in which such protectors are created. Emotions between a mother and a newborn are most often used for this.
β Elementals began to appear in the world, connecting with living organisms and endowing them with magic. The main problem with such connections was the division of the soul. When an elemental connected with someone, he transmitted its experience. Due to the many other Elementals memories in their head, it becomes impossible for adult beings with many thoughts of their own to think and realize who they are. Over time, ways have been found to deal with this and even combine several elementals at once. Immortal beings appeared who could easily abstract themselves from any other people's knowledge, transfer their souls between bodies and, if necessary, die without any harm to themselves. As a result, many types of mystical creatures appeared, composed of lava, water, metals and everything else around. They took on a desired or familiar appearance and were capable of breathing fire, levitating, teleporting or using any other type of magic. It was at this point, a new magical class of creatures appeared - Elemental Creatures. They combined the living and inanimate nature. One of such creatures became the Dragon.
β How different elemental beings lived and evolved can be talked about for a very long time. This is an eventful story, but right now we are only interested in one of the descendants of those first dragons who appeared with the help of elementals. He was born in the world of lava, among the fiery wastelands, and was born from an egg along with others. Young dragons grew up, learned magic and began to independently explore the world, and eventually space. Brothers and sisters were divided.
β Many centuries later, one of them found and made a part of himself three other elementals - Gold, Diamond and Water. They were found in an interesting world that consisted entirely of huge immortal trees. Among this green cover were huge acid lakes that exposed all layers of this dense forest to the very depths of the earth. Here it was perfectly visible what this huge forest consisted of. The bottom of these lakes was completely covered with large diamonds and obsidian. Unusual poisonous elementals floated on the surface, drawing their power from sunlight.
β The upper tier had many shades of green and was blindingly bright. Due to the thinness of the air, it was difficult to breathe there. The border of the upper tier was the crown of the trees - their branches and leaves. Large bowls of fresh water were formed in them, which could penetrate the entire forest. It was there, under the open sky, that the healing elemental lived, helping every creature that came, if he sacrificed a part of his experience.
β The middle tier consisted of intricate wooden caves. Much of the foliage here was yellow and red due to the lack of light. The sun's rays were still there, but this place was quickly overgrown with other plants. The local fruits smelled strongly and were able to glow to lure numerous creatures. There were a great many of them in the middle tier. They were the ones who made holes in the beautiful green carpet and gave life to other plants.
β The lower tier was the abode of monsters. There was only absolute darkness among the huge tree trunks, punctuated by occasional lakes of lava. There was nothing here except for wooden-stone smooth columns and half-blind monsters that hunted each other and waited for someone careless to fall from above. The entire floor of this tier consisted of the strongest, sharpest roots that went very deep into the lava depths of the planet. Once upon a time, the trees swallowed up all the soil and made it part of themselves. They left untouched only obsidian and numerous ores, among which was much gold and corresponding elementals. They absorbed much of the suffering of the place and developed a keen sense of compassion that became anger in especially hard times. The great golden elementals were capable of attracting lightning, which destroyed the forest to its roots.
β It was difficult to combine such incompatible materials in his lava body, but thanks to its enormous size and magical power, he succeeded. And he called himself Neldmont, in honor of the main elementals of which he consisted - netherite, gold and diamonds. For many years he lived in this green world and, unfortunately, destroyed most of the forest due to his fiery nature. Like most other old dragons, Neldmont longed to explore the world beyond his planet, gathering unique knowledge and spreading descendants in other dimensions.
β In one dimension, he found a previously unknown type of Star Elementals, the main feature of which was the ability to transform living beings into skeletons and teleport, transferring the experience orbs over a great distance. The elemental looked like a glowing white cube surrounded by black haze and orbs of experience. Touching them was often fatal. In an aggressive state, the elemental teleported erratically, but could not see or feel anything. To do this, he needed a strong outer shell - a skeleton.
β Neldmont did not understand what exactly he had found, and while the portal was open, some of them fled. They began to turn everyone into magical predators. At some point, they were even able to defeat one of Neldmont's children, who was traveling with him. It was clear that sooner or later they would have gained enough strength to kill even their liberator. He did not want to destroy another world and believed that he had lived a fairly good and long life.
β The huge Neldmont had to split himself into many skeletal dragons, creating an army from his body. They contained all his magic, knowledge and power, collected over the long millennials. They chased and killed the magical predators. Most of them died, and the rest were locked together with their liberator in one of the cosmic dimensions. There was no way out of it. From Neldmont there was only a little dragon who remembered practically nothing.
β Millennia have passed. The earth swallowed up the bodies of all the skeleton dragons and magical predators, turning the memories of that battle into various fossils.On the cleared land, an intelligent civilization was restored, which was in decline due to the magical predators and dragons. The found bones of Neldmont were used in rituals and in some temple decorations. In the absolute silence, the quiet echo of space could be heard emanating from the ancient bones. It came from a three-headed dragon that grew from what was left of Neldmont. His soul was divided into an army of dragon-skeletons. An ancient instinct for self-preservation prevented the last 3 dragons from completing the process and they remained as one, subsequently naming themselves Tress. This dragonborn remembered almost nothing of his past, except basic things like language, basic survival, and reacquainted himself with the world in which he was trapped. There was nothing there to help restore his memory. On the yellow islands hovering in space were only the black humanoid creatures he hunted and the living skeletons.
β The skeletal dragons created from Neldmont's body perished and lay next to the remains of magical predators for centuries. This proximity could not pass unnoticed because of the transformation magic contained within the star elemental. If previously the bones of the ancient dragon had once transmitted their power and memories to the finder, now a Star Mark was also imprinted on it. It informed the ancient dragon about the location of such dragons and didn't allow them to reveal their magic potential - only 1-2 elements and corresponding magic were available, they couldn't fly because of the lack of levitation and create other dragons as the ancient dragon was able to do. Some of the spheres of experience and knowledge were also transferred to their rightful owner, but some of it were still lost forever. Thus appeared 3 kinds of dragons that we know now.
β The surviving magical predators were also completely transformed and reborn. They absorbed the knowledge of the elder dragon and were tamed. Due to the fact that now there was a skeleton made of Neldmont bones around the star, they saw Tress as their master. He grew up with them and they protected him as their little brother. They had a strong emotional bond with each other, and for Tress they were his only friends in this empty and cold space. One day he found one of his own bones with memories among the sharp yellow stones. It was with its help that the little dragon was able to restore part of himself and his memories. So he learned that he was a huge dragon, whose bones can still be found in other worlds. They contained his power and he wanted to get it back. The main obstacle for him was a closed portal to other worlds, which can only be opened from the other side.
β His long years of imprisonment with magical predators taught him how to use some of the magical power of the Magic Star. He could now create the undead from other creatures and found a way to find out what was happening in the world. The very temples and artifacts richly decorated with his bones found the voice of Tress. An "Elder Dragon'' cult formed around them, aiming to collect the unusual remains of this lizard-like deity. And one day there were so many artifacts that they gained life and turned members of the cult into strong dragons. A quiet voice asked to free the deity from his imprisonment. They learned who he was and what had happened in the distant past. There was much debate within the cult about this request and what happened because of the magical predators that were now with Tress. They were not convinced by his words about the safety of these creatures. Many felt that he just wanted to use them. The magic that bound the cultists gradually faded and in time they stopped hearing him altogether.
β The dragon-turned-cultists were divided. They no longer worshipped the Elder Dragon, seeing it as a danger somewhere on the edge of the universe. Many of them began destroying the bones they found, turning them into magical power with which they could burn with fire, strike with lightning, and poison without restraint. Everyone around them watched in horror as those went mad in pursuit of power and plunged the world into chaos. Slavery, murder, and impunity flourished. These dragons did not care at all about the future or any rebellion. They could destroy everyone in the blink of an eye. Thus began the era of the Blood Dragon Cultists, which created legends about the bloodthirstiness of dragons, which were passed down from generation to generation for centuries, perpetuating the fear of these creatures.
β In the destroyed cult, there was one who remembered the lonely dragon trapped at the edge of the universe - Zarus. A green dragon with diamond plates on its chest and bright purple eyes. It was her who found the way to the trapped three-headed dragon and opened the portal. What Tress learned made him terribly angry. The bones the cultists have destroyed for the sake of magical power were his last hope for recovering his original appearance. Along with Zarus, he went back and attacked the dragon cultists with all of his magical predators. It was a long bloody battle, and most of the tyrants died, returning what little was left to their rightful owner.
β After this story, Tress searched for ancient shards in the company of magical predators and Zarus all over the world. Finding precious dust among the gray stones was difficult. Everything on the surface had long since been looted. Only the deepest bowels of the earth preserved the remains. Those who were far removed from dragons had to work hard to find the first accumulations of dust that had not yet disintegrated into separate spheres of experience from their touch. In most cases, the dust is absorbed along with the experience orbs without even noticing it. He removed the restraining Star Mark from her, and from then on they could fly together and use magic. The green dragon had a lot to say about this rich world. Accustomed to the space void, Tress was unaccustomed to the singing of birds, the murmuring of water, and the many animals around, which he tried to turn into the undead at every opportunity. Fortunately, there was also the food he was used to. In the past, he had only hunted tall black creatures, which made him look like them himself, and he adopted the ability to teleport. Tress was able to use this ability as well as predators. Most likely, they too were able to use this magic in the distant past because of a similar diet.
β Over the course of their journey, the two dragons grew closer. Zarus took care of Tress and protected him from all dangers. This softened the elder dragon's heavy heart and a smile began to appear on his face. Like any story, this one couldn't last forever. Cultists were not the only ones who wished to become a dragon. Some simply admired the creatures, some wanted their power, and some considered themselves trapped in another creature's body as a dragon. In one way or another, more and more new dragons appeared in the world, hearing that with the help of magical bones it was possible to turn into them. To avoid a repeat of history with the Blood Cultists and the destruction of his past, Tress sent magical predators to kill these dragons and return the stolen goods. The more often he did this, the more Zarus distanced herself from him. She did not find it necessary to kill every newborn dragon in the world, though she understood why they did it. For years the green dragoness had turned a blind eye to this hunt, but when magical predators killed a small family she knew, temporarily becoming dragons to feed themselves, her heart could not stand. All the power of the world was not worth the bloodshed to continue and attempts to explain it were futile. His memories of the cultists were too strong.
β She lured Tress under the guise of walking into the cosmic dimension and magically locked him there. The spell did not allow the ancient dragon to approach the portal closer than several tens of kilometers. It was a difficult choice, but no one, except Zarus, could stop what was happening. The predators could still overcome the created barrier and pass through the portal, following the orders of the ancient dragon. To stop them, she destroyed all the islands around and for a long time looked for a way to close the portal forever. Alas, she found nothing. The exhausted Zarus could only use the last spell. It tied her and all her descendants to this place, dooming to the eternal protection of the portal from everyone who tries to enter this world. The spell and the destroyed portal did not completely protect the world from the influence of the Ancient Dragon. He could still discreetly follow the dragons born from his bones and gain some of their experience from the Star Mark.
β Many years later. Tress realized a lot about what he had done, but now all he could do was watch.
β There are other kinds of dragons in lands far from our world. They are very diverse. In our world there are only 3 kinds of dragons right now, because of the lack of other elementals. The skin of these dragons may constantly change even after they grow up, but the inside is unchanged. It is not made up of organs and flesh like all living creatures, but of inorganic materials covered in magic. From fire-resistant netherite makes cave dragons, from the strongest diamond makes forest dragons, and from the noblest gold makes sea dragons. It is these magically enchanted jewels that give dragons their abilities. All were once descended from ordinary creatures, therefore they retain many of their traits in appearance and behavior, but much of their biology is different.
- Egg.
β Can look quite different for each species. The size ranges go from large chicken egg to ostrich egg, depending on the size of the parents. The egg develops inside the female or male, but can always leave it at the will of the parent and has no specific location in the body. If for some reason it loses its parents, it can survive on its own, but with a lower chance. If someone tries to eat such an egg, they are guaranteed to die from infection by an alien spirit. Dragons transformed through the altar do not have this stage, but they can become parents themselves in the future. To do so, the two dragons must sacrifice part of their experience spheres and merge them.
- Newborn dragon.
β Dragons born from a dragon egg have an important feature - they have no skin and have very little life force. Therefore, the main goal of the dragon during this stage of his development is to gather building materials. To do this, the newborn seeks all possible sources and actively explores the world near his parents. There is active growth and creation of a new element. While it has a small size and much in common with his parents, it can hide inside their bodies without harm. Later it becomes complicated due to increasing intolerance between the elements. If a newborn has to survive without his parents, it has to go to various tricks for the sake of disguise. For example, carrying a protective shell from another creature or any other natural material in which it can hide. Depending on the environment, the dragon's appearance slowly changes as well. For those who transform into a dragon with an altar they donβt have such problem. They transform their pre-existing body into a new skin, however they still need to collect the finished magical elements.
- Young dragon.
β This stage begins when the dragon is strong enough to begin an independent life. At this stage, he can leave his parents and tread peacefully in the world without the fear that a little rain or a small drought will kill him. If the dragon consists of several elements, they have to choose which one to develop next. Quite commonly they continue to stay with their family and form large dragon tribes, but not all of them are happy with such a fate. There are also those who prefer solitude.
- Adult dragon.
β A dragon becomes an adult when it has accumulated enough strength and in alliance with another dragon can create a family. As with magic, for a new magical life, you need to invest in a lot of experience orbs. Only really large individuals are capable of this. Dragons spend most of their time at this stage, accumulating treasures and knowledge. Their life can end for many reasons - magical illnesses, physical trauma, exhaustion, etc. Those dragons that descended from the Immortals were deprived of natural death and were reborn, but could still completely lose their freedom and power. From too many injuries (of any nature), they could go into hibernation.
- Ancient dragon.
β Big enough to make life more uncomfortable for themselves. Prefer to walk around and destroy everything around them or lie in a house surrounded by other dragons.
- Elder dragon.
β These are some of the first dragons that emerged from elementals a long time ago. There are very few dragons of this size and age in the whole world. Most of those living today have their descendants. They are not in any danger, except for other ancient creatures. These dragons overcame death and are able to renew the magical elements that decay with old age. There have often many other dragons around them, who communicate with the Ancient One and exchange his knowledge and magic for the found elements. Some of them founded their own wandering cities, but among them there are still loners sleeping in endless space.