EMC Link - DonovanDMC/ProjectExpansion GitHub Wiki

A very useful block. These can be used to import both emc & items, and export items & fluids.

Importing EMC

To import emc, simply place a block that generates emc nearby. All 6 sides work. (shown: Collectors)

Importing Items

To import items, simply push the items into the block via hoppers, pipes, or similar.

Exporting Items

To export items, it's a bit more complicated.

Setting The Export Item

To set the export item, click on the block with the item. This item must have an emc value. Any NBT values will be striped off. See NBT Filtering for more info.


Setting the exported fluid is done via setting the export item as a bucket of whatever fluid you want to export. If the fluid does not have a bucket, or the bucket does not have an emc value, it cannot be used.

Technical Info Technically, the item doesn't need to be a "bucket" per se, it just needs to extend the BucketItem class.

Retrieving The Export Item

To retrieve an item, right click on the block with an empty hand. You must have the emc value of the item to retrieve any items.


Extracting items can also be automated with hoppers, pipes, or similar. The cost of exporting fluids is calculated by dividing the bucket cost by 1000, then multiplying back up to whatever amount is being exported. This does mean that it's slightly more expensive than exporting a bucket itself would be.


Clearing The Export Item

To clear the export item, right click while crouching. The current export item must be cleared before setting a new one.

NBT Filtering

By default, all emc links will ignore items if they have any nbt values (enchantments, damage, etc). This filtering can be turned off by shift right clicking on the block with a Philosopher's Stone. The block will have a yellow band around it when filtering is disabled. Shift right click again to toggle the filter back on.



Each different tier has a different limitation for emc/items. Apart from the first and last ones, the recipe for each is the previous tier + the matter of the next tier, and the last one substitutes any matter for a final star shard.


Screenshots and testing were done in 1.16.5 with 1.0.29.

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