Alice - Domobriks/Eterna GitHub Wiki

  • Race: Human/???
  • Age: 12
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Healer
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Unauthorized Access: Beyond this point


We birthed a god. one that can never be unborn. Even if i wish it with every fiber of my being, she will outlast my wishes.

Isaac! What is the meaning of all of this! What we gave birth too is beyond our comprehension. Don't you see this?


You did see it. Didn't you? You lured us in with hope? But this story does not end with our hope, does it? Sacrifices we became for your sick amusement. Fuel we became for the being you brithed! What was it even for? For this sick god of-.


I know our "God" wanted this. If our "God" is so all knowing. Why? Why didn't he stop us? Why didn't he stop YOU?

This 'god' will be our undoing!!! Does no one see it? Living in a world where that 'thing' is 'god'. Is a world waiting for the close embrace of its inevitable end!


Father please, Forgive us. For we do not know what we have done.

-Unnamed Author