ACadSharp.Tables.VPort - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

VPort Class

Represents a table entry


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Tables


public class VPort


Returns Name Summary
Color AmbientColor Ambient color(only output when non-black)
Double AspectRatio Aspect ratio
Double BackClippingPlane Back clipping plane(offset from target point)
UCS BaseUcs Base Ucs
XY BottomLeft Lower-left corner of viewport
Double Brightness Brightness
XY Center View center point(in DCS)
Int16 CircleZoomPercent Circle sides
Double Contrast Contrast
DefaultLightingType DefaultLighting Default Lighting type
XYZ Direction View direction from target point(in WCS)
Double Elevation Elevation
Double FrontClippingPlane Front clipping plane(offset from target point)
GridFlags GridFlags Grid flags
XY GridSpacing Grid spacing X and Y
Boolean IsometricSnap Snap style
Double LensLength Lens length
Int16 MinorGridLinesPerMajorGridLine Major grid lines
UCS NamedUcs Named Ucs
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
XYZ Origin UCS origin
OrthographicType OrthographicType Orthographic type of UCS
RenderMode RenderMode Render mode
Boolean ShowGrid Grid on/off
XY SnapBasePoint Snap base point(in DCS)
Int16 SnapIsoPair Snap style
Boolean SnapOn Snap on/off
Double SnapRotation Snap rotation angle
XY SnapSpacing Snap spacing X and Y
String SubclassMarker
XYZ Target View target point(in WCS)
XY TopRight Upper-right corner of viewport
Double TwistAngle View twist angle
UscIconType UcsIconDisplay UCSICON setting
Boolean UseDefaultLighting Default Lighting On flag
Double ViewHeight View height
ViewModeType ViewMode View mode(see VIEWMODE system variable)
VisualStyle VisualStyle Visual style object (optional)
XYZ XAxis UCS X-axis
XYZ YAxis UCS Y-axis


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️