ACadSharp.Tables.BlockRecord - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

BlockRecord Class

Represents a entry


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Tables


public class BlockRecord


Returns Name Summary
IEnumerable<AttributeDefinition> AttributeDefinitions Attribute definitions in this block
BlockEnd BlockEnd End block entity for this Block record.
Block BlockEntity Block entity for this record
Boolean CanScale Specifies the scaling allowed for the block.
CadObjectCollection<Entity> Entities Entities owned by this block.
EvaluationGraph EvaluationGraph Gets the evaluation graph for this block if it has dynamic properties attached to it.
BlockTypeFlags Flags
Boolean HasAttributes Flag indicating if the Block has Attributes attached
Boolean IsDynamic Active flag if it has an attached to it with dynamic expressions.
Boolean IsExplodable Specifies whether the block can be exploded.
Layout Layout Associated Layout.
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
Byte[] Preview DXF: Binary data for bitmap preview.
SortEntitiesTable SortEntitiesTable Sort entities table for this block record.
String SubclassMarker
UnitsType Units Block insertion units
IEnumerable<Viewport> Viewports ViewPorts attached to this block


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
SortEntitiesTable CreateSortEntitiesTable
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️