ACadSharp.Objects.GeoData - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

GeoData Class

Represents a object


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Objects


public class GeoData


Returns Name Summary
Double CoordinateProjectionRadius Coordinate projection radius.
DesignCoordinatesType CoordinatesType Type of design coordinates.
String CoordinateSystemDefinition Coordinate system definition string.
XYZ DesignPoint Design point, reference point in WCS coordinates.
Boolean EnableSeaLevelCorrection Bool flag specifying whether to do sea level correction.
List<GeoMeshFace> Faces Faces.
String GeoRssTag GeoRSS tag.
UnitsType HorizontalUnits Horizontal units.
Double HorizontalUnitScale Horizontal unit scale, factor which converts horizontal design coordinates to meters by multiplication.
BlockRecord HostBlock Host block table record.
XY NorthDirection North direction vector.
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
String ObservationCoverageTag Observation coverage tag.
String ObservationFromTag Observation from tag.
String ObservationToTag Observation to tag.
List<GeoMeshPoint> Points Geo-Mesh points.
XYZ ReferencePoint Reference point in coordinate system coordinates, valid only when coordinate type is Local Grid.
ScaleEstimationType ScaleEstimationMethod Scale estimation method.
Double SeaLevelElevation Sea level elevation.
String SubclassMarker
XYZ UpDirection Up direction.
Double UserSpecifiedScaleFactor User specified scale factor.
GeoDataVersion Version AcDbGeoData Object version.
UnitsType VerticalUnits Vertical units.
Double VerticalUnitScale Vertical unit scale, factor which converts vertical design coordinates to meters by multiplication.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️