ACadSharp.Objects.BlockVisibilityParameter - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

BlockVisibilityParameter Class

Represents a BLOCKVISIBILITYPARAMETER object, in AutoCAD used to control the visibility state of entities in a dynamic block.


Namespace: ACadSharp.Objects


public class BlockVisibilityParameter


Returns Name Summary
XYZ BasePosition Gets a position presumably used to display a triangle-button in AutoCAD open
a dialog to select the subblock that is to be set visible.
String Description Gets a description presumably for the dialog to select the subblock that is to be set visible.
IList<Entity> Entities Gets the list of all objects of the dynamic block
this is associated with.
Int32 L91 Unknown
String Name Gets a title for the dialog to select the subblock that is to be set visible.
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
String ParameterType Gets a text presumably describing the purpose of this .
IList<SubBlock> SubBlocks Gets the list of subblocks each containing a subset of the
objects of the dynamic block this
is associated with.
String SubclassMarker


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
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