ACadSharp.Header.CadHeader - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

CadHeader Class


Namespace: ACadSharp.Header


public class CadHeader


Returns Name Summary
Double AngleBase Sets the zero (0) base angle with respect to the current UCS.
AngularDirection AngularDirection Sets the direction of positive angles.
AngularUnitFormat AngularUnit Sets units for angles.
Int16 AngularUnitPrecision Sets the display precision for angular units and coordinates.
String ArrowBlockName Arrow block name for leaders
Boolean AssociatedDimensions
AttributeVisibilityMode AttributeVisibility Controls display of attributes.
Boolean BlipMode System variable BLIPMODE ??
Boolean CameraDisplayObjects
Double CameraHeight
Double ChamferAngle Sets the chamfer angle when CHAMMODE is set to 1.
Double ChamferDistance1 Sets the first chamfer distance when CHAMMODE is set to 0.
Double ChamferDistance2 Sets the second chamfer distance when CHAMMODE is set to 0.
Double ChamferLength Sets the chamfer length when CHAMMODE is set to 1.
String CodePage Drawing code page.
DateTime CreateDateTime Local date/time of drawing creation (see Special Handling of Date/Time Variables).
Boolean CreateEllipseAsPolyline Controls the ellipse type created with ELLIPSE.
Color CurrentEntityColor Current entity color number.
Double CurrentEntityLinetypeScale Current entity linetype scale.
LineweightType CurrentEntityLineWeight Line weight of new objects
EntityPlotStyleType CurrentEntityPlotStyle Plot style type of new objects
Layer CurrentLayer
String CurrentLayerName Sets the current layer.
LineType CurrentLineType
String CurrentLineTypeName Sets the linetype of new objects.
MLineStyle CurrentMLineStyle
VerticalAlignmentType CurrentMultilineJustification Current multiline justification.
Double CurrentMultilineScale Current multiline scale.
String CurrentMultiLineStyleName Current multiline style name.
TextStyle CurrentTextStyle
Char DgnUnderlayFramesVisibility
String DimensionAlternateDimensioningSuffix Alternate dimensioning suffix
Int16 DimensionAlternateUnitDecimalPlaces Alternate unit decimal places
Boolean DimensionAlternateUnitDimensioning Alternate unit dimensioning performed if nonzero
LinearUnitFormat DimensionAlternateUnitFormat Units format for alternate units of all dimension style family members except angular
Double DimensionAlternateUnitRounding Determines rounding of alternate units
Double DimensionAlternateUnitScaleFactor Alternate unit scale factor
Int16 DimensionAlternateUnitToleranceDecimalPlaces Number of decimal places for tolerance values of an alternate units dimension
ZeroHandling DimensionAlternateUnitToleranceZeroHandling Controls suppression of zeros for alternate tolerance values
ZeroHandling DimensionAlternateUnitZeroHandling Controls suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values
Double DimensionAltMzf Undocumented
String DimensionAltMzs Undocumented
Int16 DimensionAngularDimensionDecimalPlaces Number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions
AngularUnitFormat DimensionAngularUnit Angle format for angular dimensions
ZeroHandling DimensionAngularZeroHandling Controls suppression of zeros for angular dimensions
ArcLengthSymbolPosition DimensionArcLengthSymbolPosition Undocumented
Double DimensionArrowSize Dimensioning arrow size
DimensionAssociation DimensionAssociativity Controls the associativity of dimension objects
String DimensionBlockName Arrow block name
String DimensionBlockNameFirst First arrow block name
String DimensionBlockNameSecond Second arrow block name
Double DimensionCenterMarkSize Size of center mark/lines
Boolean DimensionCursorUpdate Cursor functionality for user-positioned text
Int16 DimensionDecimalPlaces Number of decimal places for the tolerance values of a primary units dimension
Char DimensionDecimalSeparator Single-character decimal separator used when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimal
TextArrowFitType DimensionDimensionTextArrowFit Controls dimension text and arrow placement when space is not sufficient to place both within the extension lines
Color DimensionExtensionLineColor Dimension extension line color
Double DimensionExtensionLineExtension Extension line extension
Double DimensionExtensionLineOffset Extension line offset
Int16 DimensionFit
Double DimensionFixedExtensionLineLength Undocumented
FractionFormat DimensionFractionFormat Undocumented
Boolean DimensionGenerateTolerances Vertical justification for tolerance values
Boolean DimensionIsExtensionLineLengthFixed Undocumented
Double DimensionJoggedRadiusDimensionTransverseSegmentAngle Undocumented
Boolean DimensionLimitsGeneration Dimension limits generated if nonzero
Double DimensionLinearScaleFactor Linear measurements scale factor
LinearUnitFormat DimensionLinearUnitFormat Sets units for all dimension types except Angular
Color DimensionLineColor Dimension line color
Double DimensionLineExtension Dimension line extension
Double DimensionLineGap Undocumented
Double DimensionLineIncrement Dimension line increment
String DimensionLineType Undocumented
LineweightType DimensionLineWeight Dimension line lineweight
Double DimensionMinusTolerance Minus tolerance
Double DimensionMzf Undocumented
String DimensionMzs Undocumented
Double DimensionPlusTolerance Plus tolerance
String DimensionPostFix Undocumented
Double DimensionRounding Rounding value for dimension distances
Double DimensionScaleFactor Overall dimensioning scale factor
Boolean DimensionSeparateArrowBlocks Use separate arrow blocks if nonzero
DimensionStyle DimensionStyleOverrides
String DimensionStyleOverridesName Dimension style name
Boolean DimensionSuppressFirstDimensionLine Suppression of first extension line
Boolean DimensionSuppressFirstExtensionLine First extension line suppressed if nonzero
Boolean DimensionSuppressOutsideExtensions Suppress outside-extensions dimension lines if nonzero
Boolean DimensionSuppressSecondDimensionLine Suppression of second extension line
Boolean DimensionSuppressSecondExtensionLine Second extension line suppressed if nonzero
String DimensionTex1 Undocumented
String DimensionTex2 Undocumented
Color DimensionTextBackgroundColor Undocumented
DimensionTextBackgroundFillMode DimensionTextBackgroundFillMode Undocumented
Color DimensionTextColor Dimension text color
TextDirection DimensionTextDirection Undocumented
Double DimensionTextHeight Dimensioning text height
DimensionTextHorizontalAlignment DimensionTextHorizontalAlignment Horizontal dimension text position
Boolean DimensionTextInsideExtensions Force text inside extensions if nonzero
Boolean DimensionTextInsideHorizontal Text inside horizontal if nonzero
TextMovement DimensionTextMovement Dimension text movement rules decimal
Boolean DimensionTextOutsideExtensions If text is outside the extension lines, dimension lines are forced between the extension lines if nonzero
Boolean DimensionTextOutsideHorizontal Text outside horizontal if nonzero
TextStyle DimensionTextStyle
String DimensionTextStyleName Dimension text style
DimensionTextVerticalAlignment DimensionTextVerticalAlignment Text above dimension line if nonzero
Double DimensionTextVerticalPosition Text vertical position
Double DimensionTickSize Dimensioning tick size
ToleranceAlignment DimensionToleranceAlignment Vertical justification for tolerance values
Int16 DimensionToleranceDecimalPlaces Number of decimal places to display the tolerance values
Double DimensionToleranceScaleFactor Dimension tolerance display scale factor
ZeroHandling DimensionToleranceZeroHandling Controls suppression of zeros for tolerance values
Int16 DimensionUnit Controls suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values
ZeroHandling DimensionZeroHandling Controls suppression of zeros for primary unit values
Char DisplayLightGlyphs
Boolean DisplayLineWeight Controls whether the lineweights of objects are displayed.
0 = Lineweight is not displayed
1 = Lineweight is displayed
Boolean DisplaySilhouetteCurves Controls display of silhouette edges of 3D solid and surface objects in the Wireframe or 2D Wireframe visual styles.
CadDocument Document Document where this header resides
Double DraftAngleFirstCrossSection
Double DraftAngleSecondCrossSection
Double DraftMagnitudeFirstCrossSection
Double DraftMagnitudeSecondCrossSection
Double Dw3DPrecision
Char DwgUnderlayFramesVisibility
Double Elevation Current elevation set by ELEV command
Int16 EndCaps Line weight end-caps setting for new objects
ObjectSortingFlags EntitySortingFlags Controls the object sorting methods
Boolean ExtendedNames Controls symbol table naming
LineweightType ExtensionLineWeight Extension line lineweight
Byte ExternalReferenceClippingBoundaryType Controls the visibility of xref clipping boundaries
Double FacetResolution Adjusts the smoothness of shaded and rendered objects, rendered shadows, and objects with hidden lines removed.
Double FilletRadius Stores the current fillet radius for 2D objects.
Boolean FillMode Specifies whether hatches and fills, 2D solids, and wide polylines are filled in.
String FingerPrintGuid Set at creation time, uniquely identifies a particular drawing
Byte HaloGapPercentage Specifies a gap to be displayed where an object is hidden by another object; the value is specified as a percent of one unit and is independent of the zoom level.A haloed line is shortened at the point where it is hidden when HIDE or the Hidden option of SHADEMODE is used
UInt64 HandleSeed Next available handle.
Byte HideText Specifies HIDETEXT system variable
String HyperLinkBase Path for all relative hyperlinks in the drawing. If null, the drawing path is used
IndexCreationFlags IndexCreationFlags Controls whether layer and spatial indexes are created and saved in drawing files
UnitsType InsUnits Default drawing units for blocks
Color InterfereColor Represents the ACI color index of the "interference objects" created during the INTERFERE command. Default value is 1
Byte IntersectionDisplay
Int16 JoinStyle Line weight joint setting for new objects
String LastSavedBy Displays the name of the last person who modified the file
Double Latitude Specifies the latitude of the drawing model in decimal format.
Double LensLength
Boolean LimitCheckingOn Controls whether you can create objects outside the grid limits.
LinearUnitFormat LinearUnitFormat Sets the linear units format for creating objects.
Int16 LinearUnitPrecision Sets the display precision for linear units and coordinates.
Double LineTypeScale Sets the global linetype scale factor.
Boolean LoadOLEObject
Char LoftedObjectNormals
Double Longitude Specifies the longitude of the drawing model in decimal format.
Int16 MaintenanceVersion Maintenance version number(should be ignored)
Int16 MaxViewportCount Sets the maximum number of viewports that can be active at one time in a layout.
MeasurementUnits MeasurementUnits Controls whether the current drawing uses imperial or metric hatch pattern and linetype files.
String MenuFileName Name of menu file.
Boolean MirrorText Controls how MIRROR reflects text.
XYZ ModelSpaceExtMax X, Y, and Z drawing extents upper-right corner(in WCS)
XYZ ModelSpaceExtMin X, Y, and Z drawing extents lower-left corner (in WCS)
XYZ ModelSpaceInsertionBase Insertion base set by BASE command(in WCS)
XY ModelSpaceLimitsMax XY drawing limits upper-right corner (in WCS)
XY ModelSpaceLimitsMin XY drawing limits lower-left corner (in WCS)
XYZ ModelSpaceOrigin Origin of current UCS(in WCS)
XYZ ModelSpaceOrthographicBackDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to BACK when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ ModelSpaceOrthographicBottomDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to BOTTOM when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ ModelSpaceOrthographicFrontDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to FRONT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ ModelSpaceOrthographicLeftDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to LEFT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ ModelSpaceOrthographicRightDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to RIGHT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ ModelSpaceOrthographicTopDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing model space UCS to TOP when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
UCS ModelSpaceUcs
UCS ModelSpaceUcsBase
XYZ ModelSpaceXAxis Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
XYZ ModelSpaceYAxis Direction of the current UCS Y axis (in WCS)
Double NorthDirection
Int16 NumberOfSplineSegments Sets the number of line segments to be generated for each spline-fit polyline generated by the Spline option of the PEDIT command.
ObjectSnapMode ObjectSnapMode Sets running object snaps.
Color ObscuredColor
Byte ObscuredType
Boolean OrthoMode Constrains cursor movement to the perpendicular.
String PaperSpaceBaseName Name of the UCS that defines the origin and orientation of orthographic UCS settings (paper space only)
Double PaperSpaceElevation Current elevation set by ELEV command
XYZ PaperSpaceExtMax X, Y, and Z drawing extents upper-right corner(in WCS).
XYZ PaperSpaceExtMin X, Y, and Z drawing extents lower-left corner (in WCS).
XYZ PaperSpaceInsertionBase Paper space insertion base point.
Boolean PaperSpaceLimitsChecking Limits checking in paper space when nonzero.
XY PaperSpaceLimitsMax XY drawing limits upper-right corner (in WCS).
XY PaperSpaceLimitsMin XY drawing limits lower-left corner(in WCS).
SpaceLineTypeScaling PaperSpaceLineTypeScaling Controls paper space linetype scaling.
String PaperSpaceName Current paper space UCS name
XYZ PaperSpaceOrthographicBackDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to BACK when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ PaperSpaceOrthographicBottomDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to BOTTOM when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ PaperSpaceOrthographicFrontDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to FRONT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ PaperSpaceOrthographicLeftDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to LEFT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ PaperSpaceOrthographicRightDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to RIGHT when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
XYZ PaperSpaceOrthographicTopDOrigin Point which becomes the new UCS origin after changing paper space UCS to TOP when PUCSBASE is set to WORLD
UCS PaperSpaceUcs
UCS PaperSpaceUcsBase
XYZ PaperSpaceUcsOrigin Origin of current UCS (in WCS)
XYZ PaperSpaceUcsXAxis Direction of the current UCS X axis (in WCS)
XYZ PaperSpaceUcsYAxis Direction of the current UCS Y aYis (in WCS)
Int16 PlotStyleMode Indicates whether the current drawing is in a Color-Dependent or Named Plot Style mode
Int16 PointDisplayMode Controls how point objects are displayed.
Double PointDisplaySize Sets the display size for point objects.
Boolean PolylineLineTypeGeneration Governs the generation of linetype patterns around the vertices of a 2D polyline:
1 = Linetype is generated in a continuous pattern around vertices of the polyline
0 = Each segment of the polyline starts and ends with a dash
Double PolylineWidthDefault Stores the default polyline width.
String ProjectName Assigns a project name to the current drawing. Used when an external reference or image is not found on its original path. The project name points to a section in the registry that can contain one or more search paths for each project name defined. Project names and their search directories are created from the Files tab of the Options dialog box
Boolean ProxyGraphics Specifies whether images of proxy objects are saved in the drawing.
Boolean QuickTextMode Quick Text mode on if nonzero
Boolean RegenerationMode Obsolete. Controls automatic regeneration of the drawing.
Int64 RequiredVersions The default value is 0.
Read only.
Boolean RetainXRefDependentVisibilitySettings Controls the properties of xref-dependent layers:
0 = Don't retain xref-dependent visibility settings
1 = Retain xref-dependent visibility settings
Int16 ShadeDiffuseToAmbientPercentage Sets the ratio of diffuse reflective light to ambient light.
ShadeEdgeType ShadeEdge Controls the shading of edges.
ShadowMode ShadowMode Shadow mode for a 3D object
Double ShadowPlaneLocation Location of the ground shadow plane. This is a Z axis ordinate
Boolean ShowModelSpace Determines whether the Model tab or the most-recently accessed named layout tab is active.
Char ShowSolidsHistory
Boolean ShowSplineControlPoints Controls the display of helixes and smoothed mesh objects.
Double SketchIncrement Sketch record increment.
Boolean SketchPolylines Determines the object type created by the SKETCH command.
Int16 SolidLoftedShape
Char SolidsRetainHistory
Int16 SpatialIndexMaxTreeDepth Specifies the maximum depth, that is, the number of times the tree-structured spatial index can divide into branches.
SplineType SplineType Sets the type of curve generated by the Spline option of the PEDIT command.
Int16 StackedTextAlignment
Int16 StackedTextSizePercentage
Double StepSize Specifies the size of each step when in walk or fly mode, in drawing units.
Double StepsPerSecond Specifies the number of steps taken per second when you are in walk or fly mode.
String StyleSheetName
Int16 SurfaceDensityU Surface density (for PEDIT Smooth) in M direction.
Int16 SurfaceDensityV Surface density(for PEDIT Smooth) in N direction.
Int16 SurfaceIsolineCount Specifies the number of contour lines displayed on the curved surfaces of 3D solids.
Int16 SurfaceMeshTabulationCount1 Number of mesh tabulations in first direction.
Int16 SurfaceMeshTabulationCount2 Number of mesh tabulations in second direction.
Int16 SurfaceType Surface type for PEDIT Smooth.
Double SweptSolidHeight
Double SweptSolidWidth
Double TextHeightDefault Sets the default text height when creating new text objects.
Int16 TextQuality Sets the resolution of TrueType text for plotting and rendering.
String TextStyleName Sets the name of the current text style.
Double ThicknessDefault Sets the default 3D thickness property when creating 2D geometric objects.
Int32 TimeZone Sets the time zone for the sun in the drawing.
TimeSpan TotalEditingTime Cumulative editing time for this drawing(see Special Handling of Date/Time Variables)
Double TraceWidthDefault Default trace width.
String UcsBaseName Name of the UCS that defines the origin and orientation of orthographic UCS settings
String UcsName Name of current UCS
Int16 UnitMode Controls the display format for units.
DateTime UniversalCreateDateTime Universal date/time the drawing was created(see Special Handling of Date/Time Variables).
DateTime UniversalUpdateDateTime Universal date/time of the last update/save(see Special Handling of Date/Time Variables).
DateTime UpdateDateTime Local date/time of last drawing update(see Special Handling of Date/Time Variables).
Boolean UpdateDimensionsWhileDragging System variable DIMSHO
Double UserDouble1 Real variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Double UserDouble2 Real variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Double UserDouble3 Real variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Double UserDouble4 Real variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Double UserDouble5 Real variable intended for use by third-party developers.
TimeSpan UserElapsedTimeSpan User-elapsed timer
Int16 UserShort1 Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Int16 UserShort2 Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Int16 UserShort3 Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Int16 UserShort4 Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Int16 UserShort5 Integer variable intended for use by third-party developers.
Boolean UserTimer Controls the user timer for the drawing.
ACadVersion Version
String VersionGuid Uniquely identifies a particular version of a drawing. Updated when the drawing is modified
String VersionString The Drawing database version number.
Double ViewportDefaultViewScaleFactor View scale factor for new viewports.
Boolean WorldView Determines whether input to the DVIEW and VPOINT commands is relative to the WCS (default) or the current UCS.
Boolean XEdit Controls whether the current drawing can be edited in-place when being referenced by another drawing


Returns Name Summary
Object GetValue(System.String)
Dictionary<DxfCode, Object> GetValues(System.String) Get the primitive values in each dxf code
Void SetValue(System.String, System.Object[]) Set a value of a system variable by name
String ToString
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️