ACadSharp.ExtendedDataDictionary - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

ExtendedDataDictionary Class


Namespace: ACadSharp


public class ExtendedDataDictionary


Returns Name Summary
Void Add(ACadSharp.Tables.AppId, ACadSharp.ExtendedData) Add ExtendedData for a specific AppId to the Dictionary.
Void Clear Clear all Dictionary entries.
Boolean ContainsKey(ACadSharp.Tables.AppId) Check whether a AppId is given in the Dictionary.
ExtendedData Get(ACadSharp.Tables.AppId) Get ExtendedData for a specific AppId from the Dictionary.
Boolean TryGet(ACadSharp.Tables.AppId, ACadSharp.ExtendedData@) Try to get ExtendedData for a specific AppId from the Dictionary.