ACadSharp.Entities.Viewport - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

Viewport Class

Represents a entity.


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Entities


public class Viewport


Returns Name Summary
Color AmbientLightColor Ambient light color.Write only if not black color.
Double BackClipPlane Back clip plane Z value
Entity Boundary Hard-pointer ID/handle to entity that serves as the viewport's clipping boundary (only present if viewport is non-rectangular)
Double Brightness View brightness
XYZ Center Center point(in WCS)
Int16 CircleZoomPercent Circle zoom percent
Double Constrast View contrast
LightingType DefaultLightingType Default lighting type.
Boolean DisplayUcsIcon Display UCS icon at UCS origin flag
Double Elevation Viewport elevation
Double FrontClipPlane Front clip plane Z value
List1` FrozenLayers Frozen layer object ID/handle(multiple entries may exist)
XY GridSpacing Grid spacing
Double Height Height in paper space units
Int16 Id Viewport ID
Double LensLength Perspective lens length
Int16 MajorGridLineFrequency Frequency of major grid lines compared to minor grid lines
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
RenderMode RenderMode Render mode
ShadePlotMode ShadePlotMode Orthographic type of UCS
Double SnapAngle Snap angle
XY SnapBase Snap base point
XY SnapSpacing Snap spacing
ViewportStatusFlags Status Viewport status.
String StyleSheetName Plot style sheet name assigned to this viewport
String SubclassMarker
Double TwistAngle View twist angle
XYZ UcsOrigin UCS origin
OrthographicType UcsOrthographicType Orthographic type of UCS
Boolean UcsPerViewport UCS per viewport flag
XYZ UcsXAxis UCS X-axis
XYZ UcsYAxis UCS Y-axis
Boolean UseDefaultLighting Default lighting flag.On when no user lights are specified.
XY ViewCenter View center point(in DCS)
XYZ ViewDirection View direction vector(in WCS)
Double ViewHeight View height(in model space units)
XYZ ViewTarget View target point(in WCS)
VisualStyle VisualStyle Visual style
Double Width Width in paper space units


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️