ACadSharp.Entities.MultiLeader - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

MultiLeader Class

Represents a entity.


Object name
Dxf class name


Namespace: ACadSharp.Entities


public class MultiLeader


Returns Name Summary
BlockRecord Arrowhead Gets or sets a representing the arrowhead
(see ) to be displayed with every leader line.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
Double ArrowheadSize Gests or sets the arrowhead size (see )
for every leader line
when the flag is set in the
IList1` BlockAttributes
BlockRecord BlockContent Gets a containing elements
to be drawn as content for the multileader.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
Color BlockContentColor Gets or sets the block-content color.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
BlockContentConnectionType BlockContentConnection Gets or sets a value indicating whether the multileader connects to the content-block extents
or to the content-block base point
when the flag is set in the
Double BlockContentRotation Gets or sets the rotation of the block content of the multileader.
XYZ BlockContentScale Gets or sets the scale factor for block content.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
LeaderContentType ContentType Gets or sets a value indicating whether the content of this
is a text label, a content block, or a tolerance.
MultiLeaderAnnotContext ContextData Contains the multileader content (block/text) and the leaders.
Boolean EnableAnnotationScale Enable Annotation Scale
Boolean EnableDogleg Gets or sets a value indicating that leader lines of this
are to be drawn with a dogleg (see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
Boolean EnableLanding Gets or sets a value indicating whether landing is enabled.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
Boolean ExtendedToText Leader extended to text
Double LandingDistance Gets or sets the landing distance, i.e. the length of the dogleg, for this .
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
LineType LeaderLineType Gets or sets of the leader lines of this
(see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
LineweightType LeaderLineWeight Gets or sets a value specifying the lineweight to be applied to all leader lines of this
(see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
Color LineColor Gets or sets color of the leader lines of this
(see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
String ObjectName
ObjectType ObjectType
MultiLeaderPathType PathType Gets or sets a value indicating the path type of this
(see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
MultiLeaderPropertyOverrideFlags PropertyOverrideFlags Gets or sets a value containing a list of flags indicating which multileader
properties specified by the associated
are to be overridden by properties specified by this
or the attached .
Double ScaleFactor Gets or sets a scale factor (see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
The scale factor is applied by AutoCAD.
MultiLeaderStyle Style Gets a providing reusable style information
for this .
String SubclassMarker
Int16 TextAligninIPE Text Align in IPE (meaning unknown)
TextAlignmentType TextAlignment Gets or sets the text alignement type.
TextAngleType TextAngle Gets or sets a value indicating the text angle.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
TextAttachmentDirectionType TextAttachmentDirection Gets or sets the Text attachment direction for text or block contents.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
TextAttachmentPointType TextAttachmentPoint Gets or sets a value indicating the text attachment point.
TextAttachmentType TextBottomAttachment Gets or sets the text bottom attachment type (see ).
This property override the value from
when the flag is set (see
Color TextColor Gets or sets the color for the display of the text label.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
Boolean TextDirectionNegative Text Direction Negative
Boolean TextFrame Gets or sets a value indicating that the text label is to be drawn with a frame.
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
TextAttachmentType TextLeftAttachment Gets or sets the text left attachment type (see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
TextAttachmentType TextRightAttachment Gets or sets the text right attachment type (see ).
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set (see
TextStyle TextStyle Gets or sets the to be used to display the text label of this
This property overrides the value from
when the flag is set in the
TextAttachmentType TextTopAttachment Gets or sets the text top attachment type (see ).
This property override the value from
when the flag is set (see


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️