ACadSharp.Color - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

Color Class


Namespace: ACadSharp


public sealedstruct Color


Returns Name Summary
Byte B Blue component of the color
Byte G Green component of the color
Int16 Index Indexed color. If the color is stored as a true color, returns -1;
Boolean IsByBlock Defines if the color is defined by block.
Boolean IsByLayer Defines if the color is defined by layer.
Boolean IsTrueColor True if the stored color is a true color. False if the color is an indexed color.
Byte R Red component of the color
Int32 TrueColor True color. If the color is stored as an indexed color, returns -1;


Returns Name Summary
Boolean Equals(ACadSharp.Color)
Boolean Equals(System.Object)
Byte GetApproxIndex Approximates color from a true color RGB.
Int32 GetHashCode
ReadOnlySpan<Byte> GetRgb Returns the RGB color code
ReadOnlySpan<Byte> GetTrueColorRgb Returns the RGB color code using the true color value.
String ToString
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