ACadSharp.CadObject - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

CadObject Class

Represents an element in a CadDocument


Namespace: ACadSharp


public abstractclass CadObject


Returns Name Summary
CadDocument Document Document where this element belongs
ExtendedDataDictionary ExtendedData Extended data attached to this object
UInt64 Handle Unique handle for this object
String ObjectName The CAD class name of an object
ObjectType ObjectType Get the object type
IHandledCadObject Owner Soft-pointer ID/handle to owner object
Dictionary<UInt64, CadObject> Reactors Objects that are attached to this object
String SubclassMarker Object Subclass marker
CadDictionary XDictionary Extended Dictionary object.


Returns Name Summary
CadObject Clone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
CadDictionary CreateExtendedDictionary Creates the extended dictionary if null.
String ToString