ACadSharp.CadDocument - DomCR/ACadSharp GitHub Wiki

CadDocument Class

A CAD drawing


Namespace: ACadSharp


public class CadDocument


Returns Name Summary
AppIdsTable AppIds The collection of all registered applications in the drawing
BlockRecordsTable BlockRecords The collection of all block records in the drawing
DxfClassCollection Classes Dxf classes defined in this document
ColorCollection Colors The collection of all book colors in the drawing.
DimensionStylesTable DimensionStyles The collection of all dimension styles in the drawing
CadObjectCollection<Entity> Entities Collection with all the entities in the drawing
GroupCollection Groups The collection of all groups in the drawing.
UInt64 Handle The document handle is always 0, this field makes sure that no object overrides this value
CadHeader Header Contains all the header variables for this document.
ImageDefinitionCollection ImageDefinitions The collection of all images in the drawing.
LayersTable Layers The collection of all layers in the drawing
LayoutCollection Layouts The collection of all layouts in the drawing.
LineTypesTable LineTypes The collection of all linetypes in the drawing
MLeaderStyleCollection MLeaderStyles The collection of all Multi leader styles in the drawing.
MLineStyleCollection MLineStyles The collection of all Multi line styles in the drawing.
BlockRecord ModelSpace Model space block record containing the drawing
BlockRecord PaperSpace Default paper space of the model
CadDictionary RootDictionary Root dictionary of the document
ScaleCollection Scales The collection of all scales in the drawing.
CadSummaryInfo SummaryInfo Accesses drawing properties such as the Title, Subject, Author, and Keywords properties
TextStylesTable TextStyles The collection of all text styles in the drawing
UCSTable UCSs The collection of all user coordinate systems (UCSs) in the drawing
ViewsTable Views The collection of all views in the drawing
VPortsTable VPorts The collection of all vports in the drawing


Returns Name Summary
Void CreateDefaults
CadObject GetCadObject(System.UInt64) Gets an object in the document by it's handle
T GetCadObject<T>(System.UInt64) Gets an object in the document by it's handle
Boolean TryGetCadObject<T>(System.UInt64, T@) Gets an object in the document by it's handle
Void UpdateCollections(System.Boolean) Updates the collections in the document and link them to it's dictionary
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