New users can create an account with first name, last name, a username, email address, and password. Upon submitting the signup form with invalid data, users will be informed about the validations they failed to pass.
New users without an account can log in as demo users.
Existing users can log in to their account.
Only logged-in users can access certain features, such as uploading comments.
Users can log out account anytime and redirect to the landing page.
Aerobnb is a platform for learning about the universe in a fun way. Every user who has a casual interest in space can learn a little more about the universe.
There is a splash page for Aerobnb. On the splash page, users could explore the photos submitted.
Users can click on a single spot and access more details about that specific spot.
Users can create their own spot in the universe.
-- Authorized Users can edit their spots.
-- Authorized Users can delete the spots that they own.
Reviews are able to be seen by anyone who visits a specific spot.