Day 5 - Discoded/adventofcode GitHub Wiki

Day 5

Part 1


seeds: 79 14 55 13

seed-to-soil map:
50 98 2
52 50 48

soil-to-fertilizer map:
0 15 37
37 52 2
39 0 15

fertilizer-to-water map:
49 53 8
0 11 42
42 0 7
57 7 4

water-to-light map:
88 18 7
18 25 70

light-to-temperature map:
45 77 23
81 45 19
68 64 13

temperature-to-humidity map:
0 69 1
1 0 69

humidity-to-location map:
60 56 37
56 93 4


Seed 79, soil 81, fertilizer 81, water 81, light 74, temperature 78, humidity 78, location 82.

Seed 14, soil 14, fertilizer 53, water 49, light 42, temperature 42, humidity 43, location 43.

Seed 55, soil 57, fertilizer 57, water 53, light 46, temperature 82, humidity 82, location 86.

Seed 13, soil 13, fertilizer 52, water 41, light 34, temperature 34, humidity 35, location 35.

Final answer: 35 (minimum location number)


Simple solution: go through each map with the starting seed to get the location.


Map Handling

Given a map (destination, source, range):
50 98 2
52 50 48

Map can be stored as
map: [50, 98, 2], [52, 50, 48](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/50,-98,-2],-[52,-50,-48)

def Map(key) -> value:
    for elem in map:
        if elem[1] + elem[2] - 1 >= key >=  elem[1]:
            return  key - elem[1] + elem[0]

Part 2

  • Find THE Map which Maps seed to location, (Merge maps)
  • Reduce Seeds instead of manually inputting each seed invidually


Everyone will starve if you only plant such a small number of seeds. Re-reading the almanac, it looks like the seeds: line actually describes ranges of seed numbers.

The values on the initial seeds: line come in pairs. Within each pair, the first value is the start of the range and the second value is the length of the range. So, in the first line of the example above:

seeds: 79 14 55 13

This line describes two ranges of seed numbers to be planted in the garden. The first range starts with seed number 79 and contains 14 values: 79, 80, ..., 91, 92. The second range starts with seed number 55 and contains 13 values: 55, 56, ..., 66, 67


seeds 79 14 55 13
56 75 10
77 85 26

Map maps out numbers: 
75 ~ 84 to 56 ~ 65
85 ~ 110 to 77 ~ 102

Seed [79, 14] means seeds 79 ~ 92
This set of seeds must be split according to the map
Our map describes 79 ~ 84 mapping to 60 ~ 65
85 ~ 92 remains which maps to 77 ~ 84
Seed [55, 13] means seeds 55 ~ 67
            which maps to 55 ~ 67 as it's out of range


Checking individual seeds will take too long.

What we can do is use the ranges.

keyPairList = [79, 14], [55, 13](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/79,-14],-[55,-13)
Where each element of keyPairList actually means a list of keys [79, 80, 81, ..., 93]
Let keyStart be the starting element of each inner list and range the last element.
Then the list of keys is equal to: [keyStart, keyStart + 1, keyStart +2, ..., keyStart + range - 1]

Let Map: destination, source, range
56 75 10
77 85 26
Storing map as map: [56, 75, 10], [77, 85, 26](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/56,-75,-10],-[77,-85,-26)

Each inner list describes a range of numbers mapping out

element[0] = destination
element[1] = source
element[2] = range

function find():
    sourceStart = source
    sourceRange = range
    sourceEnd = source +  sourceRange - 1

    Find pair [keyStart, keyRange] where sourceEnd >= keyStart >= sourceStart
    keyEnd = keyStart + keyRange - 1

    if sourceEnd >= keyEnd:
        return [keyStart, keyRange]
        remainderRange = keyEnd - sourceEnd
        remainder = [sourceEnd + 1, remainderRange]
        return [seedStart, source end] + find(remainder)
    return [keyStart, keyEnd](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/keyStart,-keyEnd)

Running this through using the example above:

keyPairList:[79, 14], [55, 13](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/79,-14],-[55,-13)
56 75 10
77 85 26

sourceStart = 75
sourceRange = 10
sourceEnd = 84 (75 + 10 - 1)

pair [keyStart, keyRange] = [79, 14]
keyEnd = keyStart + keyRange - 1 = 92 (79 + 14 - 1)
and the corresponding map is 
[56, 75, 10] as sourceEnd: 84 (75 + 10 - 1) >= keyStart: 79

if sourceEnd: 84 >= keyEnd: 92 -> false
else -> this is ran
    remainder = [85, 7]
    return [79, 5] + find(remainder)

remainder = [85, 7]

find([85, 7]):
    pair [keyStart, range] = [85, 7]
    keyEnd = 91
and the corresponding map is 
[77, 85, 26] as sourceEnd: (85+26-1) >= keyStart: 85

if sourceEnd: 110 >= keyEnd: 91 -> true
    return [85, 7]

Final run through should be: [79, 5], [85, 7](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/79,-5],-[85,-7)

We can then use the get key function

map: [50, 98, 2], [52, 50, 48](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/50,-98,-2],-[52,-50,-48)

def Map.get(key) -> value:
    for elem in map:
        if elem[1] + elem[2] - 1 >= key >=  elem[1]:
            return  key - elem[1] + elem[0]

Assuming input = [keyStart, keyRange] = [79, 5]

startValue = Map.get(keyStart) 
60 = Map.get(79) 

endValue = startValue + keyRange
64 = 60 + 5 - 1

Therefore keys 79 ~ 84 maps to 60 ~ 65 and 85 ~ 91 map to 85 ~ 91

Problem Solving:

1st - Get seeds:
    Seeds are in seed_range_pairs = [79, 14], [55, 13](/Discoded/adventofcode/wiki/79,-14],-[55,-13)
        Example: [79, 14] denotes seeds 79 ~ 92 or elem[0] ~ (elem[0] + elem[1] - 1)

2nd - For each seed pair - 
    Split them in such a way that the map works on them

3rd -