Destruction Gadget - Direwolf20-MC/BuildingGadgets GitHub Wiki

Destruction Gadget

The Destruction Gadget allows you to void large areas in a single action. To maintain balance the Gadget will void the blocks instead of dropping them. There is a single Undo if you accidentally use the tool.


  • Void large areas of blocks
  • Visual Preview
  • Custom X, Y, Z axis

Default Stats (Config)

  • Max selection size of 16X16X16
  • A single undo
  • Energy of 1,000,000
  • Destruction-Cost of 200Rf
  • Ability to enable fuzzy mode
  • A cost multiplier of 2 for the fuzzy mode


Unlike the other Gadget's, the Destruction Gadget offers 2 Gui's:

  1. The standard Configuration Gui, which allows for example toggling anchors or the connected area mode
  2. The Selection Gui, which configures the Destruction Gadget's working area.

Configuration Gui

  • Toggle Overlay. This controls whether a red box is painted around all destroyed blocks. Deactivating this will improve rendering performance, but of course you'll no longer see, what you're going to destroy!
  • Toggle Connected Area Mode. This let's the Gadget only destroy blocks, which have at least an indirect connection to the Block you are targeting - it will no longer target across a one block wide gap!
  • Toggle Raytrace-Fluid Mode. Raytrace-Fluid Mode decides, whether Fluid Blocks are treated as actual Blocks by the Destruction Gadget. If this is enabled, fluids can be targeted and voided.
  • Toggle the Render Anchor. This will anchor the currently selected destruction Area to it's position, allowing you to inspect it independently.
  • The Undo Button. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • Toggle Fuzzy-Mode. This allows the Destruction Gadget to void all blocks, not only ones that are identical to the block clicked. Notice that this Mode is disabled by default and must be enabled in the config, by the Server owner. It may also be more expensive to destroy blocks with non-fuzzy Mode disabled...

Selection Gui

The Destruction Gadget's selection Gui

  • Use the individual sliders to change the working Area of the Destruction Gadget in the described direction
  • Bear in mind that all directions are relative to the Block side clicked!
  • Bear in mind that you may only destruct a 16X16X16 cube in total!