Changelog 1.12 - Direwolf20-MC/BuildingGadgets GitHub Wiki

Building Gadgets Changelog for MC1.12

[2.8.4 - 1.12.2] - 2020-07-15

Note: This is just a patch release, nothing has been changed dramtically but some mods will require it.


  • Added an API like interface for mods (Like Builder's Bags) that require more control over the inventory management side of our systems. #494 @Tschipp


  • Updated dependencies

[2.7.1 - 1.12.2] - 2019-07-23


  • Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when using the material list key on anything but the Copy&Paste Gadget or air.

[2.7.0 - 1.12.2] - 2019-07-20


A note for this update, due to the pure amount of changes made between this version and the previous version we're just going to put it out there that this one might be a bit buggy! 🐛 If you encounter any issues with how the mod used to work to how it works now please be sure to create a new issue on the Github Repo


  • Added a new and fancy Material List GUI for templates. Simply shift right click with a template in your hand to see the list.
    • With this you can also now copy the material list right into your clipboard!
  • Some people where finding it hard to open the Copy & Paste Gadgets GUI in tight spaces so to help with this we've added a button in the Radial Menu (G) to go straight to it :)


  • The Building and Exchanging Gadgets mode System, to make it more open for future additions. Thanks @hnOsmium001 for his PR.
    • This also resulted in a lot of changes - please report any bugs you might encounter as a lot of the core functionality has been changed in this version.
  • Updated the Destruction Gadget's GUI as it needed some scaling and usability work. It's better but it's not pretty! Soz.
  • The destruction gadget now uses a different kind of magic for finding connected blocks. This should resolve any issues people have been having with less powerful computers and large selection ranges.
  • Added slightly better handling of random crashes to hopefully reduce them... Wish us luck.


  • Fix typo when pasting a link
  • Fixed an issue where linked inventories (Yeah, you can link loads of them now. Just shift right click with a supported Gadget!) would stay highlighted in different dimensions.
  • Fixed an odd one where linked inventories would throw out items if the dimension got deleted.
  • Fixed an exploit where the Exchanging Gadget could be used as a way to mine large areas quickly.
  • Fixed an issue with the new modes system using the Building Gadgets range in Build To Me mode which wasn't even close to right.

For Devs

  • We're now firing Break & Place block events for each of our tools semi correctly. We've not been able to do large scale tests so if you have any more issues then let us know.

[2.6.8] - 2019-03-24


  • Added settings to the radial menu for rotation, mirroring, undoing, and anchoring. All operations that can be performed by a keybind can now be performed via the radial menu.
  • A Building or Exchanging gadget can now rotate/mirror its selected blockstate (using either its new keybind, which is not set by default, or using the radial menu).
    • Example: Selecting a stair block, then rotating it.


  • Separated rotation/mirror keybind (not set by default) from range (still default of R).
  • Raised the energy costs in recipes to 4000/1000 from
    • 400/100 in the pulverizer and fluid extractor [Thermal Expansion]
    • 1600/400 in the crusher [Immersive Engineering]

[2.6.7] - 2019-03-18


  • The copy/paste gadget can now mirror pastes, as well as rotate them. Sneak while pressing the keybind that previously just rotated them to mirror them left-to-right instead.
  • Added/changed radial menu functionality/aesthetics:
    • Converted text-based settings controls to icon-based ones.
    • Prevented mode strings from rendering when the cursor is not over its corresponding slice.
    • Added range slider.
  • Allowed gadgets to bind Simple Storage Network networks as a remote inventories (you can only bind the Storage Network Master block).
  • Dense construction blocks now drop 1-3 (configurable) construction paste items.
  • The process of generating construction paste is now as follows:
    1. Craft a construction powder block.
    2. Convert the powder into a dense construction block by either placing it in the word next to water, or using one of the following machines:
      • Fluid Transposer [Thermal Expansion]
      • Hydrator [Cyclic]
      • Moistener [Forestry]
    3. Get paste from the block by either:
      • Breaking it, yielding 1-3 paste.
      • Using machines:
        1. Convert it into dense construction chunks (1 block -> 4 chunks):
          • Pulverizer [Thermal Expansion]
          • Macerator [Industrial Craft 2]
          • Grinder [Applied Energistics 2]
          • Crusher [Mekanism]
          • Crusher [Immersive Engineering]
          • Crusher [Actually Additions]
        2. Convert the chunks into paste using any of the machines listed in step 3 (1 chunk -> 1 paste).


  • Nearly every ingredient of every recipe now uses the ore dictionary.
  • Templates can be copied to the clipboard from template items, as well as copy/paste gadgets in the Template Manager GUI.
  • Remote networks are now only wrapped once build/exchange/undo operation, rather than twice per placed block.

[2.6.6] - 2019-02-27


  • Allowed gadgets to bind Applied Energistics 2 networks as a remote inventories.
  • Added gadget modes for:
    • [all gadgets] raytracing fluids
    • [building gadget] placing in or on blocks
  • More German localisation


  • Refined Storage network IO now respects security permissions.
  • Fixed destruction overlay rendering bug when in F1 mode.
  • When in connected area mode, the destruction gadget now does nothing when set to 0 depth, just as it does otherwise.
  • Allowed destruction overlay render cache to update when the side of the observed block changes.

[2.6.5] - 2019-02-22


  • In addition to extracting items from bound Refined Storage networks when using the building/exchanging/copy-paste gadgets, items can now also be inserted into them when using, and undoing the use of, the building/copy-paste gadgets.
  • The Template Manager now displays a special Error-Message if someone tries to paste a link instead of JSON-Data

[2.6.4] - 2019-02-17


  • Drastically improved rendering performance of Destruction Gadget in Connected Area mode when set to a large area

[2.6.3] - 2019-02-11


  • Fixed server crashing on startup due to beep sound being unavailable server side
  • Fixed the yellow box rendering around chests to always render if the tool is in your hand, not only when other renders are occurring (Like if you're looking at nothing).

[2.6.2] - 2019-02-12


  • The Performance of the DestructionGadget was very poor when being in the (by default active) connected-Blocks mode. You can always disable that by assigning a corresponding keybinding and toggling it to inactive.


  • Adds surface mode to the building gadget, and renames the exchanging gadget's 'wall' mode to 'surface' for consistency.
  • Adds means of setting connected area mode for building/exchanging/destruction gadgets (referred to as 'connected surface' for the building/exchanging gadgets), and makes it default to true.
    • Given the above, the newly added 'fuzzy' and 'connected area' keybinds are set to NONE, so as to reduce excessive conflicts that modpack users will have to resolve.
  • Replaced standard MC 'click' sounds with custom 'beep' sounds for GUI operations.
  • Adds togglable buttons to the GUI to change values currently only toggled with keybinds.
  • Yellow box around bound inventories
  • Shift Right Click an existing bound inventory to un-bind it.


  • Applies fuzzy mode to the building/destruction gadgets, and separates out the fuzzy mode toggling from the undo keybind into its own keybind.
  • Allows clicking a mode in the radial menu GUI to change it without having to close the GUI.
  • Allows the slice in the GUI for the gadget's currently selected mode to render green with green text.
  • Changes the GUI circle to a torus, and requires the cursor to be on its surface to select a mode.


  • Fixes a longstanding bug where relative up/down directions are inverted when interacting with the bottom sides of blocks.

[2.6.1] - 2019-02-06


  • Added the ability to bind inventories to Refined Storage Interfaces.


  • Misc bugfixes.
  • Fixes a possible crash, when changing the powered By FE energy setting whilst being in a world
  • Fixes energy not updating when the Max Energy setting is changed in Game

[2.6.0] - 2019-02-01


Please let me know if you run into anything weird!


  • Bind any tool to a chest - Sneak-Right click any tool on any chest (Including modded chests) to bind it. The tool will pull items out of that chest now. Thanks @Phylogeny for helping with the rendering portions of this!!
  • Updated configs to the new forge way, which means you can change your config options from in-game. Go to the mod options button and search for building gadgets. Thanks @MajorTuvok for this PR! :)
    • Note that as Configs are now synced from Server to Client changes applied on a MP Server probaply


  • Misc bug fixes.

[2.5.0] - 2018-12-29


  • It also features a rather significant refactor effort made by the community. Shoutout to MichaelHillcox and Phylogeny and MajorTuvok for all the help with suggestions and making the mod cleaner and easier to read! :) I flagged this as beta due to the fact there are MAJOR refactors in the code. I did a good amount of testing and didn't find too many bugs, but I wanted to flag it as beta until its been tested a bit more :).


  • This release sees a few minor bug fixes and issues with the copy tool failing to copy an area.

[2.4.6] - 2018-11-12


  • This version contains a crash possibilty, when the newly added UI is faced by empty values!


  • Added a UI that lets you change the Paste offset position. Shift-right click the Copy/Paste tool while in Paste mode.


  • Misc bug fixes.

[2.4.5] - 2018-11-06


  • More better handling of destruction rendering, thanks Phylogeny! (Far less of an FPS hit)

[2.4.4] - 2018-11-06


  • Increased RF Capacity of destruction tool to 1 million RF. This is required to void a max size area.


  • Improved the FPS hit caused by a very large (16x16x16) destruction tool render. Reminder: If this bothers you, you can press the 'range' hotkey to hide the render completely, and the tool will still work.
  • Minor crash fixes (XNet cable rendering).

[2.4.3] - 2018-10-29


  • Copy/Paste from the template manager buttons give a message to the player on success as well as fail.


  • Fixed a server side crash with the destruction gadget.

[2.4.2] - 2018-10-26


  • Added a config option to prevent overwriting blocks like a player can (Water/lava/tall grass, etc) - At the request of Darkosto for evil modpack reasons.


  • DoubleSlab blocks not copy/pasting variants properly.
  • Trying to build below Y=0 wouldn't build, but took items from your inventory. This no longer happens.

[2.4.1] - 2018-10-24


  • Added a config option to completely disable the destruction tool, in case you don't want it available on your server for example :).

[2.4.0] - 2018-10-24


  • This version adds the Destruction Gadget:
    • Shift-Right click to bring up a GUI to set the area that will be destroyed. All blocks will be VOIDED - meaning they don't drop items. Use at your own risk to clear areas. This tool is not meant to be used for mining, so no item drops. Sorry!
    • Use the 'range change' hotkey to hide the overlay (red blocks) showing what will be voided. This tool has a much larger area available than other tools and may cause some lag on older machines if voiding a very large area. If this happens, just hide the overlay.
    • Max void area size is 16x16x16.
    • Use the 'Undo' hotkey to undo the last void you did. This tool only remembers ONE iteration of voiding.

[2.3.8] - 2018-10-23


  • Code Cleanup and Nicer Template Manager UI by Phylogeny

[2.3.6] - 2018-10-07


  • Added tiered construction paste containers
    • Right click any construction paste container to absorb all paste from your inventory (Handy for putting lots of paste into a container at once).


  • Fixed lighting bugs with half-slabs and construction paste.
  • Misc minor fixes

[2.3.5] - 2018-10-01


  • Added a GUI to the Copy/paste tool -- Shift Right Click on empty air to access it.
  • Added redstone repeat delay state to the allowed blockstates for copying.

[2.3.4] - 2018-09-30


  • Making this beta so more people test it :). Let me know if you run into any bugs please, by reporting them on the Github!


  • Template Manager only allows 1 piece of paper at a time.

[2.3.3] - 2018-09-25


  • Construction Paste chisel blocks can now properly connect with Real chisel blocks (Connected textures) and vice versa. - Thanks TTerrag!


  • Fixed glass rendering

[2.3.1] - 2018-09-23


  • Added recipe for the Template Manager

[2.3.0] - 2018-09-23


  • EARLY ALPHA -- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK -- Make world backups


  • Implemented the Template Manager

[2.2.1] - 2018-08-24


  • WARNING: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you opt to test this ALPHA version, please report any bugs you find on Github, thanks!
  • Note that none of the textures are final.


  • Copy Paste Tool
    • Use mode change to switch between copy/paste mode
    • In copy mode:
      • Right click on the 'first' block in your area. Shift right click on the 2nd block. A box is drawn around the area you've copied.
      • Note its best to go from bottom to top of an area when doing this due to how paste works. Planned to be changed.
      • Max size is 125x125x125 or 32,768 non-air blocks
    • In Paste Mode:
      • Right click to paste the blocks where they are rendered (One block up from the block you're looking at).
      • Press to rotate the blocks
      • Press to anchor the blocks to the block you're looking at (Like the building gadget)
      • Press to undo the last build you did (Only remembers 1, unlike the building gadget which remembers 10).

[2.1.0] - 2018-08-15


  • Added a config option to disable paste all together.


  • Fixed a crash bug or two.

[2.0.0] - 2018-08-10


  • This is an ALPHA release of Building Gadgets v2.0 -- Please report any bugs you find :).
  • Note that textures are temporary.


  • Added Construction Paste:
    • Make construction powder, and place it in world next to water, over 4 seconds it will harden into a construction block.
    • Break the construction block to receive Construction Paste
    • Construction paste can be used to build any block (Non-Tile Entity) instead of the real block.
    • Some attributes like light opacity and bounding box are copied to the construction paste block
    • Some are not - Like light / redstone output

[1.6.2] - 2018-07-27


  • Exchanger and Builder(During Undo) now properly fire BlockBreakEvents for modders to cancel if need be.

[1.6.1] - 2018-07-26


  • Added a config option to allow the tools to take item durability damage (Like vanilla tools) instead of using Forge Energy.
    • Tools will never break.
    • Can be fully repaired with a single diamond in an anvil.
    • Can accept the normal suite of tool enchants (Unbreaking/Mending/etc).

[1.5.1] - 2018-07-25


  • Added radial menu for Mode Select.


  • Can no longer exchange air/liquids using fuzzy mode.

[1.4.0] - 2018-07-24


  • Added an Energy Cost to the tools (Configs to change the cost/max storage).


  • Significant refactor of a lot of code, please let me know if I introduced any bugs :). Flagged as Alpha due to refactor and new energy stuff.

[1.3.0] - 2018-07-20


  • Add support for the Dank/Null and other inventory containers:
    • The undo function and exchanger tool will insert into the dank/null (if appropriate) but only up to a max stacksize inside the dank/null of 64. The Dank/Null mod needs to implement a change to fix this. For now, it'll insert up to 64, and the rest will go into your inventory. Extracting from the dank null works fine.

[1.2.0] - 2018-07-19


  • Added 'Checkerboard' mode to both the builder and exchanger.
  • Added 'Fuzzy mode' to the exchanger (will swap blocks that don't match the block you're looking at if true).

[1.1.5] - 2018-07-18


  • More better BlockState copying
  • Plants are allowed again.


  • Effect block won't un-till earth.

[1.1.4] - 2018-07-18


  • Lang File updates (Thanks Everyone who submitted one!)


  • Plants are now blacklisted - Sorry Soaryn!
  • Better State handling -- Places blocks with many default properties, and only copies certain properties like facing/etc.
  • Better Undo block breaking


  • Minor Z-Fighting fix

[1.1.3] - 2018-07-17


  • Added a few more languages (Thanks Pull request people!)
  • Added localization to a lot of the messages / tooltips
  • Added support for tools in the offhand


  • Changed Default hotkey (Mode Change) to not conflict with vanilla
  • Better Item Picking for the silk touch method


  • Removed effectBlock's item registration (No longer an item form of the block)


  • Proper doubleslab support (Fixes dupe bug)
  • BlockBuildEntity now stores it's data on chunk unload / world exit (Should prevent effect blocks being left behind on world exit)
  • Minor Undo improvement (If blocks no longer exist, they are still properly removed from the undo list)

[1.1.2] - 2018-07-15


  • Initial release