2.driver sequence handshake - DilipKrishnappa/UVM GitHub Wiki
The Sequencer get the series of the transaction item/sequence_item through the sequence. This transaction items are needs to be transferred to the Driver where these transaction items are converted into cycle based signal/pin level transitions.
Generally, the Sequence as six function/operation for to communicate with the Driver they are
1.create_item() / create req. 2.wait_for_grant(). 3.randomize the req. 4.send the req. 5.wait for item done. 6.get response.
The above Sequence can
Sequence-Driver-Sequencer communication
Based on the varieties of methods available with sequence and driver, they are two Methods
Using get_next_item and item_done methods in the driver
Using get and put methods in driver
1.Using get_next_item and item_done methods in the driver
The below Fig.1 & fig.2 show the Transaction Exchange flow between the component Having said that, sending a transaction/sequence_item from a Sequencer to a Driver is a 4 step process which is discussed below.
Fig.1:Transaction Exchange between Driver Sequencer
- The Driver class contains the TLM port called uvm_seq_item_pull_port is connected to the uvm_seq_item_pull_Export called sequencer Both are connected in the run phase of UVM_AGENT. The driver can use the TLM function to get the next item from the Sequencer when it is required.
Sequencer side operation:
1.Creating the “transaction item” with the declared handle using factory mechanism.
Calling “start_item(<transaction_item_handle>)“. This call blocks the Sequencer till it grants the Sequence and transaction access to the Driver.
Randomizing the transaction OR randomizing the transaction with in-line constraints. Now the transaction is ready to be used by the Driver.
Calling “finish_item(<transaction_item_handle>)“. This call which is blocking in nature waits till Driver transfer the protocol related transaction data.
- These are the operational steps from a Sequence which we want to execute using a Sequencer that is connected to a Driver inside an Agent component. Whole of this process is shown in the Figure 1 & Figure 2 above.
Driver side operation:
Declaring the “transaction item” with a handle.
Calling the “get_next_item(<transaction_item_handle>)“. Default transaction_handle is “req”. “get_next_item()” blocks the processing until the “req” transaction object is available in the sequencer request FIFO & later “get_next_item” returns with the pointer of the “req” object.
Next, Driver completes its side protocol transfer while working with the virtual interface.
Calling the “item_done()” OR “item_done(rsp)“. It indicates to the sequencer the completion of the process. “item_done” is a non-blocking call & can be processed with an argument or without an argument. If a response is expected by the Sequencer/Sequence then item_done(rsp) is called. It results in Sequencer response FIFO is updated with the “rsp” object handle.
Fig.2: Flow of Transactions between Sequencer,Driver and DUT.
The sequence
2. Using get and put methods in driver
Figure.3. get() and put() method
- Create a sequence item and register in the factory using the create_item function call.
- The wait_for_grant issues the request to the sequencer and wait for the grant from the sequencer. It returns when the sequencer has granted the sequence.
- Randomize the sequence item and send it to the sequencer using send_request call. There should not be any simulation time delay between wait_for_grant and send_request method call.
- The sequencer forwards the sequence item to the driver with the help of REQ FIFO. This unblocks the get() call and the driver receives the sequence item.
- The wait_for_item_done() call from the sequence gets blocked until the driver calls the get method.
- Once the get method is called, the wait_for_item_done() call from sequence gets unblocked immediately without caring about driving the signal from DUT.
- The get_response call is necessary to call that completes the communication. The get_response method is blocked until the driver calls put(RSP).
- In the meantime, the driver drives the sequence item to the DUT using a virtual interface handle. Once it is completed, the put(RSP) method is called. This unblocks the get_response method from the sequence. The RSP item is communicated to the sequence by a sequencer with help of RSP FIFO.