FAQ Camunda - DigiBP/digibp.github.io GitHub Wiki

This is our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page concerning the Camunda BPM stack and related topics.



What is an expression?

An expression in Camunda is based on the Unified Expression Language (EL) 1

Process variables (sometimes form fields) of the current scope are available inside an expression such as conditional expression of a sequence flow following an (X)OR gateway.

1 Expression Languagedocs.camunda.org/manual/latest/user-guide/process-engine/expression-language


How to generate a business key?

Keep in mind that business keys must be defined prior the instantiation of a process.

In a Camunda environment where dependency injection and/or spring beans are available such as in Camunda Spring Boot, ${strongUuidGenerator.getNextId()} can be used to generate a unique business key by placing this expression into the default value of a form field:

<camunda:formField defaultValue="${strongUuidGenerator.getNextId()}" id="businessKey" label="Business Key" type="string" />


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