Deployment To Heroku SS21 - DigiBP/ GitHub Wiki

This tutorial describes how to deploy a Camunda application to Heroku PaaS platform from a GitHub repository.



To follow this hands-on, you need to

  1. register to Heroku PaaS
  2. have access to your team repository on GitHub

1. Heroku PaaS Deployment

In this step, we are going to the deploy the digibp-camunda-template based project to Heroku PaaS using a GitHub repository. The contents of the digibp-camunda-template are explained here.

New Heroku App

This step should be performed by only one member of the team.

Create a new App as shown here (use a different name, possibly the name of your group). Other members can access the App as collaborators.

GitHub-based Deployment

Like the previous step, this step needs to performed by just one member of the group.

Switch to Deploy tab, use the GitHub Deployment method, and you may have to authorise Heroku to access your GitHub account (only applies for the first time):

Search for the GitHub repository of your group and connect it (only applies for the first time):

Finally, you can press the button Deploy Branch to trigger the deployment process:

Logs and Camunda on Heroku

You may want to have a look at the current Logs, which you can find under More:

After you see the message State changed from starting to up, you can open the app by using the button Open app. You should see the Camunda login view:

Based on the default configuration, the admin username is demo, and the password is as well demo.

Adding Collaborators

The team members can be added as collaborators. This enables the team to access the same deployment on Heroku.

Click on the Access or Manage Access links as highlighted in the figure:

Enter the email id of your team members (the one used for Heroku registration):

2. Testing Camunda Modeler and Heroku

This section describes the remote testing method on the Heroku PaaS using the Camunda modeller. With this method you can test BPMN, DMN and CMMN files. To identify any issues in the execution of the models, you have to consult the logs on Heroku.

Please note that this Camunda Modeler feature is available from version 1.12.0+

You can deploy BPMN, DMN and CMMN diagrams directly from the modeler.

You can deploy the current diagram by clicking on the deploy icon in the menu bar. Enter the deployment name and the deployment endpoint - preferably to the Heroku instantiation. A tenant id is not needed for this deployment:

If you receive a 500 error message, you may have to consult the server logs locally or on Heroku.

Model Storage

Save your models under src\main\resources\modelling and push them to GitHub repository after ensuring it works as expected.