7. Convert vcf to genind - DianaCarolinaVergara/SNPs_pipeline GitHub Wiki

Convert vcf file to genind and the distance matrix

(Pairwise distances between individuals present in the genind object)

  1. Convert VCF to genind object

load package poppr

  1. Generate a UPGMA tree

We obtain an asymmetric distance matrix

genlight_Muricea <- vcfR2genlight(Muricea_filtered_no_clone_DP_Miss90_MAF_vcf_last)

Muricea_tree_FINAL <- aboot(genlight_Muricea, tree = "upgma", distance = bitwise.dist, sample = 100, showtree = T, cutoff = 50, quiet = T)
genind_Muricea <- vcfR2genind(Muricea_filtered_no_clone_DP_Miss90_MAF_vcf_last)
Muricea_distances_FINAL.dist<-diss.dist(genind_Muricea, mat=TRUE, percent = TRUE)

Write distance dataframe as a table

Convert this dataframe to be able to read in another programs


write.table(Muricea_distances_FINAL.dist, file="Muricea_distances_FINAL.dist.txt", col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
write.csv(Muricea_distances_FINAL.dist, file="Muricea_distances.dist_FINAL.csv", col.names = TRUE, row.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)