13. Export Files - DianaCarolinaVergara/16S-rRNA-Analysis GitHub Wiki

Export final files

Explort with Qiime1

module load anaconda/python2
module load qiime/1.9.1

First you have to export the files .qza to the format .biom with the command qiime tools export

You select as input whatever .qza file you want with the command --input-path and the output path.

Then you have to convert the previous .biom file to a file capable to be read in Excel

.tsv , .txt

Some examples with our previous used files:

qiime tools export  --input-path table-dada2.qza   --output-path mantel

biom convert -i mantel/feature-table.biom -o mantel/otu_table.txt --to-tsv

qiime tools export  --input-path collapsed_family_table.qza   --output-path core-metrics-results

biom convert -i core-metrics-results/feature-table.biom -o core-metrics-results/otu_family_table.txt --to-tsv

qiime tools export  --input-path collapsed_phylum_table.qza   --output-path core-metrics-results

biom convert -i core-metrics-results/feature-table.biom -o core-metrics-results/otu_phylum_table.txt --to-tsv

qiime tools export  --input-path taxonomy.qza   --output-path core-metrics-results

biom convert -i core-metrics-results/feature-table.biom -o core-metrics-results/taxonomy.txt --to-tsv

Finally, another webpage to learn how to export different type of files:


And some info about the .biom format files.





The End