Chakra UI - DevelopingSpace/starchart GitHub Wiki


Chakra UI is a library that simplifies the process of creating the front-end of their website, by providing them with tools that are both easy to learn, and implement

Basic Usage

The snippet below displays the simplicity of creating a UI directly from the components

import * as React from "react";
import { Box, Center, Image, Flex, Badge, Text } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { MdStar } from "react-icons/md";

export default function Example() {
  return (
    <Center h="100vh">
      <Box p="5" maxW="320px" borderWidth="1px">
        <Image borderRadius="md" src="" />
        <Flex align="baseline" mt={2}>
          <Badge colorScheme="pink">Plus</Badge>
            Verified &bull; Cape Town
        <Text mt={2} fontSize="xl" fontWeight="semibold" lineHeight="short">
          Modern, Chic Penthouse with Mountain, City & Sea Views
        <Text mt={2}>$119/night</Text>
        <Flex mt={2} align="center">
          <Box as={MdStar} color="orange.400" />
          <Text ml={1} fontSize="sm">
            <b>4.84</b> (190)

The image below is the output for the snippet above

Image description

Unlike before, where developers have to spend a considerable amount of times aligning the contents of a card. Now they are able to directly influence the UI from the components itself. This also lessen the time spent of newer developers when it comes to working with the front-end's UI

Notable Features

Custom Components

The library provides its developers a multitude of pre-made components, that can cut developer's time when designing the front-end


The library provides its users the ability to send alert notifications through the use of the alert component

<Alert status='error'>
  <AlertIcon />
  <AlertTitle>Your browser is outdated!</AlertTitle>
  <AlertDescription>Your Chakra experience may be degraded.</AlertDescription>

Image description


Other features such as forms are also available. This can range from a simple button to a select form

<Select placeholder='Select option'>
  <option value='option1'>Option 1</option>
  <option value='option2'>Option 2</option>
  <option value='option3'>Option 3</option>

Image description

Having pre-made components helps developers managing their time, and also allows newly contributors to apply changes to each component's design


According to chakra-ui, the size of the component themes are one of the major factors for large initial JavaScript payload.

With the release of v2.4.2, developers can now select the components that they want the theme to be allocated towards, simply by using extendBaseTheme

import { ChakraBaseProvider, extendBaseTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react'
// `@chakra-ui/theme` is a part of the base install with `@chakra-ui/react`
import chakraTheme from '@chakra-ui/theme'

const { Button } = chakraTheme.components

const theme = extendBaseTheme({
  components: {

function App() {
  return (
    <ChakraBaseProvider theme={theme}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

There are a myriad more of features presented by the library. Down below are the list of all features it provides, and their respective description

Feature Description
Style Props Stylize component by simply passing props
Gradient Transitioning between two or more color
Color Mode Allow developers to set up the color mode of an application between dark, light, system, or custom
CSS Variables Automatically converts theme tokens to CSS variables so the developer don't have to
Semantic Tokens Values of tokens are changed depending on the environment they are in
Responsive Styles Provides objects and array to contain values for a more responsive styles
Chakra Factory An object of chakra enabled JSX elements, and a function that provides custom component's to receipt chakra styled props
Global Styles Provides a global stylize for any elements globally. Developers can also manually stylize elements from other libraries
Layer Styles Save stylizes re-usable attributes to the layerStyle prop
Text Styles Store attributes for stylizing text components such as h1, h2 towards the textStyle prop
The sx Prop TBD
RTL Support Provides support for different style of reading
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