Resolve Terraform Only Alphanumeric and Hyphens Allowed Error with Vim in Git Bash on Windows - DevPops-Inc/windows GitHub Wiki

• The following resolution is for if you receive an error saying only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in name when running terraform apply.

• Type vim < Terraform file >.tf and press the “Enter” key to open the Terraform file in the Vim text editor.

• Press the “I” key to get into INSERT mode.

• Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the line the error reported was not alphanumeric or a hyphen.

• Replace the character with an alphanumeric character or a hyphen.

• Press “Esc” key to exit INSERT mode, type :wq and press the “Enter” key to save changes and exit the text editor.

• Type terraform apply and press the “Enter” key to apply the Terraform file and the error won’t appear this time around.