Resolve System Requires SMB2 Error on Windows - DevPops-Inc/windows GitHub Wiki
• The following resolution is for if you receive an error saying your system requires SMB2 or higher when trying to connect to a network share.
• Press the Windows key, type “powershell” in the search box, and select “Run as Administrator.”
• Type Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol
and press Enter key to get current SMB2 protocol configuration.
• It should return True
• Press the Windows key again, type “windows features” in the search box, and select “Open.”
• Scroll down and select the checkbox for “SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support” then click “OK.”
• Select “Restart now.”
• Log back into your profile when your PC comes back up.
• Press Windows and R keys to launch Run, type the pathway to your desired network share in the “Open” box, and select “OK.”
• This time the network share will connect without any errors.