Wars - DevLan-Cybersecurity/arvan GitHub Wiki

Wars mostly affect the breeds of the combatant type. The races of service or commercial type are considered to support.


Invading a kingdom is the way to capture a land that belongs to another kingdom. The main point of invading a kingdom, is to steal their stuff.

You need to be in a kingdom and have enough resource points to invade a kingdom.


Preparing yourself against invaders is easy if you're familiar with turrets and structures. They play a huge role on protecting your kingdom. A base is another factor, but actually a cliche problem as well. Most people build obsidian walls from 0 to 255th block for a single chunk. The only way to invade these lands are to have a useful strategy and a good equipment. Use your races skills and organize some teams

  • Attack Team
  • Magic Team
  • Medical Team
  • Defense Team
  • Other Team
  • Another Team
  • Whatever you want Team

You can manage them by using the /skill party system

Your nexus chunk, is the most important thing in your kingdom, and it has to have the most security around it. People can mine the nexus to get resource points for every time they break the block. Powercell structures are specially made for invasions. They're extremely useful when used around the nexus land.


The champion is your kingdom main guardian. By default it can be upgraded in the nexus. This mob will spawn when someone tries to invade you. People getting 13 blocks close to the champion, will have the champion's health and time limit bossbars displayed for them. You can successfully capture a land after you kill the champion. Note that multiple people can invade a single land, so whoever kills the champion faster will get the land. Champions cannot teleport through any portals.

During Invasion

  • You're not allowed to teleport using any tools, commands, portals and etc...
  • You're not allowed to use certain commands.
  • You're not allowed to interact with certain blocks.

Ways to End Invasion

  • One of the defender members with permission use /k surrender.
  • The attacker does /k surrender
  • The attacker logs out.
  • The attacker dies in any way.
  • The land is unclaimed.
  • The kingdom is disbanded for any sides.
  • The attacker is kicked out of the kingdom.
  • The champion timer ends.
  • The champion gets killed.


Masswars are global server events that happen every 12 hours if The Staff actived them. Currently, they only allow you to invade other kingdoms for free as many times as you want. Masswars start with a title announcement and a bossbar showing the progress of the event. They also end with the bossbar progress disappearing and a title announcement.

  • The Staff can manually start or stop a masswar by using /k admin masswar command.