Races - DevLan-Cybersecurity/arvan GitHub Wiki


Races are closely related to history, so to understand them it is advisable to read it..

📍 Everkim

  • 🔍 The Everkims are knights of the Goddess Themis, called and chosen by Her to be Her Hand as Divine Justice, and to spread Her Word, that is, her teachings and the principles and precepts of the Themissian cult. They act in support and defense of the creation of the Goddess and the principles of Worship; they guard the arcane mysteries and the Sacred Places and act for Divine Justice in compliance with the Seven Principles.

📍 Barasael

  • 🔍 bla bla

📍 Syssna

  • 🔍 The Order of Priests of Themis, whose greeting is "Vita Ex Fide", is a mystical race of positive alignment deeply linked to the Light, to the concept of Faith in Themis and to all that revolves around it so that the Wish of the Goddess may be manifested through it. Every Cleric, chosen by the Goddess as the trustee of his positive powers since the dawn of time thanks to the study and contemplation of his divine mysteries will succeed in bringing out his own Faith, that will be able to convert into power, through word and prayer.

📍 Nusswan

  • 🔍 bla bla

📍 Eidolon

  • 🔍 bla bla

📍 Vanlan

  • 🔍 bla bla

📍 Khamaril

  • 🔍 The Khamaril is a race of negative alignment that resides at Khimaira, officially established Kingdom in the Nether. It respects the laws of the Nether, but not all its members possess the Netherian citizenship thus allowing members of the Khamaril to freely choose to practice a cult rather than another or none.

📍 Mybus

  • 🔍 The Mybus is a race of negative alignment, officially established Kingdom in the Nether. It respects the laws of the Nether and are considered the black Army of the Khamaril. In line with the precepts of the Balrog creed, each legionnaire fights with the aim of annihilating all forms of existence and allowing the realization of the Primordial Chaos. The Legionnaires are intended to act as a hierarchically defined army by the law of the strongest. Led by the most ferocious veterans, the legion engages in acts of war, deploying warriors specialized in armaments of all weights and in the domain of the arts of fire. Chaos becomes a kind of profile of thought and action. The members of the Guild insinuate themselves where the established order is in force and, by making their way through the most disparate methods among the strata of civilization, operate mainly with violent actions, stratagems and deceptions. The Legionnaires have no political alignment, and act only for tasks convenient to them.

📍 Vadresh

  • 🔍 bla bla

📍 Asfeus The Legendary Race

  • 🔍 bla bla


Races XP are completely separated from Vanilla XP and can be gained by killing mobs, finishing Quests or participating in Events. You'll also lose some XP when you die. Races XP is mainly used for leveling up. Your XP is synced with the bossbar.


Souls are races currency. You can get souls from killing mobs, finishing Quests or participating in Events. You'll also lose a few souls when you die. Souls are mainly used for upgrades races abilities and masteries.


Stats are basically variables used in ability equations to make them stronger. You can upgrade your stats each time you gain statpoints by levelling up, finishing Quests or participating in Events. If an ability's equation depends on a specific stat, the number for that equation is colored based on the stat color in the "abilities improve" GUI. If an ability depends on multiple stat types, the color is the first stat that can be found in the equation.


Masteries are a small replacement for McMMO and Jobs. While they have a similar behaviour, it doesn't completely replace them with all their features. They're basically passive abilities that are available for all the players. You can upgrade your masteries everytime you want.


Each race can have multiple abilities. There are 2 types of abilities passive and active.
Players need to unlock and upgrade the ability from the "abilities improve" GUI in order to use them. You can also disable specific abilities in the GUI.

If an ability is not working make sure:

  • The ability is unlocked and upgraded.
  • You did not disable the ability from the GUI. When it's gray, it means it's deactivated.
  • For active abilities, you have enough energy.
  • For active abilities, you're not in a cooldown.
  • For active abilities, you're performing the activation keys quickly and correctly.


Passive abilities are always active and do not require manual activation from the user. They activate on certain player activities such as attacking, breaking or placing blocks or even moving.


Active abilities require manual activation from the user in order to work.
There are two types of active abilities, instant and non-instant.
These abilities are activated by performing the activation keys for abilities.

Activation Keys

  • L left-click
  • R right-click
  • Q drop item
  • S sneak
  • C<key> sneak while pressing


Instant active abilities instantly activate without requiring a specific target. Syssna's Asclepius, Nusswan's Energy Flux and Eidolon's Blackhole are examples of these kinds of abilities.


Non-instant active abilities require the player to attack a specific player after activating the ability using the activation keys to activate completely. These abilities need specific targets to function correctly.
When a non-instant ability activates, it goes into ready state. These are some signs when abilities go into ready state.

  • A purple particle will start appearing from your right hand.
  • Your action bar will completely change to a new one with a new red design.
  • A sound will play similar to equipping armor.

If you do not hit a target within the next few seconds, it'll go out of ready state and you'll have to activate the ability again.

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