RPG Guidelines - DevLan-Cybersecurity/arvan GitHub Wiki


Are you newbie? Don’t worry, the first tip is very simple: LOOK and UNDERSTAND how the game is played, learn to read and imagine what other players write. if you need more help you can always come into our Discord Community to make suggestions, discuss features or just chat around.

Arvan is a role-playing game, therefore a game of interaction and interpretation, in which each participant creates his own character, a sort of alter-ego, which gives life by taking his place and playing a role. The player has the difficult task of making this creation concrete, attributing to it distinctive traits that configure it as an original and complex entity, with feelings, weaknesses, aspirations, affections and a past, and "moving" within a fictional narrative world, which has nothing to do with reality.

Initially Arvan may seem just a silent world with a themed setting, but if you get involved and carried away, you will realize how much it is actually a real parallel world, within which the characters are free to develop personal plots, based on their own inclination, which are intertwined with those of others: they grow, marry, raise a family, fight, travel, make career, they get attached to other individuals they meet in their own way, they die. In this way the character of your character will emerge slowly, generating new game ideas that enrich the "everyday" of the protagonists of this virtual world.

Always remember that in Arvan: your choices may affect and affect the fate of your character, or the fate of others, or even the world itself.


In the creation and development of your character you do not have to set limits to fantasy, but just stick to the setting of the game, that is the background in which it "will be born" and "will grow", so as to make it as coherent and realistic as possible. In addition, in order to play Arvan you do not need absolute knowledge of role-playing games. To be part of it you just have a minimum propensity to writing or dialogue, good imagination, desire to estrange from reality and immerse yourself in a different dimension, and above all want to have fun, because it should be remembered that Arvan is a game and the real purpose of the game is to have fun and have fun!

ARVAN and in-depth RPG mode.

If you want to learn more about this and play Arvan in the way we really want you to play, then we invite you to read more about the following, because we offer you free a full and detailed course of our role-playing vision on Minecraft. Vision supported by more than 20 years of experience on Extremelot, our first and largest Role Playing Community in Italy.

This course aims to give you elements to set your lessons to the players. Each area will not be addressed with the depth that it could have in the internal lessons, but by a smattering so that other areas not proper to your game, are treated. The aim is to provide to players a quick and practical information to focus in the game and was born because of what we noticed during the quest management, that is that leaving their scope, often players were in trouble. The problem, I recognize, is also the difficulty of finding information, but for that unfortunately does not depend on us.