Kingdoms - DevLan-Cybersecurity/arvan GitHub Wiki

A kingdom is a group of people that share the same race type and resources. Each kingdom has its own resource points, bank, upgrades, ranks, relation attributes and lands.

📣 You can use the command /k lore to create an internal annunce visible on the tab-list for every member. Please to don't uso this as description of your lands, I intended the use of it like an annunce. Check the Missions Page, for more examples.

Kings may be deposed by their members if they are not sufficiently present, active or do not comply with the rules. A member can only do this while a Game Operator is supervising.

Pacifism & Shields

Kingdoms can choose to be pacifist or not, they're not pacifist by default. A pacifist kingdom cannot invade and cannot be invaded. Kingdoms cannot go in pacifist mode after a certain amount of time after their last invasion. Whether you're pacifist or not, you can also purchase shields from the nexus settings to stop kingdoms from invading you. New purchased shields will add to your kingdom time shield if any is active. Shields costs and duration can be modified from guis -> structures -> nexus -> settings -> shields It's preferred to remove the pacifism (by removing the option for the GUI) and use shields only. This will encourage and motivate player to earn more resource points to keep their kingdom safe. New kingdoms will get a free shield for few days to prepare.

Resource Points

Resource points are kingdoms currency. You can use them to buy turrets, structures, shields, ammos and upgrades. They can be produced from the Resource Points Converter in the kingdom's Nexus. Unlike the old Kingdoms, if you close the GUI after putting items in the GUI, it'll return the items without converting anything. It works the same way if you use the Back button. You have to click Apply. Some items are blacklisted from converting to avoid mistakes and cheating. They're returned to the player's inventory.

You can get one resource point for every 5 non-special items you put in the converter. Special items such as emeralds, diamonds, gold, irons and etc... give a specific amount of resource points per item.


Powerups are common boosters (such as damage boost, damage reduction, arrow damage boost and regeneration boost) that only work when you're standing in your land. It doesn't matter where your target is standing or where your arrow landed. Regeneration boost only works for eating regeneration, not any other regeneration such as the natural regeneration.


Kingdom and nation ranks are determined by their might (/k top). The default equation has resource points and the member count as its main factors. It's recommended to use + operator to keep this number low. When taxes are being collected (during the daily-checks-interval), the top 10 kingdoms will be rewarded with money and resource points.


A nexus block is a structure that is the most important thing in your kingdom. These are some kind of "virtual" structures, meaning they don't have an item, they won't drop an item when broken, can be placed as many times as you want using /k nexus command and they will be removed automatically once a land is unclaimed or invaded. Almost everything in your kingdom can be accessed and modified from your nexus such as ranks, upgrades, turret and structure shops, member list and etc... If another non-ally kingdom mines your nexus, it'll take a certain amount of resource points from your kingdom, so it's important to cover your nexus properly.


In Kingdoms you can have the following relationship with another kingdom:

  • Self: You won't see this in-game. It's for config and API purposes. It's basically indicating that the target kingdom is yours.
  • Neutral: You have no special relationship with this kingdom, or the target land or player doesn't belong to a kingdom.
  • Ally: You're allies with this kingdom.
  • Enemy: You're enemies with this kingdom.

Kingdoms can also have custom relation attributes. You can manage your kingdom's relation attribute by going to your nexus settings. One important thing to know is that the relation settings only apply to the kingdom itself, it won't change for other kingdoms that have a relationship with the kingdom. For example if you have ceasefire attribute off for allies, but your allies have it on, you can attack any of your ally members, but they cannot fight back until they disable that attribute for allies as well.


Kingdom rank are customizable by default. Each rank have its own unique node and priority, but other options such as the name, color, symbol, material and max claims can be the same. All these options except the material can be accessed as a placeholder**. Other than your own kingdom, rank permissions are also used after checking a relation attribute between two kingdoms. If the relation attribute is positive, it'll check the player's permission for some cases. For example, when placing blocks in another kingdom's lands, first it'll check if the kingdom relation allows such a thing between these two specific kingdoms, then if passed, it'll check if the player can place blocks with the rank they have.

  • Node: The rank node is used to refer to an unique rank while managing a specific rank in-game or from the code. This name must be unique per kingdom, without spaces or special characters (even though it's possible)
  • Priority: The highest rank (called king by default) has a priority of 0 and the lowest rank (called member by default) has a priority the same as the size of the ranks minus one. Although it's possible to do this from the API, rank priorities cannot be less than 0 or higher than the member rank priority.
  • Material: This is only used to show the rank in the GUI.


If no members logged in for 1 day the kingdom will be disbanded.

  • Kings with an active Premium Pass will not have their kingdoms affected

If a member didn't join for 5 days, he will be automatically kicked from the kingdom. If he is the King, the crown will be automatically transfered to another member.

  • Players with an active Premium Pass will not be kicked