Getting Started - DelvUI/DelvCD GitHub Wiki
When opening DelvCD, either through the Plugin Installer or by entering /dcd
into the in-game chat, you'll see a window like this. Different Dalamud themes and features added later may change how this looks on your screen, so treat this and all future examples as a loose reference.
Main Window
The tabs at the top of the screen can change contextually, use these to navigate through the plugin's features.
- Displays all elements in the current Group. Elements will be shown in the order that they are drawn on screen.Group
- Allows you to configure position and scaling settings that apply to the group as a whole.Visibility
- Allows you to apply broad triggers for the entire group.Fonts
- Allows you to add and remove fonts. Only available when in the main group.Changelog
- Displays a changelog for tracking new features and bugfixes.
Element Tab
Making New Elements
Enter a name in the textbox, then select the type of element you want to create from the Dropdown list. Clicking the
Plus button will create a new element with that name. You can use the name box to search through existing elements as well. Clicking the
Import button will create a new element using a string you have copied. (You must have a valid export string copied to use this feature)
- Creates a generic icon. Perfect for simple cooldown tracking.Bar
- Creates a dynamic bar. The bar fills and depletes based on trigger data. Great for making Job Gauges.Group
- Creates a folder that you can put other elements in. Ideal for organizing your elements.
What are Groups?
You can combine different type of elements in Groups to create complex elements. Groups are also useful for moving multiple elements around at the same time without messing up how they are organized on screen. A group is basically a folder containing a bunch of elements, you can even put groups inside of other groups.
Element List
Elements are listed in the order that they are drawn on screen. This means that an element at the top of the list will be drawn first, and the next element down will be drawn after. Elements drawn later will overlap elements drawn before them. (Previews don't always get this right, be sure to test your elements!)
Edit allows you to make changes to your elements. Clicking this on a group will open it like a folder.
arrows change the order that elements are drawn.
Export allows you to copy an element as a string to share or import later.
Delete removes the element.
Group Navigation
When in a group, there will be an additional navigation pane at the bottom of the window.
Back lets you return to the previous group.
Home will take you back to the main group.
Preview toggles visibility of all elements in this group and subgroups.
Reset will return this tab's options to their default setting. (On the element tab, this will remove all elements in the group.)
Export allows you to copy this tab's options as a string to share or import later.
Import allows you to import options from a string copied in the clipboard.
- The textbox displays the current group's name, and can be used to change it.
Group Tab
Group Position
The first number represents horizontal movement, the second number moves vertically. Changing these values moves the origin point for all elements within this group. This is useful for moving multiple elements at the same time.
You can Ctrl + Click these boxes to enter a precise number. You can also click and drag the boxes left or right to adjust them quickly.
Resize Icons
The first number represents icon width in pixels, the second is height. This will resize all icons to the specified size within this group at the same time when clicking the Resize button. Icons will not move when resized, this does not work for Bar elements and does not resize text labels.
You can Ctrl + Click these boxes to enter a precise number. You can also click and drag the boxes left or right to adjust them quickly.
Recursive will change the size of icons inside of sub-groups within this group.
Conditions will also made those changes to each icon's Conditions.
Scale Resolution
This option is only avaliable when within a group. Similar to the above, this option allows you to scale elements by a set value. 1
= 100%
, so 0.5
would reduce the scale by half and 2
would double it. This is useful for making large adjustments for an imported UI, but may have unintended side-effects.
It is advised to make a backup of your config, or have an export string of your existing elements saved.
Scale Positions Only will scale each element's position relative to the group's origin point. It will not resize them.
Visibility Tab
Visibility Triggers
These are special triggers that override the triggers and visibility settings of all elements and sub-groups within this group. You can combine multiple triggers on this page, and within elements, to create complex visibility logic.
- These options are self-explanatory, and do override each other from top to bottom.
Show for Jobs has several options, as well as a custom field. You can specify multiple Jobs here by separating them with a comma. This option will hide this group and all of it's contents when you are not the designated Job(s).
Enable Window Clipping is only shown in the main group, and allows DelvCD elements to clip against in-game windows, preventing elements from covering certain game content. (Not all windows can be clipped against, and not all elements will clip gracefully.)
Fonts Tab
DelvCD can load custom fonts by placing them into the font folder and Refreshing the font list.
Copy will save the folder path to the clipboard. You can use this to easily find it in your computer's file browser.
Font lets you select an available font from those available in the font folder.
Size lets you select a specific size.
Plus will add the chosen font at the specified size to the plugin's font list.
Language options will attempt to load those glyphs when the font is generated.
Delete will remove that font option from the list.
Element Settings
Icon Tabs
The tabs at the top of the screen can change contextually, use these to navigate through the element's options.
- These are options that control an element's appearance. Size and positioning is controlled here.Labels
- A menu for adding optional text labels to your elements.Triggers
- This menu controls when the element becomes visible.Conditions
- These are optional appearance settings for when certain triggers are met.Visibility
- Allows you to apply broad triggers for the element, this overrides options set in theTriggers
Icon and Bar Navigation
When editing an icon or bar, there will be an additional navigation pane at the bottom of the window.
Back lets you return to the group.
Home will take you back to the main group.
Preview toggles visibility of this element.
Reset will return this tab's options to their default setting.
Export allows you to copy this tab's options as a string to share or import later.
Import allows you to import options from a string copied in the clipboard.
- The textbox displays the current Element's name, and can be used to change it.
Icon & Bar Tabs
Icon Customization
- Automatic Icon option will select an icon based on the element's triggers.
- Custom Icon option will prompt you to search for an icon. You can search using ActionID, StatusID, Action Name or Status Name.
- No Icon option does exactly what you think it does.
- Solid Color option allows you select a color, either with precise RGBa values or by selecting one from a color wheel by clicking the color.
Only one of the above options can be selected at a time. Results for the Custom Icon search will be shown below, you can click one to select it.
Icon Size and Position
- Icon Position is relative to the group's origin point, generally in or near the middle of the screen. The first box is horizontal position, the second is vertical.
- Icon Size is measured in pixels. The first number is Width, the second is height.
- Icon opacity is measured from 0 to 1, where
visible, and0
is completely see through.0.5
Remember you can Ctrl + Click these boxes to enter a precise number. You can also click and drag the boxes left or right to adjust them quickly.
Additional Icon Options
Crop Icon checkbox will preserve the icon's aspect ratio by cropping it to fit the element's size.
Desaturate Icon checkbox will render the icon in greyscale.
Glow checkbox enables a dotted line surrounding the icon.
- Thickness is measured in pixels.
- Glow Segments controls the number of dashes on the line.
- Animation speed controls how fast the dashes move around the icon.
- Glow Color option allows you select a color, either with precise RGBA values or by selecting one from a color wheel by clicking the color.
- The first is the primary color for the dashes, the second is the color of the space in between the dashes.
Show Border checkbox enables a solid border surrounding the icon.
- Thickness is measured in pixels.
- Border Color option allows you select a color, either with precise RGBA values or by selecting one from a color wheel by clicking the color.
Show Progress Swipe checkbox enables a clock-like cooldown to be displayed over the icon.
Trigger let you specify which timer this option uses.
Invert Values reverses the way the trigger is counted.
- Swipe opacity is measured from 0 to 1, where
visible, and0
is completely see through.
- Swipe opacity is measured from 0 to 1, where
Invert Swipe swaps the colored and uncolored portions of the swipe.
Show GCD Swipe When Inactive shows the GCD Timer when the normal trigger isn't met.
Show Swipe Lines toggles if the edges of the swipe are displayed or not.
Bar specific options
Bars are a dynamic element, and can display changes in data such as stacks, cooldowns and timers. Their settings are more or less the same as Icons above, with a few additional options.
Trigger selections allow you to choose which trigger this bar will get it's data from.
Invert values will swap the "filled' and "remaining" values.
Fill Direction determines how the bar will fill and empty.
Draw in Chunks option splits bars into pieces.
Chunk Style determines how those pieces will look. Circles and Polygons will show the Incomplete color until filled, filling the shapes themselves as counters rather than filling from a direction.
- Chunk Count can be pulled from the trigger, or defined manually.
- Chunk Padding determines how much filler space there is between chunks.
- Polygon style chunks will have an option to define how many sides the chunks get.
- Incomplete Chunk Color option allows you select a color for unfilled chunks, either with precise RGBA values or by selecting one from a color wheel by clicking the color.
Labels Tab
Label list
All of this element's labels will be listed here. Labels are text strings that can be added to an element. Dynamic Labels use data from the first Trigger, and labels have their own set of Conditions and Visibility Settings, in addition to the settings of the element they are a part of.
Edit lets you make changes to the selected label.
Export allows you to copy a label as a string to share or import later.
Delete removes the Label.
Editing Labels
- Text Format is where you can control what this label displays. This can be plain text, or special strings defined by [tags]. These can be combined.
- Clicking the
button will display a popup containing all of the various tags you can use.
- Clicking the
- Number format controls how numbers for cooldowns are rounded, either up or down, when not a whole number.
- Label Position is relative to the element's Anchor point. The first box is horizontal position, the second is vertical.
- Parent Anchor determines where the origin point for the label is, relative to the element it is attached to.
- Text Align allows you to set a specific alignment.
- Font allows you to select between the fonts you have already added to the plugin through DelvCD's Font tab.
- Text Color allows you select a color, either with precise RGBA values or by selecting one from a color wheel by clicking the color.
- Outline color does the same. Outlines are drawn by rendering text multiple times, keep that in mind if you experience lag when a lot of text elements are on screen.
Triggers Tab
Trigger List
A trigger is a rule defining when an element can be drawn. You can combine these rules to be more specific about when you want an element to appear. While there is some logic allowed when setting up triggers, complicated triggers involving multiple actions or data sources might perform better as separate elements working together instead. Be mindful of how your triggers interact if encountering issues.
Edit lets you make changes to the selected trigger.
Export allows you to copy a trigger as a string to share or import later.
Delete removes the trigger.
Editing Triggers
Trigger Type controls what kind of data the trigger will look for.
Trigger Source determines where the trigger will look for it's data.
- The textbox will prompt you to search for an action, status or other type of data. You can search using ActionID, StatusID, Action Name or Status Name.
Only Mine will check if status based triggers belong to your or not, and will use or ignore them accordingly.
Use Adjusted Action will check action based triggers, and update the trigger automatically for upgraded actions and combos.
Each type of trigger has it's own options, all of which are self explanatory at this point. Experiment with different options to get the exact settings you want!
Conditions Tab
Conditions are special types of triggers that allow you to change the appearance of an element based on specific trigger data. This is useful for recoloring inactive statuses, highlighting actions about to come off cooldown, or other more complex settings.
Condition allows you to change the logic, using basic IF/OR style statements.
Data Source determines which trigger the condition is checking.
Data determines which data in the trigger the condition is checking.
Operator allows you to select a basic math operator to check the condition against a given
.Edit will open a slightly simplified version of the Element Editor to adjust how this element will look when conditions are met.
Delete will remove this condition from the element.
New Condition button can be used to add multiple conditions.
Visibility Tab
Visibility Triggers
These are special triggers that override the triggers and conditions of this element.
- These options are self-explanatory, and do override each other from top to bottom.
Show for Jobs has several options, as well as a custom field. You can specify multiple Jobs here by separating them with a comma. This option will hide this element when you are not the designated Job(s).
Let's make an element!
This is a quick and dirty guide to making an element, It'll be mostly default settings but it should be enough to get an idea of how to make your own. To get started, lets open DelvCD with /dcd
Enter a name into the text box at the top, and select what kind of element you want to make. We're going to make an Icon for Swiftcast in this example. Hit the Add button to add this element to the draw list.
Find your element in the draw list and and click the Edit button to open it.
On the Triggers tab, lets set up our Swiftcast Trigger. Since we want to track it's Cooldown, lets change Trigger Type to Cooldown and enter Swiftcast as the Action.
I want this icon to be visible all the time, so I'm setting the Trigger Conditions to check if the cooldown is >= 0. 0 means the action is off cooldown, and any greater number means that the cooldown is rolling! Setting the trigger to be Greater or equal to 0 means it will be visible even if Swiftcast if on Cooldown.
I want to add a cooldown onto the icon, so in the Labels tab I'll Edit one of the default labels and change it to display a cooldown. I'll just
delete the one I don't need. This cooldown will appear when the action is actually on cooldown.
And now I can move the Icon to wherever I want it to be on my screen, and we're done!