Guide for using Variable feature || Variables are used with update lore feature - DeeCaaD/CrackShotPlus_V2 GitHub Wiki

        Weapon_Weight: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Headshot: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Backstab: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Critical_Hit: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Damage: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Scope: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Second_Scope: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Spread: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Sneak_Spread: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Scope_Spread: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Fire_Rate: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Energy_Distance: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Projectile_Speed: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Reload_Duration: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Reload_Amount: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Explosion_Damage_Multiplier: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Explosion_Radius: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Burst_Fire_Amount: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Bounce_Amount: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Life_Steal: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Weapon_Durability: <String>~<Double>~<Double>
        Shoot_Delay: <String>~<Double>~<Double>

Note: About this

  • String has to be one of these NUMBER, PERCENTAGE or BAR.
  • First double is minium that thing can be and second double is maxium that thing can be.

Below is a list of variables you can use in Update_Lore.

  • #ATTACHMENTS# - Returns weapon's attachments.
  • #SKIN# - Returns weapon's skin.
  • #VISUALRELOAD# - Returns weapon's visual reload.
  • #TRAIL# - Returns weapon's trail.
  • #STATTRAK# - Returns weapon's StatTrak points.
  • #WEIGHT# - Returns weapon's weight.
  • #HEADSHOT# - Returns amount of damage added to normal damage if headshot.
  • #BACKSTAB# - Returns amount of damage added to normal damage if backstab.
  • #CRITICAL_HIT# - Returns amount of damage added to normal damage if critical hit.
  • #DAMAGE# - Returns amount of normal damage.
  • #AMMO_TYPE# - Returns weapon's ammo type.
  • #ZOOM_AMOUNT# - Returns weapon's zoom amount.
  • #SECOND_ZOOM_AMOUNT# - Returns weapon's second zoom amount.
  • #SPREAD# - Returns weapon's spread.
  • #SNEAK_SPREAD# - Returns weapon's spread while sneaking.
  • #SCOPE_SPREAD# - Returns weapon's spread while zooming.
  • #FIRE_RATE# - Returns weapon's fire rate.
  • #ENERGY_DISTANCE# - Returns weapon's energy projectile distance.
  • #PROJECTILE_SPEED# - Returns weapon's projectile speed.
  • #RELOAD_DURATION# - Returns weapon's reload duration.
  • #RELOAD_AMOUNT# - Returns weapon's reload amount.
  • #EXPLOSION_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER# - Returns weapon's explosion damage multiplier.
  • #EXPLOSION_RADIUS# - Returns weapon's explosion radius.
  • #BURST_FIRE_AMOUNT# - Returns weapon's burst fire amount.
  • #BOUNCE_AMOUNT# - Returns weapon's bullet bounce amount.
  • #CAMERA_RECOIL_UPWARDS# - Returns weapon's camera recoil upwards.
  • #CAMERA_RECOIL_SIDEWAYS# - Returns weapon's camera recoil sideways.
  • #LIFE_STEAL# - Returns weapon's life steal.
  • #SOULBOUND# - Returns weapon's latest player for who weapon is bounded.
  • #WEAPON_DURABILITY# - Returns weapon's current durability.
  • #SHOOT_DELAY# - Returns weapon's shoot delay.

Take examples from default weapons!

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️