Guide for using Scope features - DeeCaaD/CrackShotPlus_V2 GitHub Wiki

        Pumpkin_On_Zoom: <Boolean>
        Custom_Scope_Sound: <String>-<Double>-<Double>,<etc.>
        Custom_Scope_End_Sound: <String>-<Double>-<Double>,<etc.>
        Fog: <Boolean>
        Scope_Affect_Fire_Rate: <Integer>
            Amount: <Integer>
            Fog: <Boolean>
            Night_Vision: <Boolean>


If true pumpkin will be placed on player's head on zoom.
Note: Used to make realistic scope using resource pack.
Note: If pumpkin disappears after shot then disable Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions from CrackShot configuration.


Plays custom sound at player's location when zooming in.
Note: <Sound>,<Volume>,<Pitch>


Plays custom sound at player's location when zooming out.
Note: <Sound>,<Volume>,<Pitch>


Makes fast fog for player on zoom to prevent player from instantly shooting targets far away.


Note: Fire rate is CURRENT FIRE RATE + CHANGE RATE. So if value is + (positive) then fire rate is increased and if value is - (negative) then fire rate is decreased


Actication by rezooming while zoom is activated.

  • Amount
    • Determines second zoom amount.
    • Note: This should be higher than in CrackShot configurations.
  • Fog
    • Makes fast fog for player on zoom to prevent player from instantly shooting targets far away.
  • Night_Vision
    • If true gives player night vision while second zooming
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️