Guide for using Kill features - DeeCaaD/CrackShotPlus_V2 GitHub Wiki

            Only_Player_Kills: <Boolean>
            Run_Command: <String>,<String>,<etc.>
            Only_Player_Kill: <Boolean>
            Only_Player_Kill: <Boolean>
            Title: <String>
            Subtitle: <String>
            Only_Player_Kill: <Boolean>
            Shooter_Location: <String>-<Double>-<Double>,<etc.>
            Victim_Location: <String>-<Double>-<Double>,<etc.>
            Only_Player_Kills: <Boolean>
            Title: <String>
            Time: <Integer>
                Color: <String>
                Style: <String>


  • Only_Player_Kills
    • If true then Run_Command will only be ran if victim is player


Make victim, killer or console run command when killer kills victim.
Note: Start command with #V# (victim), #K# (killer) or #C# (console) (#JSON# is before these if used!).
Note: If command starts with #JSON# then command can be used as JSON

  • #KILLED# is replaced to victim's name.
  • #KILLER# is replaced to killer's name.
  • #WEAPON# is replaced to weapon's name which killed victim.

Example to make console run command which gives killer apple and victim dirt.

Run_Command: "#C#minecraft:give #KILLER# minecraft:apple 1,#C#minecraft:give #KILLED# minecraft:dirt 1"  

Example to make killer run command which sends message to victim and *killed run command which sends message to killer

Run_Command: "#K#minecraft:tell #KILLED# I killed you,#V#minecraft:tell #KILLER# You killed me"  


  • Only_Player_Kill
    • If true then only player kills will be counted to weapon's StatTrak stats.
    • Note: Use Update_Lore and #STATTRAK# variable in it to let players see their StatTrak points.


  • Only_Player_Kill
    • If true then title and/or subtitle will only be showen if killed is player.
  • Title
    • Determines the title on kill.
    • Note:
      • #KILLED# is replaced to victim's name.
      • #KILLER# is replaced to killer's name.
  • Subtitle
    • Determines the subtitle on kill.
    • Note:
      • #KILLED# is replaced to victim's name.
      • #KILLER# is replaced to killer's name.


  • Only_Player_Kill
    • If true then sound will be played only if killed is player.
  • Shooter_Location
    • Plays custom sound at shooter's location.
    • Note: <Sound>,<Volume>,<Pitch>
  • Victim_Location
    • Plays custom sound at victim's location.
    • Note: <Sound>,<Volume>,<Pitch>


Note: To see killfeed player needs permission csp.see.killfeed

  • Only_Player_Kills
    • If true then killfeed will only be showen if killed is player.
    • Note: Suggested to have this true to prevent unwanted spam.
  • Title
    • Bossbar's title
    • Note: Don't add spaces into title.
    • They're added automatically to make title be as much as it can be in right corner.
    • Note:
      • #KILLED# is replaced to victim's name.
      • #KILLER# is replaced to killer's name.
  • Time
    • Time in ticks how long bossbar stays.
    • Note: Recommended to have maxium of 60 ticks.
  • Bar
    • NOTE: Only Color: "WHITE" and Style: SEGMENTED_20 is hidden by default resource pack from CrackShotPlus.
    • Color can be one of these BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, RED, WHITE or YELLOW.
    • Style can be one of these.
      • SEGMENTED_10
        • Splits the boss bar into 10 segments
      • SEGMENTED_12
        • Splits the boss bar into 12 segments
      • SEGMENTED_20
        • Splits the boss bar into 20 segments
      • SEGMENTED_6
        • Splits the boss bar into 6 segments
      • SOLID
        • Makes the boss bar solid (no segments)
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