Rules Banov - DeadShotsDayZServer/ZeroDawn_English GitHub Wiki
- no insults, respectful interaction is encouraged.
- inappropriate usernames will be kicked and called to rename.
- everyone is accepted
- only English/German speaking/writing both ingame and on Discord
- any racist or disrespectful behavior will not be allowed!
- Active server advertising for other servers in Discord or InGame is forbidden!
- If you join the server, you automatically agree that your character and sound can be present in a stream/youtube video.
- You agree with these rules, then feel free to play with us, we are a supportive community, we look out for each other and help.
DayZ Rules:
The above rules apply, in addition:
- CombatLogging is not allowed
- PvP is allowed
- no spamming in the chat
- no bugusing or glitching to use to advantage, if proven, the person will be banned.
- no personal insults
- Multiaccounts are not allowed
- Raiding a Base is allowed as soon as the flag on the mast has lowered.
- raiding is NOT allowed when the flag is all the way up
- Please make sure to take several proof photos yourself to avoid misunderstandings.
- please make sure that your flagpole can be seen from players outside of your base.