Rules - DeadShotsDayZServer/ZeroDawn_English GitHub Wiki
- no insults, respectful interaction is encouraged.
- inappropriate usernames will be kicked and called to rename.
- everyone is accepted
- only english/german talking/writing both ingame and on Discord
- for problems that need support please use the ticket system or the designated channel.
- any racist or disrespectful behavior will not be allowed!
- Active server advertising for other servers in Discord or InGame is forbidden!
- If you join the server, you automatically agree that your character and sound can be present in a stream/youtube video.
- You agree with these rules, then feel free to play with us, we are a supportive community, we look out for each other and help.
Loot Cycling
- Loot Cycling is not allowed
- setting up tents as temporary storage in military zones is not allowed
DayZ Rules:
The above rules apply, in addition:
- PvE Server! Killing of fellow players is not allowed!
- no spamming in the chat
- no baseraiding
- no bugusing or glitching to the advantage use, with proof the that one is banned.
- stealing is not allowed here!
- no personal insults
- multiaccounts are not allowed
- At the dealer must ensure that the cars are parked so that no other players are blocked by it.
- Helicopters must be parked on the set up HeliPad!
- It applies, let me know when you have completed a mission. Then no one else needs to drive for free.
- Otherwise you can ask if there is already someone, claiming missions does not work.
- It is valid who is first at the mission, has the loot right, players may help only if it is asked for or one asks.
- who accepts help should also share the loot
- who leaves the mission area has no claim to the loot afterwards.
- please always complete a mission before doing the next one, so that everyone has a chance to get something.
Supply packages:
- whoever is in the drop area first is entitled to the loot
- if more than one person happens to be in the same area, it must be agreed upon among themselves
- each player is allowed to own 1 car and leave another one in his Base, which must be covered with a camouflage net. Every car which is at a base and is not covered and the player is not online will be deleted without warning!
- Camouflage nets may not be stolen or taken down by other cars! If this happens, please post it in the "NOGO" channel in Discord.
- Cars must not be parked near military zones or to go offline!
- Cars may not be parked at the dealer! Unless you have something to do there!
- Cars that are abandoned, the owner can't be found and are not covered will be deleted.
- Everyone knows that DayZ and cars are not best friends. You use cars on this server at your own risk. If a car is lost, by flying away or otherwise, there is no replacement. Drive carefully!
- if you ever get stuck, our supporters/admins are there for you and happy to help.
- to be authorized to build a base on this server you need the approval of an admin.
- Please register your base in the Discord ticket system before you start building. (coordinates - which players)
- a flagpole should be built as soon as the Base is approved!
- Bases that are not registered will be deleted without warning.
- Bases must be 1000 meters away from military zones, except the military zones where only the name is shown on the map.
- Bases must be 1000 meters away from the trader circle (green circle around the trader).
- Player bases must be 450 meters away from each other
- The area between Tisy and the NWA, i.e. Sinystok - Novaya Petrovka - Zaprudnoe and the surrounding area must not be built on.
- There are irregular base controls, here everything is deleted without warning what does not comply with the rules.
Everybody is responsible for his base/items, so please build them safely. Just because stealing is not allowed, you still don't have to give anyone the opportunity to do it.
Base rules:
maximum allowed group size for a Base is 4 players, anything over that must please split up!
- up to 30 Base building elements may be placed per Base (fences, walls, floors, stairs etc.)
- 6 Storages per person (Refrigerator, Military Box, Locker as an example everything that has Storage, I don't care which one you use)
- 2 watchtowers may be built per Base
- per player one dog kennel
- per player one Greenhouse/Beet
- per player 1x Gunwall
- per player 4 decorative items
- per player 1 tent
If you move somewhere else, change your names or SOMEONE LEAVES THE BASE OR COMES IN, you need to report it in a ticket so we can update it. Thanks!