MMG Military Gear - DeadShotsDayZServer/ZeroDawn_English GitHub Wiki
JPC VEST Protects like Vanilla PlateCarrier
- Mag Pouch
- Med Pouch
- EOD Pouch
- Knife sheath
- Glow Light
Tactical-TEC Plate Carrier Protects like Vanilla PlateCarrier
- Double Mag/EOD/Tactical Pouch
- Double Mag/EOD/Tactical Pouch
- EOD/Tactical Pouch
- Med Pouch
- Bottle
**MK III Armor has 1.5 more protection than vanilla plate carrier
- Single Mag Pouch
- Double Mag/EOD/Tactical Pouch
- EOD/Tactical Pouch
- Med Pouch
- Grenade
- Mag Pouch
- 12 slots
- holds and displays 3x magazines
- fits on JPC-Vest
- also fits on Vanilla Plate Carrier
Single Mag Pouch
- no slots
- holds and displays 1 magazine
Double Mag Pouch
- no slots
- holds and displays 2x magazines
- fits on Tactical TEC Plate Carrier
Med Pouch
- 15 slots
- can carry all kinds of items
- will accept only medizine items at some point in the future
- fits on JPC-Vest, TT-Plate Carrier and the Falcon Belt
**EOD Pouch
- 24 slots
- carries all items
- fits on JPC-Vest and TT-Plate Carrier
**5.11 Tactical Pouch
- 24 slots
- carries all items
- fits on TT-Plate Carrier and the Falcon Belt
Carrier Pack
- 80 slots
- 1x weapon slot
- 120 Slots
- 1x weapon slot
Falcon Belt
- Tactical Pouch
- Holster
- Med Pouch
- Sheath
- Carbine
- Bottle
Combat Pants
- 30 slots
- higher protection against heat, cold and water
Combat Shirt
- 35 slots
- higher protection against heat, cold and water
**Defcon 5 Tactical Helmet
- 7mm Armor Plate
- NVG's
- holds headphones or ballistic ear protection
Striker Helmet
- 7mm Armor Plate
- NVG's
- Badass look 😎
- Headphones
- fits on Tactical Helmet
Balistic Earcover
- 7mm Amor Plates
- fits on Tactical Helmet
- holds a knife
- fits JPC-Vest and the Falcon Belt
- same volume as a water bottle
- fits on Tactical TEC Plate Carrier and the Falcon Belt
- holds and displays gloves
- fits on Falcon Belt