Dogs - DeadShotsDayZServer/ZeroDawn_English GitHub Wiki
What do I need to get a dog?
- hunt level to 10 so you get flawless bones when you cut up an animal.
- buy a doghouse from the trader
- set it up and look at the doghouse with 10 flawless bones
- now you can choose a dog from the list by pressing F
following breeds are available
- German Shepherd
- Siberian Husky
- Czechoslovak Wolfdog
- Golden Retriever
- Belgian Shepherd
- Doberman
- Bull Terrier
- Rottweiler
- Akita Inu
- Labrador
- Dalmatian
- Pitbull
the dog will be "logged out" and "logged in" together with you (the dog will stay at the last known position)
you can whistle to call the dog to you (see Game Options > Key Assignments)
Dogs have 3 modes
- Follow (automatically switches to patrol mode when an infected is within range of you).
- Patrol (can attack infected nearby)
- Stay
In follow mode, your dog can get into a vehicle with you.
You can also control your dog with emotes.
Take care of your companion, because if your dog gets hurt too much, he will die!
If you die, you lose your dog!