Home - DawnOfTimeMC/dawnoftimebuilder GitHub Wiki

The DoT wiki is under development so if you don't find the informations you'r looking for, please join us on discord : https://discord.gg/vC4EV6n

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Welcome to the Dawn Of Time wiki !

This wiki explains each part of the mod, items, special interactions, mechanics and much more ! You will find an FAQ at the end of this page

All the cultures get a dedicated part, just click on the blocks to discover everything related to the culture.

Dawn of Time wiki French section

Dawn Of Time wiki Japanese section

Dawn Of Time wiki Mayan section

Dawn Of Time wiki Builder tips section


When could we see the mod updated for a recent Minecraft version ?

  • The Team is currently working to update the mod in 1.16. Our small dev team is working slowly but efficiently, we put a high level of care to each block and feature. So far we would like to create so sort of "skin" for the Minecraft Vanilla villages. Each skin based on a civilisation depending on the biome, we plan this feature for the 1.16. Regarding the future, we will try to update the mod in 1.18 with fully generated villages (with NPC, quests, upgradable building, etc) separated from Vanilla villages. In every case, you will find the advancement of our work on our Discord.

Where could we get silk ?

Is the mod able to generate structures ? Will the mod could be able to generate structures ?

  • Currently the mod generate nothing, only a few crops in the wild. We would like in the future to generate structures, we will start by small lone stuctures like temples, ruins, houses, small dungeons, etc..

Is there a place where I could give my help or suggest new ideas to the team ?

  • The main place is Discord, we recruit developers, modelers and builders. We also need people to help us with the translation files
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