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Generate and use ssh on GitHub and similar

This is needed to push and pull from a git repo using ssh. Https pushes and pulls have fallen in disuse and are not supported by GitHub from terminal shells anymore.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<your-email>"

Let's say the generate file's path are ~/.ssh/key and ~/.ssh/

cat ~/.ssh/ , then go to and add a new key with the content in output.

Now, to use git's pull & push commands on private repos from the terminal, you can run:

'eval $("ssh-agent") && ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa'

To make it quicker, you can also add this line to the end of ~/.bash_aliases or your ~/.zshrc:

alias conn-gh='eval $("ssh-agent") && ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa'

which allows one to run the conn-gh command directly.

Save changes and check-out a new branch (git stash)

  • git stash : all files except untracked and .gitignored ones
  • git stash --include-untracked : includes untracked files
  • git stash --all : untracked and .gitignored too
  • git stash –patch : interactive mode; you go one by one and decide what to stash

It's preferable to add a stash description that will help you remember the reason for stashing and the content therein, once you'll come back to it:
git stash save <various flags> <descr>

Now you can list your stashes:
git stash list

And check out a new branch. One you'll come back to it:
git stash list: take note of the heading identifier of the stash you want to restore.
git stash pop stash@{<id>}

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