03. Quick Overview (Revit) - DavidVeld/CarboLifeCalc GitHub Wiki

This guide serves as a quick step-by-step resource for efficiently exporting your Revit model into the Carbo Life Calculator. You will be guided through the process of exporting all elements from Revit to the app, along with valuable tools for refining your calculations.

After activating the Carbo Life Calculator Addin, the CarboLifeCalc panel appears on your "addins" Tab:

  1. Within an active 3D View. Launch CarboLifeCalc. Only visible or selected elements will be exported. As a default, only elements on the proposed phase are exported. In the pop-up dialog, you can now set a few parameters:

Basic Element Import Settings

Update Project

  • Function: Allows you to select an existing CLC project to update.
  • Usage: Click the browse button (...) to navigate and select an existing project file if you wish to update it with new Revit data.


  • Function: Defines the material template to use for the project.
  • Usage: Select a template from the dropdown menu. The default template is UserMaterials.cxml.


  • Function: Main grouping value for elements. By default, it uses the Revit Category Name.
  • Usage: You can override the default by specifying an instance parameter. Select Instance Parameter or Type Parameter and provide the parameter name in the adjacent field.

Map Reinforcement Quantities on Import

  • Function: Automatically creates reinforcement quantities based on material and category.
  • Usage: Check this option to enable automatic mapping. Click Settings to configure reinforcement settings.

Add Timber/Steel Connection Allowances on Import

  • Function: Adds connection allowances for timber or steel elements.
  • Usage: Check these options if you want to include connection allowances for timber or steel elements during import.

Advanced Element Import Settings

Group by Substructure Parameter

  • Function: Groups elements based on the building's substructure.
  • Usage: Check this option and define a parameter (e.g., CLC_IsSubstructure) to group by substructure. Select Parameter (Instance Bool) from the dropdown menu.

Group by Material Grade

  • Function: Groups elements by their material grade.
  • Usage: Check this option and define a parameter (e.g., CLC_MaterialGrade) to group by material grade. Select Type Parameter from the dropdown menu.

Group by Correction Parameter

  • Function: Uses a parameter for material volume corrections.
  • Usage: Check this option if needed and define a parameter (e.g., CLC_VolumeCorrection). Select Type Parameter from the dropdown menu.

Include & Group Existing Elements

  • Function: Includes and groups elements marked as existing.
  • Usage: Check this option and provide the name of the existing phase (e.g., Existing).

Include & Group Demolished Elements

  • Function: Includes and groups elements marked as demolished.
  • Usage: Check this option if you want to include demolished elements.

Group by Additional Parameter

  • Function: Defines an additional parameter for grouping elements.
  • Usage: Check this option and define an additional grouping parameter. Select Type Parameter and provide the parameter name in the adjacent field.
  1. Press Ok & Import to convert your project instantly to the embodied carbon dashboard for your building:

  1. On the "Calculation" tab you can find the breakdown of the material calculation:

  1. If you want to change the material mapping of your project go to Groups -> Map Materials here you can change the way your Revit materials will be converted to Carbo Life Materials.

(If you want the mapping to happen more fluently next export, consider changing the Carbo Life Materials names to a closer match in the Material Editor.)

  1. To add a quick reinforcement calculation select your concrete groups and select Tools->Reinforce/Mix selected...

In the next screen you can add reinforcement steel if this hasn't been modeled in Revit by adding a kg/m³ value to the concrete.

  1. To create a visual heatmap, select Revit->Create Heatmap Colours:

  1. After closing your screen your 3D image will be coloured in showing the carbon values or intensities:

  1. Do not forget to save your project if you want to update the values in the future.

Good luck