02. Quick Overview (Standalone) - DavidVeld/CarboLifeCalc GitHub Wiki

This guide is meant as a fist quick glance on the app. You will be shown how to open the app and how to activate the Revit Addins, and setup a simple project, then add a few materials to calculate the embodied carbon.

  1. Launch CarboLifeCalc by opening the shortcut on your desktop, or by double clicking the CarboLifeCalc.exe in your installation folder. You will now see the launch screen containing a few options.

  1. Back in the launch screen press "Launch..." You will now open the embodied carbon calculator. The Results will show blank, as this is a empty project:

  1. By clicking on the "Calculation" tap on the top left you will have access to where the material values are calculated. If you import your data fron Revit in the future, that is also where you will see all your Revit elements, which will be sorted in "Material Groups". A Material Group is a container where similar materials of a building, will be grouped and calculated. In this example we are also free to add our own groups and name and calculate them accordingly: Select Groups -> New Group to add a material group.

  1. Once you have a group, you can give input to all the white fields in the table, for simple calculations there are: Category Description Volume To change the material you select the row(s) and press the "Change Material" button on the top left. You now have access to the material library where you can select a material of your choosing. For this example select a concrete material.

  1. Fill in a Category, a Material and add a volume. Once a volume is known, CarboLifeCalc will now calculate the embodied carbon of the elements. Try to add a steel material as well, or any others that you might want to explore.

  1. Going back to the "Overview" tab on the top left will now show a calculation and graph. By updating the project information, you will get additional calculations added and presented in the calculation text.

  1. You can now explore further options by looking at the "Advanced Parameters" in the Calculation Tab where you can set waste or additional factors.Or perhaps have a look at the "compare project" tab where you can compare your projects with alternative build options. Or you can try the export settings such as excel or create a report. If you feel really adventurous open the material editor and explore where your embodied carbon factor comes from.

Good luck!