Alternative print syntax (ACS) - DavidPH/GDCC GitHub Wiki

GDCC, in addition to the standard ACS print format syntax, has a syntax similar to C's printf with a format string. Here's an example:

Script "test" ENTER
    // Output: 10 + 5 is equal to 15
    Print("10 + 5 is equal to %i:.", 10 + 5);

The first parameter is a string literal (and a string literal only, a variable isn't allowed). Inside the string, a sequence like %*: where * is any of the standard ACS print specifiers (like i/d for int, s for a string, etc.), works the same as an ACS print specifier. Any other character(s) in between are treated as a character (or string) to print. This works on any function taking a print sequence like Print. For example, ZDoom's Log, PrintBold, HudMessage.

Script "test" ENTER
    int a = 512;

    // Output: A is equal to 512!
    HudMessage("A is equal to %i:!", a; HUDMSG_PLAIN, 0, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0); 