features_and_bugs - DaveL17/indigo-scripts GitHub Wiki

The best way to request features and to report undocumented features (bugs) is via the Indigo Forums. An alternative is to send me a Private Message via the Indigo Forums—which is, in fact, the preferred way if your debug output contains sensitive information like your username, password and user email address. When reporting bugs, it's best to include the following information:

  1. What version of the plugin you’re using,
  2. What version of Indigo you’re using,
  3. Relevant error message text (be sure to provide the full text of the error you’re seeing), and
  4. A version of the debug log showing what was happening when the error occurred.

I will do my best to help you use the plugin, but I can only commit to providing support for the plugin itself; I can not commit to providing support for difficulties accessing third-party resources, the accuracy of your data or other concerns external to the plugin. I would suggest that you post questions to the forum as other users may be able to help where I may be unable to and benefit from answers provided.