battery low notify - DaveL17/indigo-scripts GitHub Wiki
The Low Battery Notification Script is a simple script to send notifications to alert the user to all devices whose battery level is below a user-specified value. You must provide the value and a notification email address in order to use the script.
target_level = int(indigo.variables[123].value) # 123 = Indigo variable ID
# or
target_level = 5 # integer between 0-100
email_address = indigo.variables[123].value # 123 = Indigo variable ID
# or
email_address = "[email protected]" # or email string
target_level = int(indigo.variables[123].value)
email_address = indigo.variables[123].value
email_body = ""
for dev in indigo.devices.itervalues():
if dev.batteryLevel:
if dev.batteryLevel <= target_level:
email_body += f"{} battery level: {dev.batteryLevel}\n"
if email_body != "":
email_body = "The following Indigo devices have low battery levels:\n" + email_body
indigo.server.sendEmailTo(email_address, subject="Indigo Low Battery Alert", body=email_body)