entity - DauntlessStudio/Bedrock-Developments GitHub Wiki

New Entity

Creates a new server entity, additional options will create the client entity, client geometry, and a texture file.

Usage: bed new entity [options] <names...>

  names         entity names as "namespace:entity"

  --no-lang     do not add lang file
  -c, --client  create client entity in the resource path. Will also create a default geo and texture for the entity
  --no-geo      do not add geo file
  --no-texture  do not add texture file
  -h, --help    display help for command


bed new entity namespace:test

Creates a new entity with the identifier namespace:entity at the path BP/entity/test.json and a lang file entry entity.namespace:test.name=Test.

bed new entity -c namespace:test

Creates a new entity with the identifier namespace:entity at the path BP/entity/test.json and a lang file entry entity.namespace:test.name=Test. Also creates the client entity at the path RP/entities/test.entity.json, a placeholder geometry file at RP/models/entity/test.geo.json and a placeholder texture file at RP/textures/entity/test/default.png.

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