nets - Daria-Maltseva/mixedmethods GitHub Wiki

Reduced networks

Citation network

File - Info File DC.clu - Info (1 and 0) Extract 1 New file CiteR

WJ network

Open WJn - Info
Make constant partition (2nd value - Cols) with 1
Open DCn.clu - 1st partition
Constant partition - 2nd partition
Fuse partitions
(Here we take ALL journals, and only HITS works)
Extract subnetwork according to partition (this is a 2-mode network containing hits and all journals)
(Now we need to extract the journals related to hits)
2-mode partition (Network - 2-mode networks - Partition into 2 modes)
Binarise partition (1) (We mark by "1" the mode of works which will go to our final network)
(Then we need to take only those journals which are related to the hits, and for this we look at their indegree - we will not include the journals with 0 indegree, which appear in cluster "0")
Then we choose:
Input degree partition as 1st
Binarized partition as 2nd
Partition - Max of 2 partitions (First, Second)
Extract network (we have all hits, and only those journals which relate to them)
Saved as WJr

WA network

(The same idea as for WJr) File WA - Info: Rows and Cols Make a Constant partition with the 2-nd value (Cols) (value = 1)
Open file DC.clu - as 1st partition
Open Constant partition - as 2nd partition
Fuse partitions
Extract subnetwork according to partition
2-mode partition (Network - 2-mode networks - Partition into 2 modes)
Binarise partition (1) Choose Binarized partiton
Choose Input degree partition
Max of 2 partitions
Save as

WK network

(The same idea as for WJr, and WAr) Open WKn
Rows=, Cols=
Make a Constant partition with the 2-nd value (Cols) (value = 1)
Open DCn.clu - 1st partition
Constant partition - 2nd partition
Fuse partitions
Extract subnetwork according to partition 2-mode partition (Network - 2-mode networks - Partition into 2 modes) Binarise partition (1) Input degree partition
Binarized partition
Partition - Max of 2 partitions (First, Second)
Save as

Boundary network

Partition - Indegree
Treshhold = 2
Partition - Binarize Partition - [3-*] Partition DC Partition of Indegree Partitions - Max

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0   1283792   92.4200   1283792   92.4200         1
         1    105292    7.5800   1389084  100.0000         2
       Sum   1389084  100.0000

Extract subnetwork [1] Remove ANONYM

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    105204   99.9164    105204   99.9164 BRASHERS_D(2004)16:305
         1        88    0.0836    105292  100.0000 [ANONYMO(2002)25:2165
       Sum    105292  100.0000

Save as CiteB