citation - Daria-Maltseva/mixedmethods GitHub Wiki


Cumulative log (from previous dataset)

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/Mixed methods/Analysis/Stage 3")
d <- read.csv("./Cite_indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t <- table(d)
x <- as.numeric(names(t))
plot(x,t,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,main="Cite input degrees / logs")
len <- length(t)
z <- t[len:1]; y <- cumsum(z); z <- y[len:1]
plot(x,z,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,xlab='Degree',ylab='Number', main="Cite input degrees cumulative / logs")

Final dataset

setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/Mixed methods/Analysis")

d <- read.csv("./Cite_Indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
t <- table(d)
x <- as.numeric(names(t))
plot(x,t,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,xlab='Degree',ylab='Number', main="Cite input degrees / logs")
len <- length(t)
z <- t[len:1]; y <- cumsum(z); z <- y[len:1]
plot(x,z,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,xlab='Degree',ylab='Number', main="Cite input degrees cumulative / logs")
> setwd("C:/Mail.Ru Cloud/ANR HSE/ANR Projects/Mixed methods/Analysis")
> d <- read.csv("./Cite_Indegree.vec",header=FALSE,skip=1)$V1
> t <- table(d)
> t
     0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11     12     13 
 16505 438040  57994  16710   6814   3397   1969   1174    830    613    468    393    279    252 
    14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26     27 
   214    167    129    121    111     83     89     71     51     63     48     50     36     28 
    28     29     30     31     32     33     34     35     36     37     38     39     40     41 
    31     40     25     22     25     21     20     14     21     14     17     12     16     12 
    42     43     44     45     46     47     48     49     50     51     52     53     54     55 
    15     14     18     15     12     12      5     17      7      4      8      5      8      9 
    56     57     58     59     60     61     62     63     64     65     66     67     68     69 
     8      5      6      7      8     10      8      4      9      1      9      5      3      2 
    70     71     72     73     74     75     76     77     78     79     80     81     82     83 
     2      5      5      3      3      4      4      2      3      3      1      4      2      6 
    84     85     86     87     88     90     91     92     93     94     95     98     99    100 
     3      1      6      1      2      3      3      2      1      1      3      1      1      1 
   102    103    104    106    107    110    111    112    113    114    116    118    119    120 
     1      1      3      1      2      1      1      2      1      2      2      1      2      1 
   121    122    123    125    126    127    128    129    130    133    136    138    139    140 
     3      1      2      2      1      2      2      1      3      1      1      1      1      1 
   141    142    143    144    146    148    152    154    157    158    161    163    166    167 
     1      1      3      1      1      1      2      1      2      1      3      1      1      1 
   169    170    171    175    176    179    181    186    188    191    202    206    219    222 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
   224    231    233    247    250    259    260    261    269    274    277    296    309    326 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
   368    392    409    438    444    448    484    557    559    643    657    675    908    991 
     1      1      1      1      2      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
  1093   1104 
     1      1 
> x <- as.numeric(names(t))
> plot(x,t,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,main="Cite input degrees / logs")
Warning message:
In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
  1 x value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot
> len <- length(t)
> z <- t[len:1]; y <- cumsum(z); z <- y[len:1]
> plot(x,z,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,xlab='Degree',ylab='Number', main="Cite input degrees cumulative / logs")
Warning message:
In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
  1 x value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot
> plot(x,t,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,xlab='Degree',ylab='Number', main="Cite input degrees / logs")
Warning message:
In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
  1 x value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot
> len <- length(t)
> z <- t[len:1]; y <- cumsum(z); z <- y[len:1]
> plot(x,z,log="xy",pch=16,cex=0.75,xlab='Degree',ylab='Number', main="Cite input degrees cumulative / logs")
Warning message:
In xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
  1 x value <= 0 omitted from logarithmic plot

Network simplificatin

1. C:\Mail.Ru Cloud\ANR HSE\ANR Projects\Mixed methods\Data\2019_FINAL DATASET\ (547407)
Number of vertices (n): 547407
                                       Arcs          Edges
Total number of lines                772665              0
Number of loops                          30              0
Number of multiple lines               3130              0

Density [loops allowed] = 0.00000258
Average Degree = 2.82300007

Remove loops
Remove - multiple lines - single line Simplification (Single line)

4. Simplification (Single Line) of N3 (547407)
Number of vertices (n): 547407
                                       Arcs          Edges
Total number of lines                769508              0
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density1 [loops allowed]    = 0.00000257
Density2 [no loops allowed] = 0.00000257
Average Degree = 2.81146569

Most cited works (old)

1	978	CRESWELL_J(2007):	Creswell J. W.	Designing and conducting mixed methods research	*****	2007
2	957	CRESWELL_J(2011):	Creswell J. W.	Best Practices for Mixed Methods Research in the Health Sciences	*****	2011
3	935	BRAUN_V(2006)3:77	Braun V.	Using thematic analysis in psychology	QUAL RES PSYCHOL	2006
4	813	MILES_M(1994):	Miles M.	Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook	*****	1994
5	593	PATTON_M(2002):	Patton M. G.	Qualitative research and evaluation methods	*****	2002
6	585	GLASER_B(1967):	Glaser, B.G.	The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research	*****	1967
7	554	JOHNSON_R(2004)33:14	Johnson, R. B.	Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come	*****	2004
8	502	LINCOLN_Y(1985):	Lincoln Y.S.	Naturalistic inquiry	*****	1985
9	469	CRESWELL_J(2003):	Creswell J. W.	Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. 4th edition	*****	2003
10	444	CARACELL_V(1989)11:255	Caracelli, Valerie J	Toward a conceptual framework for mixed-method evaluation designs	*****	1989
11	422	HSIEH_H(2005)15:1277	Hsieh HF	Three approaches to qualitative content analysis	QUAL HEALTH RES	2005
12	407	STRAUSS_A(1998):	Strauss A. L.	Basics of qualitative research	*****	1998
13	406	JOHNSON_R(2007)1:112	Johnson, RB	Toward a Definition of Mixed Methods Research	J MIX METHOD RES	2007
14	378	TASHAKKO_A(2003):	Tashakkori, A	Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research	*****	2003
15	341	TEDDLIE_C(2009):	Teddlie, Charles	 Foundations of mixed methods research: Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches in the social and behavioral sciences	*****	2009
16	327	CRESWELL_J(2009):	Creswell J. W.	 Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches	*****	2009
17	322	TASHAKKO_A(1998):	Tashakkori, Abbas	 Mixed methodology: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches	*****	1998
18	298	STRAUSS_A(1990):	Strauss A. L.	Basics of qualitative research	*****	1990
19	285	COHEN_J(1988):	Cohen J. 	Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences 	*****	1988
21	249	CRESWELL_J(2003):209	Creswell, John W	 Advanced mixed methods research designs	*****	2003
22	242	CHARMAZ_K(2006):	Charmaz K. 	Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis	*****	2006
23	236	PATTON_M(1990):	Patton MQ	Qualitative evaluation and research methods	*****	1990
25	227	GREENE_J(2007):	Greene, Jennifer C	 Mixed methods in social inquiry	*****	2007
28	212	BRYMAN_A(2006)6:97	Bryman, Alan	 Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: how is it done?	*****	2006
30	198	CRESWELL_J(2013):	Morgan, DL	 Paradigms Lost and Pragmatism Regained Methodological Implications of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Methods	J MIX METHOD RES	2007

Most cited works - FINAL dataset

2. Input Degree of N4 (547407)
Dimension: 547407
The lowest value:                         0.0000
The highest value:                     1069.0000

Highest values: 

      Rank    Vertex                       Value   Id
         1       655                   1069.0000   CRESWELL_J(2007):
         2       455                   1047.0000   CRESWELL_J(2011):
         3       185                    990.0000   BRAUN_V(2006)3:77
         4      2691                    907.0000   MILES_M(1994):
         5       900                    675.0000   JOHNSON_R(2004)33:14
         6      1877                    654.0000   PATTON_M(2002):
         7      1098                    643.0000   GLASER_B(1967):
         8      1045                    558.0000   LINCOLN_Y(1985):
         9      1590                    549.0000   CRESWELL_J(2003):
        10        59                    484.0000   JOHNSON_R(2007)1:112
        11      1039                    448.0000   HSIEH_H(2005)15:1277
        12      7758                    444.0000   TASHAKKO_A(2003):
        13      7002                    444.0000   CARACELL_V(1989)11:255
        14      1883                    438.0000   STRAUSS_A(1998):
        15      6915                    409.0000   TEDDLIE_C(2009):
        16      5968                    392.0000   CRESWELL_J(2009):
        17      5897                    368.0000   TASHAKKO_A(1998):
        18      3852                    326.0000   STRAUSS_A(1990):
        19      5400                    309.0000   COHEN_J(1988):
        20      8045                    296.0000   CRESWELL_J(2003):209
        21     12997                    274.0000   GREENE_J(2007):
        22      5663                    269.0000   PATTON_M(1990):
        23      1093                    260.0000   CHARMAZ_K(2006):
        24      5991                    259.0000   BRYMAN_A(2006)6:97
        25      1859                    244.0000   CRESWELL_J(2013):
        26      3531                    242.0000   [ANONYMO(2014):
        27     14146                    232.0000   [ANONYMO(2012):
        28        63                    231.0000   MORGAN_D(2007)1:48
        29        51                    224.0000   BRYMAN_A(2007)1:8
        30      7130                    220.0000   CRESWELL_J(2014):
        31       243                    211.0000   [ANONYMO(2011):
        32      3030                    203.0000   [ANONYMO(2013):
        33      1163                    202.0000   CORBIN_J(2008):
        34     14145                    193.0000   [ANONYMO(2010):
        35     43276                    189.0000   YIN_R(2003):
        36      6914                    188.0000   TASHAKKO_A(2010):
        37      6002                    186.0000   GRANEHEI_U(2004)24:105
        38      3029                    184.0000   [ANONYMO(2015):
        39      3589                    181.0000   BOYATZIS_R(1998):
        40      7613                    179.0000   BANDURA_A(1986):
        41      8722                    175.0000   MORSE_J(1991)40:120
        42      5812                    171.0000   YIN_R(2009):
        43      1323                    170.0000   WORLD_H(2010):
        44      5050                    170.0000   BANDURA_A(1997):
        45     10710                    169.0000   TEDDLIE_C(2007)1:77
        46     20453                    166.0000   VYGOTSKY_L(1978):
        47     17660                    163.0000   HANSON_W(2005)52:224
        48      3983                    161.0000   GUEST_G(2006)18:59
        49     48804                    161.0000   MORGAN_D(1998)8:362
        50      5923                    161.0000   POPE_C(2000)320:114
        51      1579                    160.0000   [ANONYMO(2009):
        52      4053                    158.0000   CRAIG_P(2008)337:a1655
        53      3559                    157.0000   LEECH_N(2009)43:265
        54      4756                    157.0000   SANDELOW_M(2000)23:334
        55       521                    154.0000   TONG_A(2007)19:349
        56      7518                    152.0000   JICK_T(1979)24:602
        57      5891                    152.0000   ROGERS_E(2003):
        58       379                    148.0000   LANDIS_J(1977)33:159
        59       644                    144.0000   AJZEN_I(1991)50:179
        60     27164                    143.0000   CRESWELL_J(2004)2:7
Sum (all values):                    769508.0000

Cited works - early years

2. C:\Mail.Ru Cloud\ANR HSE\ANR Projects\Mixed methods\Data\2019_FINAL DATASET_copy\Year.clu (547407)
Dimension: 547407
The lowest value:     0
The highest value: 2020

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0      5898    1.0774      5898    1.0774 DOWNE_S(0):WHAT_MATTERS_WOMEN_C
         1         1    0.0002      5899    1.0776 USAID(1)(2013):
         2         1    0.0002      5900    1.0778 USAID(2)(2014):
      1003         1    0.0002      5901    1.0780 FORD_C(1003):
      1093         1    0.0002      5902    1.0782 LEVISTRA_C(1093):
      1142         1    0.0002      5903    1.0784 GANTZ_J(1142):
      1513         1    0.0002      5904    1.0785 MACHIAVE_N(1513):
      1575         1    0.0002      5905    1.0787 FONTANED_H(1575):
      1595         1    0.0002      5906    1.0789 SHAKESPE_W(1595):
      1603         1    0.0002      5907    1.0791 SHAKESPE_W(1603):
      1610         1    0.0002      5908    1.0793 GALILEO_G(1610):
      1651         1    0.0002      5909    1.0795 HOBBES_T(1651):
      1669         1    0.0002      5910    1.0796 WEBB_J(1669):
      1676         1    0.0002      5911    1.0798 DEBES_L(1676):
      1687         1    0.0002      5912    1.0800 NEWTON_L(1687)6:
      1707         1    0.0002      5913    1.0802 SLOANE_H(1707):
      1710         1    0.0002      5914    1.0804 BERKELEY_G(1710):
      1724         1    0.0002      5915    1.0805 KANT_I(1724):
      1736         1    0.0002      5916    1.0807 HALE_M(1736):
      1739         1    0.0002      5917    1.0809 HUME_D(1739):
      1748         1    0.0002      5918    1.0811 HUME_D(1748):
      1750         1    0.0002      5919    1.0813 HUME_D(1750):
      1751         1    0.0002      5920    1.0815 HUME_D(1751):
      1756         1    0.0002      5921    1.0816 BROWNE_P(1756):
      1757         1    0.0002      5922    1.0818 LIND_J(1757):
      1758         1    0.0002      5923    1.0820 LINNAEUS_C(1758):
      1762         1    0.0002      5924    1.0822 ROUSSEAU_J(1762):
      1775         1    0.0002      5925    1.0824 ROMANS_B(1775):
      1776         3    0.0005      5928    1.0829 SMITH_A(1776):
      1781         1    0.0002      5929    1.0831 KANT_I(1781):
      1785         1    0.0002      5930    1.0833 WENDEBOR_G(1785):
      1786         1    0.0002      5931    1.0835 HUME_D(1786):
      1787         1    0.0002      5932    1.0837 KANT_I(1787):
      1788         1    0.0002      5933    1.0838 LAGRANGE_J(1788):
      1789         1    0.0002      5934    1.0840 DAIN_N(1789):
      1790         2    0.0004      5936    1.0844 ADAMS_J(1790):
      1791         1    0.0002      5937    1.0846 KUTTNER_G(1791):
      1794         3    0.0005      5940    1.0851 RUHKOPF_F(1794):
      1795         2    0.0004      5942    1.0855 HECHTIUS_F(1795):
      1796         1    0.0002      5943    1.0857 [ANONYMO(1796):
      1797         1    0.0002      5944    1.0858 SWARTZ_O(1797):
      1802         1    0.0002      5945    1.0860 MURRAY_J(1802):
      1803         1    0.0002      5946    1.0862 BURKE_E(1803)2:
      1805         1    0.0002      5947    1.0864 LACOSTE_P(1805):
      1807         2    0.0004      5949    1.0868 HEGEL_G(1807):
      1808         1    0.0002      5950    1.0869 PARKINSO_J(1808):
      1809         2    0.0004      5952    1.0873 HECHTIUS_F(1809):
      1811         3    0.0005      5955    1.0879 BREISLAK_S(1811):
      1812         1    0.0002      5956    1.0880 SMITH_R(1812):
      1813         2    0.0004      5958    1.0884 BAKEWELL_I(1813):
      1814         1    0.0002      5959    1.0886 LUNAN_J(1814):
      1815         3    0.0005      5962    1.0891 THE_D(1815):
      1816         1    0.0002      5963    1.0893 CLEAVELA_P(1816):
      1817         2    0.0004      5965    1.0897 SMITH_W(1817):
      1818         4    0.0007      5969    1.0904 BREISLAK_S(1818):
      1819         1    0.0002      5970    1.0906 AUBUISSO_D(1819):
      1820         1    0.0002      5971    1.0908 VONBUCH_L(1820):
      1821         1    0.0002      5972    1.0910 MACCULLO_J(1821):
      1822         2    0.0004      5974    1.0913 CONYBEAR_W(1822):
      1823         1    0.0002      5975    1.0915 THOMPSON_D(1823):
      1824         4    0.0007      5979    1.0922 BUCK_L(1824):
      1825         2    0.0004      5981    1.0926 MAWE_J(1825):
      1826         2    0.0004      5983    1.0930 GIRARDIN_J(1826):
      1827         5    0.0009      5988    1.0939 THE_M(1827)23:381
      1828         2    0.0004      5990    1.0942 JOHNS_J(1828):
      1829         6    0.0011      5996    1.0953 NIEMEYER_A(1829):
      1830         4    0.0007      6000    1.0961 LYELL_C(1830)1:
      1831         4    0.0007      6004    1.0968 CUVIER_G(1831):
      1833         7    0.0013      6011    1.0981 BOUBEE_N(1833):
      1834         4    0.0007      6015    1.0988 HAMILTON_W(1834)124:247
      1835         5    0.0009      6020    1.0997 HAMILTON_W(1835)125:95
      1836         3    0.0005      6023    1.1003 MANTELL_G(1836):
      1837         4    0.0007      6027    1.1010 DELABECH_H(1837):
      1838         5    0.0009      6032    1.1019 DELA_B(1838):
      1839         4    0.0007      6036    1.1027 SCHACHT_E(1839):
      1840         3    0.0005      6039    1.1032 HOLDEN_W(1840):
      1841         1    0.0002      6040    1.1034 PUGIN_A(1841):
      1842         2    0.0004      6042    1.1037 DICKENS_C(1842)1:
      1843         4    0.0007      6046    1.1045 DICKENS_C(1843):
      1844         4    0.0007      6050    1.1052 MARX_K(1844):
      1845         2    0.0004      6052    1.1056 MARX_K(1845)5:
      1846         1    0.0002      6053    1.1058 STEELE_G(1846):
      1847         1    0.0002      6054    1.1059 QUETELET_A(1847)3:135
      1848         2    0.0004      6056    1.1063 WILBRAHA_H(1848)3:1848
      1849         2    0.0004      6058    1.1067 VISSCHER_P(1849):
      1850         2    0.0004      6060    1.1070 KIRCHHOF_G(1850)40:51
      1851         1    0.0002      6061    1.1072 PUGIN_A(1851):
      1852         1    0.0002      6062    1.1074 [ANONYMO(1852):
      1853         1    0.0002      6063    1.1076 NEWMAN_J(1853):
      1854         1    0.0002      6064    1.1078 THOREAU_H(1854):
      1855         2    0.0004      6066    1.1081 CHAMBERL_W(1855):
      1857         4    0.0007      6070    1.1089 USHINSKY_K(1857):100
      1858         6    0.0011      6076    1.1100 INE(1858):
      1859         3    0.0005      6079    1.1105 MARX_K(1859):
      1860         3    0.0005      6082    1.1111 NIGHTING_F(1860):
      1861         2    0.0004      6084    1.1114 DOSTOEVS_F(1861):
      1862         1    0.0002      6085    1.1116 MONNIER_M(1862):
      1863         2    0.0004      6087    1.1120 MILL_J(1863):
      1864         2    0.0004      6089    1.1123 MARSH_G(1864):
      1865         2    0.0004      6091    1.1127 JEVONS_W(1865)28:294
       Sum    547407    1.1127

Boundary Cite - old

Simplify network

  Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0     13555    2.7151     13555    2.7151 HILL_M(2018)34:71
         1    403318   80.7846    416873   83.4997 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         2     51722   10.3599    468595   93.8596 BRASHERS_D(2004)16:305
         3     14692    2.9428    483287   96.8024 CHESNEY_M(1999)42:1162
         4      6023    1.2064    489310   98.0088 KALICHMA_S(2003)26:315
         5      2998    0.6005    492308   98.6093 CRESWELL_J(2015):57
         6      1710    0.3425    494018   98.9518 BOHREN_M(2014)11:71
         7      1082    0.2167    495100   99.1686 HEALTH_R(2013):

Treshold 2

13. Binarized C9 [3-*] (499251)
Dimension: 499251
The lowest value:  0
The highest value: 1

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    468595   93.8596    468595   93.8596 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         1     30656    6.1404    499251  100.0000 CHESNEY_M(1999)42:1162
       Sum    499251  100.0000


   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    482624   96.6696    482624   96.6696 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         1     16627    3.3304    499251  100.0000 HILL_M(2018)34:71
       Sum    499251  100.0000

Binarized + DC partitions
Max (First, Second)

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    452752   90.6862    452752   90.6862 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         1     46499    9.3138    499251  100.0000 CHESNEY_M(1999)42:1162
       Sum    499251  100.0000

Key Routes

Multiply by 100 for pic

Main path analysis FINAL data


Simplified network
Indegree partition - we choose 3 and more:

9. Input Degree Partition of N4 (547407)
Dimension: 547407
The lowest value:     0
The highest value: 1069

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0     16529    3.0195     16529    3.0195 HILL_M(2018)34:71
         1    439109   80.2162    455638   83.2357 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         2     57270   10.4621    512908   93.6977 BRASHERS_D(2004)16:305
         3     16512    3.0164    529420   96.7141 CHESNEY_M(1999)42:1162
         4      6753    1.2336    536173   97.9478 KALICHMA_S(2003)26:315
         5      3358    0.6134    539531   98.5612 LANGFORD_C(1997)25:95

Partition - Binarize partition - 3-*

12. Binarized C9 [3-*] (547407)
Dimension: 547407
The lowest value:  0
The highest value: 1

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    512908   93.6977    512908   93.6977 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         1     34499    6.3023    547407  100.0000 CHESNEY_M(1999)42:1162
       Sum    547407  100.0000


6. DCbin (547407)
Dimension: 547407
The lowest value:  0
The highest value: 1

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    529238   96.6809    529238   96.6809 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         1     18169    3.3191    547407  100.0000 HILL_M(2018)34:71
       Sum    547407  100.0000

Binarized + DC partitions
Max (First, Second)

13. Max of C6 and C12 (547407)
Dimension: 547407
The lowest value:  0
The highest value: 1

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    495661   90.5471    495661   90.5471 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
         1     51746    9.4529    547407  100.0000 CHESNEY_M(1999)42:1162
       Sum    547407  100.0000

Saved as Boundary.clu Operations - Network + Partition - Export

5. Extracting N4 according to C13 [1] (51746)
Number of vertices (n): 51746
                                       Arcs          Edges
Total number of lines                219131              0
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density1 [loops allowed]    = 0.00008184
Density2 [no loops allowed] = 0.00008184
Average Degree = 8.46948556


15. Strong Components of N5 [>=2] (51746, comp.=16)
Dimension: 51746
The lowest value:   0
The highest value: 16

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0     51709   99.9285     51709   99.9285 CHESNEY_M(1999)42:1162
         1         4    0.0077     51713   99.9362 FETTERS_M(2013)48:2134
         2         5    0.0097     51718   99.9459 BROWNSON_R(2012)43:S271
         3         2    0.0039     51720   99.9498 ROHLFING_I(2018)47:37
         4         2    0.0039     51722   99.9536 PETTICRE_M(2013)66:1230
         5         2    0.0039     51724   99.9575 MCINNES_S(2015)15:437
         6         2    0.0039     51726   99.9613 YEH_C(2007)35:369
         7         2    0.0039     51728   99.9652 WATSON_S(2013)38:95
         8         2    0.0039     51730   99.9691 MOORTGAT_J(2012)48:2011WR011736
         9         2    0.0039     51732   99.9729 SCANLAN_T(2003)25:377
        10         2    0.0039     51734   99.9768 COOPER_S(2007)24:630
        11         2    0.0039     51736   99.9807 HEYVAERT_M(2014)27:493
        12         2    0.0039     51738   99.9845 GAMBREL_L(2015)41:25
        13         2    0.0039     51740   99.9884 CLASSEN_S(2006)22:99
        14         2    0.0039     51742   99.9923 ROMERO_D(2012)37:995
        15         2    0.0039     51744   99.9961 KORTZ_K(2011)474:171
        16         2    0.0039     51746  100.0000 BIKOS_L(2007)34:28
       Sum     51746  100.0000 - 37 nodes

7. Preprint Transformation of N5 (51783)
Number of vertices (n): 51783
                                       Arcs          Edges
Total number of lines                219183              0
Number of loops                           0              0
Number of multiple lines                  0              0

Density1 [loops allowed]    = 0.00008174
Density2 [no loops allowed] = 0.00008174
Average Degree = 8.46544233

Traversal weights - Search path count

Citation Weights: Search Path Count (SPC)
Flow = 464793497
Weights of arcs and weights of vertices normalized by: 464793497
 Time spent:  0:00:00

Main path

Global search - Standart

9. Standard Global Main Path of N8 (29)
Number of vertices (n): 29 For picture: values of lines are multiplied by 10

Key Routes

Global search - Key Routes [1-30]

14. Key-Route Global Main Path [1-30] of N8 (43)
Number of vertices (n): 43

Interesting situation with Fetters: two nodes became connected to each other, even though there are no loops in the original network:

Input: FETTERS_M(2013)48:2134
Possible Matching: FETTERS_M(2013)48:2134 (150)

Input: FETTERS_M(2013)48:2134
Possible Matching: =FETTERS_M(2013)48:2134 (51747)


64. Islands [Line Weights] in N8 [10,100] (51783, Islands=11)
Dimension: 51783
The lowest value:   0
The highest value: 11

Frequency distribution of cluster values:

   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0     51482   99.4187     51482   99.4187         1
         1        11    0.0212     51493   99.4400       217
         2        10    0.0193     51503   99.4593       774
         3        10    0.0193     51513   99.4786      5319
         4        89    0.1719     51602   99.6505     29146
         5        19    0.0367     51621   99.6872      1467
         6        10    0.0193     51631   99.7065      1989
         7        10    0.0193     51641   99.7258     17164
         8        14    0.0270     51655   99.7528      3545
         9        11    0.0212     51666   99.7741     17185
        10        18    0.0348     51684   99.8088      4199
        11        99    0.1912     51783  100.0000        11
       Sum     51783  100.0000

Extracted largest - 99 and 89. 99 looks ok, 89 is different. Have titles.
Titles_Different Subgroups.xls

Most cited papers from 2010

N4` (547407)
Input degree of N4 (547407)
Year.clu (547407)

Select Year.clu - Binarize by 2010:

110. Binarized C2 [2010-*] (547407)
Dimension: 547407
The lowest value:  0
The highest value: 1
Frequency distribution of cluster values:
   Cluster      Freq     Freq%   CumFreq  CumFreq% Representative
         0    338784   61.8889    338784   61.8889 BRASHERS_D(2004)16:305
         1    208623   38.1111    547407  100.0000 ABBOTT_L(2015)26:340
       Sum    547407  100.0000

Operations - Vector + Partition - Extract [1]
Operations - Network + Partition - Extract [1]

9. Extracting from V2 vertices determined by C110 [1] (208623)
Dimension: 208623
The lowest value:                         0.0000
The highest value:                     1047.0000

Highest values: 

      Rank    Vertex                       Value   Id
         1       268                   1047.0000   CRESWELL_J(2011):
         2       999                    244.0000   CRESWELL_J(2013):
         3      1960                    242.0000   [ANONYMO(2014):
         4      7924                    232.0000   [ANONYMO(2012):
         5      4115                    220.0000   CRESWELL_J(2014):
         6       144                    211.0000   [ANONYMO(2011):
         7      1641                    203.0000   [ANONYMO(2013):
         8      7923                    193.0000   [ANONYMO(2010):
         9      3995                    188.0000   TASHAKKO_A(2010):
        10      1640                    184.0000   [ANONYMO(2015):
        11       747                    170.0000   WORLD_H(2010):
        12       270                    140.0000   FETTERS_M(2013)48:2134
        13       183                    132.0000   AMERICAN_P(2013):
        14      4560                    128.0000   DEPARTME_O(2011):
        15      2108                    124.0000   DEPARTME_O(2010):
        16      1936                    122.0000   WORLD_H(2014):
        17       375                    118.0000   CRESWELL_J(2012):
        18      3895                    114.0000   DEPARTME_O(2012):
        19       758                    113.0000   WORLD_H(2013):
        20      1856                    112.0000   WORLD_H(2012):
        21      2153                    106.0000   WORLD_H(2015):
        22       727                    103.0000   [ANONYMO(2016):
        23       645                    101.0000   DEPARTME_O(2013):
        24      1297                     99.0000   U_S(2010):
        25     12522                     97.0000   WORLD_H(2011):
        26      4805                     96.0000   CRESWELL_J(2015):
        27       766                     95.0000   CRESWELL_J(2010):
        28      5935                     91.0000   O'CATHAI_A(2010)341:c4587
        29      8222                     79.0000   MINISTRY_O(2010):
        30       303                     78.0000   INSTITUT_O(2011):
        31       555                     78.0000   MILES_M(2014):
        32      1376                     76.0000   QSR_I(2012):
        33      9297                     76.0000   HESSE-BI_S(2010):
        34       256                     72.0000   PLUYE_P(2011):
        35      5231                     71.0000   U_S(2011):
        36      6915                     69.0000   MINISTRY_O(2012):
        37      1478                     67.0000   PACE_R(2012)49:47
        38      5098                     67.0000   CENTERS_F(2014):
        39       113                     66.0000   GALE_N(2013)13:117
        40      2285                     66.0000   PALINKAS_L(2011)38:44
        41      1102                     66.0000   PLUYE_P(2014)35:29
        42      5360                     64.0000   MINISTRY_O(2013):
        43      4476                     64.0000   YIN_R(2014):
        44      1545                     63.0000   U_S(2012):
        45      5311                     63.0000   SALDANA_J(2013):
        46      2029                     62.0000   FEILZER_M(2010)4:6
        47     12272                     62.0000   ALISE_M(2010)4:103
        48      2520                     62.0000   UNITED_N(2015):
        49        76                     61.0000   WORLD_H(2016):
        50      9240                     61.0000   MINISTRY_O(2011):
        51      4214                     61.0000   SMALL_M(2011)37:57
        52      6463                     59.0000   NATIONAL_I(2013):
        53     11262                     59.0000   NATIONAL_C(2010):
        54     10333                     59.0000   NATIONAL_C(2013):
        55      4540                     59.0000   BRYMAN_A(2012):
        56       760                     58.0000   WHO(2010):
        57      4765                     58.0000   MOORE_G(2015)350:h1258
        58      3426                     57.0000   U_S(2013):
        59      3341                     57.0000   WHO(2012):
        60      1546                     57.0000   U_S(2014):
        61      3361                     55.0000   DEPARTME_O(2014):
        62     16184                     54.0000   CENTERS_F(2013):
        63      9472                     54.0000   UNITED_N(2013):
        64      4655                     53.0000   NATIONAL_R(2012):
        65      8103                     52.0000   CASTRO_F(2010)4:342
        66      3177                     52.0000   INSTITUT_O(2010):
        67       644                     52.0000   DEPARTME_O(2015):
        68       305                     52.0000   OSTLUND_U(2011)48:369
        69     30661                     51.0000   CENTERS_F(2011):
        70     12975                     51.0000   MINISTRY_O(2014):
        71        40                     51.0000   [ANONYMO(2017):
        72      9377                     50.0000   NATIONAL_C(2011):
        73      7110                     49.0000   VENKATES_V(2013)37:21
        74      3421                     49.0000   NATIONAL_I(2014):
        75      3379                     49.0000   SANDELOW_M(2010)33:77
        76      6296                     49.0000   WHO(2013):
        77      1293                     49.0000   PALINKAS_L(2011)62:255
        78      3425                     48.0000   U_S(2015):
        79     12825                     48.0000   WHO(2011):
        80      1707                     47.0000   AARONS_G(2011)38:4
        81       783                     47.0000   DENZIN_N(2011):
        82       120                     46.0000   MICHIE_S(2011)6:42
        83      7324                     46.0000   CLARK_V(2010)16:428
        84      7079                     46.0000   HAIR_J(2010):
        85       670                     46.0000   PATTON_M(2015):
        86      9285                     46.0000   CHARMAZ_K(2014):
        87      4075                     45.0000   MINISTRY_O(2015):
        88     20306                     45.0000   UNITED_N(2014):
        89      3488                     44.0000   HIGGINS_J(2011):
        90     12906                     44.0000   PROCTOR_E(2011)38:65
        91     14480                     43.0000   NATIONAL_I(2012):
        92     14219                     43.0000   UNITED_N(2010):
        93      1547                     43.0000   US_D(2010):
        94      9489                     43.0000   NATIONAL_I(2011):
        95      1103                     43.0000   POLIT_D(2012):
        96      2152                     43.0000   WHO(2015):
        97     26194                     42.0000   CENTERS_F(2012):
        98      3101                     42.0000   KRIPPEND_K(2013):
        99      2990                     42.0000   NATIONAL_C(2015):
       100     11263                     42.0000   NATIONAL_C(2012):
Sum (all values):                    257543.0000